Wednesday, 8 November 2023

Speak a good word to those who are weary

"Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad"         
                                                                    Proverbs 12:25   NKJV 

Most places that we go these days, people are suffering anxiety. This may be caused in many ways, but the result is the same, a heavy heart. People are carrying a great weight around, worrying about various things, some of which they can do nothing about. This causes depression; that great hole of darkness that people find so hard to escape from.
This is why, the writer of Hebrews writes, 'let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith'  12:1-2.

Note that these verses talk about a 'race'. This means that we live a competitive life as we battle with sin and the heaps of problems that come our way because of it. But, we are not competing against any other Christian - we are all the same and each one of us has the same struggles as we make our way to the finishing post. We are though, in a competition with Satan. He doesn't want us to get there so, he throws all he can at us to attempt to prevent us. This can cause weariness and at the first sign of this, we need to speak with Jesus. He told His disciples to make sure that they had rest and it's the same for us. In His humanity, if Jesus had to sleep and rest, then so do we. However, when the mind is buzzing with worry after worry, it is not easy.

It can be so helpful when someone comes to us and tells us, ''I'm praying for you and I'm only a 'phone call away'. It may not have an immediate impact on you but, it has been registered in your mind and you realise that, you have at least one friend. I say this because when a person is depressed, it's easy to feel the whole world is against us. In the same way, if you meet with someone who is having a difficult time, why not try to get alongside of them and offer encouragement. A word in season can help pick this person up and help them get back to the race. I watched an athletic event recently where a competitor saw someone on the floor and he picked them up and raced to the line carrying him. This is what Jesus would do and what todays blog is all about.

We never know what may have happened to a person who is depressed, anxious and in despair. It could be anything - money problems, bad health, broken relationship or just some kind of emotional pain. As someone who has suffered depression and PTSD for some time, it is not easy to overcome, and with added problems can lead to a nervous breakdown. I know and the loneliness, emotional pain and helplessness is very debilitating. There comes a time when calling on Jesus is such a great help; but, until the time that the person is ready for this, just an encouraging word, prayer and love can help lead the way.

Don't walk on by a weary person, one day it could be you.

If you are not born again and want to be, here I’ll below is a prayer of salvation:
'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                   

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