Monday, 18 December 2023

Are you Irritable?

"(LOVE)  -  is not irritable"     1 Corinthians 13:5   CSB 

When we wear some type of clothing, it can tend to irritate our skin, and if we don't rectify this, our skin can be very sore. It's the same with some leather shoes or boots. Perhaps the leather is of good quality and very stiff. It needs breaking in before we can use them regularly. Maybe some parts of our car can begin to rub against some other component because a rubber washer or spacer has worn out. This can cause excessive damage. 
All three of these examples can rub against each other and this can cause wear and tear. When there is something in our lives that cause us irritability it can rub us up the wrong way and friction can be caused. This can lead to arguments and anger.

Paul says that love is not irritable. At times we become irritated by certain people but, we don't really know why. They just tend to rub us up the wrong way. We can become irritable with ourselves when things don't turn out the way we had hoped. We can be fixated on something and begin to have such a determination to achieve some task that we become like a perfectionist. We need to remember that there is only one who is perfect and that, is Jesus. 

Did you realise that a root of perfectionism is fear? It's true, the perfectionist strives to get everything done perfectly and may ignore other things in life to achieve this. It can become so intense that they are fearful that if they don't live up to their intentions,  others will think they are a failure. This in itself can lead to irritability.

In our relationships, especially our marriage, if we're not careful, we can leave people out of things because we are so wrapped up in what we are doing. This can mean that we treat them like, they don't exist. This again, can lead to irritability. We need to remember that we are all different. You may like something that someone else doesn't. This doesn't mean it is wrong, But it becomes that way if the other one causes a problem over it. It leads to being irritable. 

Irritability is akin to being grumpy, something we can all be at times - (ask my wife). So we need to target that area and train ourselves to not be this way. It will take practice but it is achievable. Write down in your bible, as a reminder, "I will not be irritable!"

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:

'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                   

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