Sunday, 17 December 2023

Record of wrongs

"(LOVE) - and it keeps no record of being wronged."   1 Corinthians 13:5   NLT

This is an area in which we all have to be careful of. Be honest, how many records have you kept of people that have wronged you? Two books full? six or even a whole library of them? You may laugh, but we shouldn't be doing this. 'Yes, but you don't know what they did to me.' No, I don't, but God does so let Him sort this for you. 'It makes me angry when I think about it.' Well stop thinking about it, then you won't be so angry. It's not as easy as that.' It is if you want it to be. It's a choice, one we all have to make. 

What did Jesus do when He was being tortured by the soldiers before His crucifixion? What did He do and say when He hung on the cross? 'Father forgive them because they know not what they're doing.' We all have choices; we can either choose to write it down in our Record of Wrongs, seething with anger and revenge every time we read it. Or, we can choose to forget it because, it is not edifying us when we think about such things. It is making a decision that no matter how wronged we have been, it is of no use to us. It is holding us back because it burns within us. Making the decision to cast it away from us and towards Jesus, is the most sensible of things we can do.

When you do this or consider it, you may be bombarded by all the reasons you shouldn't ever forget what was done to you. You have been used and abused, made a laughing stock and hurt to the core. Why should you forget this? Why should you let someone off the hook? Because, it is holding you back and let's face it, Jesus wants you to forgive and that means not rising to the bait when it comes into your thoughts again - which it may do. Be mindful of one thing, who is actually doing this to you? Who is making your life a misery by keeping the wound open? The person that hurt you isn't. They may have died and yet the memory is still there. It's the devil and he doesn't want you to let anyone off the hook. If you let him, he will reduce you to a bundle of hopelessness. This is not God's best for you, is it? Therefore, rise up and decide to dispose of the record of wrongs from now on. And start living live to the full; start living your life as Jesus intends. Hold your head up high and make your Daily Life with Jesus count.

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:

'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                   

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