Friday, 29 December 2023

Be in charge of your mouth

 "You must all be slow to speak"   James 1:19   NLT

Having covered the area of listening, or in some people's case, not listening, we now come to the area of speech. Some people have very little to say. It's not that they are being rude, they are just built this way. They are quiet by nature and, they can make better listeners than the ones who talk a lot.
We need to speak, it is the number one way in which we communicate with other people and, with God. However, there are limits because some people can talk for a very long time. The one who limits their speech tend to be the ones that get things done. Those that speak a lot can lose the point of what they are trying to say and have to be reminded. Some people talk a lot because they're lonely and welcome the flow of a conversation, while others, are people who get straight to the point and nothing more. Perhaps the ideal is to find somewhere in the middle of this, if that's possible.

There is a danger in speaking too soon. It's possible that the conversation can be misheard, where the speaker may then jump in, challenging something that they thought had been said. It is imperative that we be slow to speak as James advises us. We tend to feel there won't be enough time to get our point over so we, try to jump in when there is a gap in the conversation. Having an itinerary of what you need to speak about is a good idea. However, it must be flexible with thought given beforehand of what people may say about your comments. Obviously, this is only a guide because, the conversation may go another way.

Of course when we speak, we should have a good idea of what is being said. In a  meeting, it can be so easy to drift off and lose your concentration. This leads to  confusion and a vote of no confidence from others. Of course, not all of our conversation is concerned with meetings. There are the every day ones too. But, we still need to be slow to react to another person's comments because, it's still so easy to blurt out a load of gobbledegook. So be careful. 
A big mistake we can fall for by rushing to speak is, making promises that you know you can't keep or, will cause you extra work later. We've all done this. This is the peril of speaking too soon. 

Well, tomorrow, we'll look at the final topic James speaks about - Anger. 
Have a great day!

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:

'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                   

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