Thursday, 28 December 2023

Be in charge of your ears

"You must all be: quick to listen."    James 1:19   NLT 

I can make no apology for addressing this subject again. I must do what the Holy Spirit tells me, and this is it. So for the next three days, we will look at the areas:

Many is the time that we just go about our business and don't really listen to what we are being told. We do it with the people around us, people at work and people in our families. We are even doing it with God and, that is serious. Now whether we do it on purpose, are too busy to stop and consider what is being said or, believe that we know it all, we are showing people no dignity. 
These three examples above, display what could be considered, as a rude attitude. We may come up against people who are always critical about what we do, so we can tend to cut them out of our hearing, after all, what do they know about it all. We can be so busy that we say, 'Sorry, I just can't stop and speak right now. I'm up to my eyeballs with this job.' This leads to us thinking: These people know nothing about my business. I know what I am doing.' Do you recognise any of these? These all lead to a demonstration of being rude and wind people up so much that, they may feel, 'Well get on with it then. You know where I am when it goes wrong.' 
You may not even recognise that you're doing this and that in itself, shows you that you may need some fine tuning. People around you want to help but, you can drive them away.

There is nothing more annoying than speaking with someone who is not really listening. You can see it; they look at their watch, look out of the window at something, answer their mobile when they're supposed to be listening to you. Are you like this? You're not giving anyone dignity if you are. If you do it with people, then you'll do it with God. 'No I won't.' No? What about those times when you're praying or reading your bible when suddenly, a thought comes into your mind and you start focusing on that instead of God? He is talking to you, it may be important but, you're not listening. It is rude.
There are a lot of hurting and confused people around you right now. Have you noticed them? God may be telling you to speak with them, help them or whatever. However, if you don't listen, you'll miss it altogether.

If this applies to you, then stop being self-centered. You may need someone to listen to you, one day and it may be sooner than you think. How will you feel if the person who can help is too busy to see you, or if you manage to see them, is writing something, answering a mobile, looking at their watch and showing you all the signs that they're too busy to listen to what you have to say? If you want to receive dignity, you must offer it as well, and one way is to listen to people and to God. Sorry, I'm only the messenger 😐

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:

'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                   

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