Friday, 22 December 2023

Don't forget Jesus

"Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead..."   2 Timothy 2:8    CSB 

Christmas is a busy time, with all the hustle and bustle, standing in supermarket queues which seems like days, the wrapping of presents. The list is endless. One thing we should never do though, and that is leave Jesus out of the moment. After-all, Christmas is really about Him or should be. As the old saying goes, 'He is the reason for the season'.
With only a few days to go before that wonderful time of year - Christmas Day, the clock is ticking. Children have finished school and are becoming so excited. The big children - us, are no different as we get ready for the festivities. But don't forget Jesus.

We have all been blessed in the past with things that Jesus has done for us but, let's be honest, with busy days around us, that blessing can soon be forgotten as we become involved in other things. Let us make it that Jesus, is uppermost in our lives. He is the most important part of us. He was there on the first Christmas Day, wrapped up and sleeping in a manger. This is why He is, the 'Reason for the season.' It is all about Him.

Mind you, He wants us to enjoy ourselves over this period, all He wants is to be remembered for who he is; what He has done and, what He will do for us forever more. So find a time for Him, after-all, as some say, it's His birthday. Just a 'Happy Birthday Jesus.' shows that we are thinking about Him. 

Think back over the past year. There have been good times, not so good times, exciting times and also scary times. One thing - Jesus has been with us through all of the many occasions. We are still here to praise, worship and thank Him for everything - our families, our health, our homes and food and for the presents we are wrapping up now. There are still a few days before the actual day so, no doubt, there is more shopping, present wrapping or buying to be done. 

Just think; that first Christmas, Mary and Joseph had been looking for somewhere to stay. But, there was a census taking place, so everywhere was full. So the King of kings, Jesus, was born in a stable. Not an ideal place to give birth but, it had to be done. And, aren't we glad Jesus came. If He hadn't, it would have been a totally different story. We have a lot to thank Him for.

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:

'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                   

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