"Forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead."
Philippians 3:13 CSB
We're told in various places in the bible, not to look back. Here Paul is forgetting what is behind and reaching to what is ahead. The thing is, occasionally we need to look back so that we can assess how far we have come. However, we are not to look back by living in the past. The past is over, it's a new day and there is a new way forward. Look at Lot's wife (Genesis 19:17- 26). They had been told to get out of Sodom as it was going to be destroyed. Clearly they were told not to look back. However, Lot's wife did, and she was turned into a pillar of salt. Not nice.
We also need to remember things that God has done for us. This is also looking back. As we do this, we are strengthened when we realise that He turned up at just the right time for us. So, the title of this study today is, 'What have you learned this year?' To do this, you need to look back to assess how things have gone. Therefore, this past year:
How has your life been this past year? Think back and make a list of the things that you have achieved or even failed at. If you have failed at something, what made this happen? Did you do something wrong or did life prevent you from achieving what you had set out to do? There is nothing wrong in failing. Ask Thomas Edison, he failed many times as he was inventing things. One of them was the Electric Light Bulb. I read it took him 1001 times to achieve this before it worked properly. If he had given up in frustration we would have still been using candles until someone else had succeeded.
Write two lists: your SUCCESS list and your UNSUCCESSFUL list. As you list these down, leave a space to answer why you were successful, what did you do to achieve this. On the other list write why you were unsuccessful, what happened to prevent success. Then when you have finished your two lists read them prayerfully and allow God to show you where you could have been even more successful or what you could do to improve the unsuccessful ones.
These lists can help you determine what progress you have made, what you could do to improve. This could mean spending more time in prayer and reading God's word. If you find you have not made much progress at all, ask God why this is; what are you missing. He will answer this very quickly.
Now write a list about:
Then use your list to assess how you are doing. You'll be surprised how God can help you in this area.If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.
In Jesus' Name. Amen'
Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.
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