Monday, 15 January 2024

The schemes of the devil. Part 2

"Catch the foxes for us - the little foxes that ruin the vineyards - for our vineyards are in bloom."               Song of Songs  2:15   CSB 

This is quite a vivid example of how little things can wreck a relationship. There is a need to identify and catch your own personal foxes before it is too late. There are many kinds of problems that can infiltrate a loving relationship and leave it disturbed or in some cases, utterly destroyed. The lovers here, wanted anything that could cause them trouble, removing. And, this is a good place to start with your own relationship(s).

As we saw from yesterday's reading, foxes are very sly and cunning. They creep into situations to catch their prey. This is why people who have chickens, need to make sure that they are secure and safe. Marriage is an institution that the devil loves to attack and destroy if he has the opportunity. Therefore, husbands and wives need to ensure their  behaviour is in line with God's wishes, after-all, He is the one that brought you together in the first place. There should be no secrets because, the devil will take these and dramatise them, adding bits and pieces so that there is something there, which is not. If you watch any soaps on TV, you will see this in action where a partner doesn't tell their spouse about certain things. This is really a recipe for disaster. There should be no secrets between man and wife unless it is for family reasons, such as planning a birthday etc.

Please accept that the devil is real and he doesn't like you. In fact, you are an enemy so, if he can, he will strive to disable and disarm you. Just the fact that he classes you as his enemy, puts you on a higher level than him. He has no part in the Kingdom of God, he will never enjoy eternity. You will and so, he is jealous and will lie about you, falsely accuse you, criticise and gossip about you and if he can. destroy everything that is precious to you. Wise up; make sure that you catch these little foxes, if you don't, they will eat everything you have.

As a bit of a country bumpkin, I love wildlife, especially foxes. But I'm wise enough to realise the damage they can cause if they have the chance. And this is why we should be aware of the little foxes that creep around us, our marriage and family and far beyond that. As we have to be wise with an actual fox, we also need to be wise with the little ones that can really cause us problems. So be careful here.

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                                   

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