Wednesday, 14 February 2024

Our Five Senses. - HEARING

"My son, give attention to My words; incline your ear to my sayings".  
                                         Proverbs 4:20   NKJV 

Today, we come to our last session of the five senses and this is, 
Our hearing is a most wonderful gift, one in which, people with a hearing loss long to be able to enjoy. With good hearing we can hear birds, making their beautiful music and calls as we walk through a wood, along a bank or just sit and listen to the Dawn Chorus on those precious, early summer mornings. We all need to thank God, for the special gift of hearing.
People who suffer a hearing loss, probably only hear a fraction of what someone with healthy hearing can. It can be very frustrating for the person with the loss because they can get the words all muddled up and have to keep asking for someone to repeat what they have said. This can make the other person frustrated at having to keep repeating themselves. This only leads the person with the loss, to close down on people and put themselves in a corner, not entering into conversations for the fear they have of getting it wrong. Hearing aids can help tremendously but not all the time and some people have to have surgery for a Cochlear Implant to help them hear just that little better. Sadly, this is not always successful.

If you have good hearing, try and spare a thought for the one with the hearing loss. They may have had prayer put not received their healing yet. Try and help them to come out of their enforced shell. If they are familiar with British Sign Language, try and learn this yourself so you can at least have something in common with them. The one thing you have is what they long for - good hearing. It can really be a depressing area for these people, lost in a world of their own. People may ignore them because, 'They can't hear me anyway.' Don't ever be like that. Jesus wasn't like that when He met with deaf people. He healed them, loved them and showed them respect. Try and do the same. They're not aliens, they are people who for many reasons have lost their hearing or some were born this way.

Look at our text today, '"My son, give attention to My words; incline your ear to my sayings." This is what Jesus would be telling each of us to do and this includes people who are deaf. Just try and imagine what it is like to be this way. Try to imagine what you would like people to do for you if you had a hearing loss and then do it. You can hear the preacher when he preaches, they struggle even though there may be a loop. With hearing aids, a chair scraping can be louder than the worship music and with everybody singing or talking, it can be a hopeless case to make sense of it all. 
You may not be able to change things for these people but, you can pray for them. You can also get alongside them and encourage them. But try not to embarrass them by making them the centre of attention. Gently does it here. 

Hearing loss can happen to any of us, especially as we get older. You may be able to hear well at the moment but, further down the line, this could change and this would leave you in a similar position. Thank God for your hearing, you are so blessed to be able to use this gift. But spare a thought and prayer for those who are suffering.

Well, we've come to the end of our series on the five senses. I hope you benefitted by it.

Let’s pray: Father, today we  hear your voice, taste more of your presence, touch your heart, smell your sweet perfume and see your glory. Speak to us, teach us and help us to get revelation from your word, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

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