Monday, 25 March 2024

Be content and at peace

"I lay down and slept"    Psalm 3:5   NKJV 

So you have a dream and you have the faith to fulfil it. That is brilliant. However, don't expect everyone else to share your feelings. As soon as you mention it to anyone, especially in the church, you may get mixed messages. Some will not say much at all, others will be behind you but many will completely destroy your dream before its past the planning stage. There are dream killers and faith robbers wherever we go. Really, it is better not to mention it at all in the initial stages and then, as time goes on, reveal a little bit to people who you can trust. 

David had this. Let's face it, he made a few bad decisions and got himself into very hot water because of it. His very first attempt at sharing a plan was when he had decided to go up against Goliath. To many, it was a crazy thought. I mean, here was this skinny teenager with no real weapons or battledress going into a fight with a 9'6" warrior with a sword that probably weighed more than David alone. However, he was adamant, David knew it was his mission and nothing was going to stop him. He went into battle and had the victory. What made him so victorious? His reliance on God. Of course he recognised the dangers but, he recognised that God was with him and that was all he needed. 

You may be a Christian in a secular work place. If you mention your faith, sooner or later people are going to want to know more. This can incite you, and as you share more you may feel that the people are interested. They may be, but, then again, they may be thinking the opposite and that you are weird. This may lead to nasty comments about what you have told them and it can feel like the whole work place is against you. Try to speak about their interests instead of your own, put them first allowing them to see that you are normal after all. Let them take the floor instead of yourself. 

There is no need to water things down but, you can choose the right words about your faith and little by little they may begin to feel ok with you. Don't get yourself into such a state of affairs that you dread going there. At the time of this Psalm, David was going through a tricky stage of his life but, he kept his eyes on God and when he rested at night, he said "I lay down and slept" And so should you.. If you can't, you may have it wrong.

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

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