Saturday, 23 March 2024

Return to your Father

"and we will come back to you."   Genesis 22:5   NKJV 

I can't seem to be able to move away from the text that I gave you yesterday. God has not finished with this scripture, yet. So here goes with what He is telling me.

Many people throughout their Christian walk, tend to lose their way a little and like a lost sheep, they begin to walk by another route. Probably you may know one of them within your own family unit. It may also be you. Therefore, let's look at a well-known piece of scripture concerning this and pick the bones out of it. 
The Prodigal Son in Luke 15 is a great example of what backsliding is. He had itchy feet and wanted his inheritance paying to him and then he went off on a wild adventure. Initially, this was great. He had no one to tell him what to do, he was away from his jealous brother and he had a new life ahead of him. What could be better?
You know, that old saying, 'the grass is always greener on the other side' This is so true. We are almost on a high that we cannot see the problems that lay ahead - just pleasure. Many marriages fall apart just by this condition. It may seem a better life over the road, but nine times out of ten, it isn't and many people have found this out - painfully.
When the high living was taking place, the Prodigal was having a great time, friends, booze and every other pleasure. Sadly, many things come to an end rather quickly, and when this happened for the Prodigal, he had no money, nowhere to live and his friends deserted him. He was on the streets, down and out eating pig swill. But Luke 15:17 says something very important: 'But when he came to himself.' Six little words that were going to change his live. He came to his senses and thought: 'What am I doing?' 

And today, God's heart is breaking as He stands there looking for their return. You may be one of these. You used to go to church but, it was boring, too many rules and regulations and, sorry to say, hypocrites too. But just lately you have been giving this some thought and you are tempted to return. Sadly though, there is a price to pay - there always is. You will have to go back and see the same old faces that were there before. Yes, there will be the one's who whisper, 'I told you so. I wonder how long he will stay this time.' You will always find this attitude if you return. The Prodigal's brother was no different. The thing is, what is more important, Jesus or what someone may say about you? 

It's a big step to return to somewhere that you left. It can be like walking into a bar in the old cowboy films where when you walk in, the music stops and everyone stares. Let me tell you, 'Who cares?' These people will not be able to get you into Heaven, only Jesus can do this, so who are you going to back -  the loser or Jesus the winner?

Come on, dust yourself down, hold your head up high and get back where you belong

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

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