Sunday, 14 April 2024

Are you a snapper?

"A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare."
                                                           Proverbs 15:1  NLT 

This verse comes up over and over again. When this happens, I believe that it is God's way of reminding us that we need to get this area right within us. 
Have you ever noticed that when you are busy people tend to interrupt you. It may be the 'phone or someone calling to have a chat. Somehow, it is like they always pick the busy times. But perhaps you need to ask yourself if this is a description of yourself - 'Busy'. People can be busy doing nothing. If you are the type who likes to get things done instead of leaving it until tomorrow, you may fall into the 'Busy' mode. Ask yourself, who has made you feel this way. Have you got a boss who drives you forward all the time, demanding that the job needs completing. If so, perhaps you need to speak with him or her and let them know that you are doing the best you can do. This may not go down too well but, it is better than getting yourself all wound up with frustration and anger. Martha was like this with her sister Mary. It felt that she was doing all of the work and Mary wasn't, she was spending time with Jesus (Luke 10:40-42.

You may be self-employed or have a job where to a degree you manage your own case load. It is important that you remain in control. Is there any point in getting yourself all wound up and angry? No, there is not, so you need to take the control. You may work from home and have a business to run together with a busy house to take care of. Whatever you do, you need to make some changes because, what you are doing is not working. The way you take control is to, look at all that needs doing - today. Break the workload down into manageable pieces, without making it too hard to handle. You must give yourself time to work with these things. You need to prioritise - what is the most important and so on. If you have appointments and they can be moved easily without problems occurring, then do this. This may give you a little breathing space. Listen, there is no mileage in trying to do everything at once. You will burn yourself out and snapping at someone when they interrupt you, may be a sign that you need to slow down.

Think for a moment, God always has time for you, doesn't He? Yes, He is God but, He gives us all a blue print on how we should handle things, and snapping at people is not one of them. If you are doing this, you need to stop what you are doing and analyse why this is happening. If you can't see why, ask God, He will show you. But one thing is for sure, you know that it is wrong so begin to make some changes today. Write down some of your experiences of the day where you have snapped at someone. Play the video back of this event and ask yourself, 'Why did I do that, what could I have done better?' This kind of thing works but it can only work if you will allow it to. Why not begin right now?

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

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