Saturday, 25 May 2024

Freedom from Slavery

"Therefore, if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed."  John 8:36  NKJV 

Back in January 1863 in the USA, the Emancipation Proclamation was declared. This document said that all slaves were now free. However, in Texas someone kept it a secret for a further couple of years. They were still in bondage and people continued acting as slaves because, no one had told them that they were free. They continued this way until 19 June 1865, when some 2000 Union troops arrived in Galveston Bay, Texas and announced their freedom. This day was turned into a national holiday called Juneteenth, and it is still celebrated each year in the state of Texas. 
                                               Referenced from The Historical Legacy of Juneteenth -
Just imagine that, freedom had come to these people and yet someone made the decision to keep it a secret and so, they continued to suffer for a further two years. No wonder it is now a national holiday in Texas each year. 

Who does this remind you of? The answer is Satan, this is the type of ploy that he encourages throughout the world. He doesn't want people to know that Jesus Christ set them free from their slavery to sin and opportunity of eternal life. This is why evangelism is such a hard task to carry out. We've all tried to tell people, including our families, about Jesus but many times they have just not wished to know. 
On the cross Jesus Christ signed our Emancipation Proclamation. he declared us not guilty - free. However, Satan continues to keep it a secret from people realising this. He blinds their eyes and deafens their ears and if no one can break through this barrier, they die in their sin and lose eternity in heaven.

Probably you can remember before you were saved. Most of us never considered ourselves slaves but we may have become addicted to alcohol, sex, theft, adultery, drugs and whatever else was around at that time. None of us realised this was taking place. The last thing that we considered ourselves of being, was a slave. It never entered our minds. The devil had hidden the secret of our freedom from us and we were heading on a fast train to hell and destruction. Thankfully, Jesus rescued us and gave us the freedom that we were entitled to, because of His death on the cross. 

There was a special person who instigated our freedom. Jesus used this person to open our minds to Him. We may know this person or it may have come from a Gospel Outreach, a book or a circumstance that caused us to call on God. We'd heard of Him but never bothered with Him. But thank you Jesus that you were bothered about us. 
We are no longer slaves. We are free!. Yes we still have things we are struggling with but, we are a work in progress - under new management.

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

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* Victor Meldrew is a character from a long running English series 'One foot in the grave'. He is a grumpy, moaning old man that never sees any good in anything







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