Saturday, 11 May 2024

Stirring up the nest

"As an eagle stirs up its nest, hovers over its young, spreading out its wings, taking them up, carrying them on its wings"  Deuteronomy 32:11  NKJV 

The Golden Eagle is an amazing bird, up to 34 inch in length with a wing span of around 7 foot. In flight it is like a mini aircraft as it soars in the sky as if it has all the time in the world. It builds its nest high on a cliff side and usually, the female lays around 3 eggs; 1 brood between February - June.  Its nest is made out of a massive pile of sticks with wool and greenery for warmth. When it is time for the eaglets to leave the nest, the mother does a most strange thing. She starts pulling away parts of the nest and then picks one of her young up and throws it over the side of the nest. The startled eaglet, falls at a great pace. But before it smashes to the ground, the mother swoops down, picks up the babe on her wing and then carries it on its wing, depositing it back in the nest. She will do this several times until the young bird realises it has wings and can fly. When it does, it leaves her and makes its way on a new adventure. The other couple of eaglets have been watching this in terror, but there is more to come. The mother, again pulls away a considerable amount of the nest and the same thing happens with the second eaglet. Eventually it's the terrified remaining eaglet. But this time, the mother pulls the whole nest away and the eaglet falls through. Again the mother swoops down catching it on her wing. But this time, there is no nest so, she flicks her wing and the poor eaglet enters a nose dive again. This is repeated until the eaglet comes to its senses and flies off to freedom.

Imagine if God started pulling your floorboards away in your house. You would get the feeling of terror like the eaglets had. Thankfully, God doesn't do this. However, if He believes that you are ready to train for service, He will do all He can to make this very obvious. You may try to ignore the signs but, He won't give up until you make a decision - Yes or No. He won't bully you into it but, He will give you opportunities to consider. He may call you straight into ministry - it happens and you train on the job. It may not be church-based, He may want you working with people with addictions, with homeless on the streets or some other area. He may give you a secular job but place you as an undercover agent in a hospital, hospice or care home. This happened to me. I came out of main field social work to work in a hospice. They had a strict code of no set religion - it was multi-faith and this could only be applied by a chaplain. However, God wanted different and set me in place to tell people about Jesus, whenever this was appropriate and requested. I had many successes there and it was the highlight of my career before I retired.

God will never force you to give your livelihood up for Him. He will give you the opportunities and if you take them, He will bless this. Therefore, if at this time, you feel like the Lord is pulling pieces of your life apart, consider if He is calling you to serve Him. Over the past 45 years, I have been a soldier, pastor and a social worker. I never thought I would do any of this but, God as a way of leading you into various positions if you are willing. Are you willing? 

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

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