Saturday, 4 May 2024

You need the power!

"I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me."  Philippians 4:13  CSB

You need the power to be able to succeed. Imagine using your mobile for an urgent call and all of a sudden you hear some pips and the power goes. Your battery is dead. The mobile has lost its ability to function at the level it was designed for. Why? Because it has stayed away from its power source for too long. You have forgotten to charge it up.
This is an illustration of what can happen when we stay away from Jesus. We lose our power. Jesus said: 'you can do nothing without Me.'  John 15:5. Jesus Christ is our source, the only One we need to be able to walk in power and vitality. We can't stay away from Him, not reading the bible and expect to be flowing in His anointing. It doesn't work like that.

Believers often wonder why they are flat. It is because they are trying to run on empty. If we don't stay close to the power source then we go nowhere. Imagine trying to drive a car when the petrol gauge is on empty. Pretty soon, if you don't stop to refill the tank, you will stop, probably in the middle of nowhere. Then who is to blame, it's not God that's for sure. In the section below we read what it means to remain in Christ:

 (1) believing that He is the Son of God (2) Receiving Him as your Lord and Saviour (3) Doing what He says (4) Continuing to believe in the Good News (5) Staying close to Him like a branch attached to the vine.  The Life Application Bible, New Living Translation Version

What about you, are you remaining in the vine, or do you feel that you have been removed or pruned. If you have been cut out then obviously, this is the main reason why there appears to be no fruit in your life or, that you can't feel the joy of Jesus around you. Don't worry, put this right today by repenting for leaving Jesus behind in your day to day activities and only thinking about Him on a Sunday. We've all done this. Ask Jesus to forgive you and you will be joined back to Him.
If you have been cut back, or pruned, this is good because you will begin to produce more fruit. However, don't expect this to happen immediately. There will be a time of waiting for the right season. When this has arrived, you will have the ability to sow and reap a harvest.

Just ensure that you are connected to the power source - Jesus. You cannot not do it alone. Your brain may say that you can but, you will soon see that the going is extremely difficult and you will burn yourself out with practically no results. It's far better to do it Jesus' way!

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

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