Saturday, 1 June 2024

Get to the heart of the matter

"So he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart, and guided them by the skilfulness of his hands."  Psalm 78:72  NKJV 

Yesterday, we had a gardener round to cut and square off a couple of bushes and a row of conifers at the bottom of our garden. The bushes were easy enough to trim but the conifers, which had grown to around 12 feet high, were not so easy. They were full of brambles and the sprigs of sycamore trees. As I watched the gardener from the house, I could see him scratching his head and wondering how to approach them. The depth of them went back some 8 feet and as the gardening trimmers were only about 5 feet with an extension fitted, it was going to be a tricky job. However, it didn't bother the gardener, he trimmed the front and then cut half of the top away before getting inside the conifers with his heavy trimmers and a ladder. The next minute, he appeared at the top and started trimming away again.

I thought this was amazing and would never have thought about this technique myself; but this is why I'm not a gardener. What he actually did was get to the heart of the matter. He knew that there was no chance of trimming the conifers properly the conventional way, so he went to the centre of the problem. When he had finished, the tops and sides of both the conifers and the bushes, were totally straight - a really good job.

This had me thinking for the rest of the day. the gardener's success was getting to the heart of the matter and, we need to adopt this method. Many is the time when we are floundering around wondering what we are going to do, or how to handle a situation that has become a problem in our lives. Yes, we may pray about whatever it is but, then, because the answer isn't imminent we go off in a tangent doing this, and doing that and making the matters worse. You may have a breakdown on your car but if you know little about engines, pressing this button or un-doing this screw can lead to disaster instead of success. 
David was a skilled shepherd, who knew his trade well. God placed him in this position knowing that it would be people he would be shepherding next. God is the king of shepherds and knows the way forward. He knows how to tackle a job such as trimming high and brambly conifers. He also knows how to fix that problem you have; He will help you find the solution to all you need. But, you need to get to the heart of the matter. Embrace Jesus with prayer and worship. Seek Him with ALL of your heart and when you do, He will be there for you. That is a promise! 

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

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