Friday 7 June 2024

"I've got this covered'

"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."                                        Psalm 46:10  NKJV 

When times are rough or perhaps, in chaos, God wants us to involve Him in the situation. There are times, when we can make things worse by trying to take on what we shouldn't. A footnote in, The Spirit Filled Life Bible grabbed my attention. It reads:
'Be still: This is not a call for silent worship. v10 is the voice of God addressing the wicked, warring nations with a warning. In other words, 'Cease and desist; it is I, God who will be exalted in victory; you do not have a chance at winning.' 
Often this verse is read that we should remain still and leave things to Him. However, this description pads it out much more. God is actually warning the nations that are attacking God's people to step back, stop it right now. They have no chance in taking God on and coming out victorious.

Let's consider this. We often think that it is us that should 'be still' but here, God is quite clearly telling the attackers to be still - to stop what they're doing. Yes, it does refer to us as well; we do need to 'be still' and get out of the way so God can do His work. He has this covered when we do this. But the main message is, the attacker is ordered by God to stop the attack.

This shines a light on what we need to do when people come up against us intending to do battle. All we have to do is turn our heart towards God in confidence and, He'll do what needs to be done. It's that simple. The bottom line though is doing this. We need to check our reactions and get them in line with God's word. I remember some years ago, I was at a Gospel meal and a chap got up and gave his testimony. Apparently, at this man's place of work, a certain chap had been bullying him and making his life a misery because of his faith. After a while, this had begun to get him down and he called on God to stop this man from persecuting and hurting him so much. That very day, this bully died of a heart attack. He had been attacking one of God's people and so the recipient had called on God to help and then became 'still.' You may think this is quite extreme but, God is true to His word and when we get out of the way, He will act on our behalf. Never doubt that.

Whatever you are undergoing at this time, God has got it covered. Don't try to handle it yourself, let God do the work, He's bigger than you and much more experienced. 'Be still' and God will warn the attacker to also 'Be still and cease this action.' If they don't, they must receive what God has for them. He is loving but also, He's a formidable figure to come up against.

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

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