Monday, 5 August 2024

The Three A's = Growth

"as new born babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby."  
                                                                             1 Peter 2:2  NKJV 

Peter was not only speaking to new converts here, but also to more mature ones - one's that constantly required regular nurture. I think we may all fall into that category don't you feel? All believers need to have a desire for continual growth, like that of a new born.A believer can't just go to church on a Sunday and then expect to be spiritually-filled for the rest of the week. If this happens, they will be spiritually malnourished. One doesn't find a baby being given a 7 day supply of milk on a Sunday, to keep it going for the whole week. The baby obviously requires feeding on a regular basis, and so do we as believers of Jesus Christ.

To reach spiritual growth we must have certain things that spur us on to reach this level. Here are 3 essential ones: Attitude, Appetite and Aim - the Three A's. Let us check these out:

ATTITUDE  Skip back to verse one 'Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy and evil speaking.' Possessing these in our life does not actually draw people to you - agreed? Our attitude must be like Jesus' was, pure and peaceful, loving and kind. But the pressures of everyday life, throw so many frustrations our way, that it is difficult to live in such a way. However, it can be done. Just take one of the things listed above - hypocrisy. If we act like Jesus outside of the home but then like the world in your house, something needs changing. But it takes discipline to master this. This is why we need the pure milk of the word. We need to cultivate our growth. And we receive this by spending special time with Jesus Himself. 

APPETITE  We need to cultivate our growth. A farmer doesn't go into a field that he hasn't worked for ages and expect it to have an abundant harvest. No, he must work hard to produce this. It's the same with us. We too, need to put some time in with Jesus so that, we can draw out a healthy reward. The more we put in, the more we draw out. In other words, we need to invest all we have with Jesus. The more times we do this, we receive an appetite to keep on.

AIM  We need to focus our eyes on the finishing line; this is our objective. However, we are not there yet but at least we know that this is our aim. When we know where we are going, we can do everything that will help us achieve this aim. Check out the Olympic athletes at this time. They didn't just turn up and start their particular skill. It has taken them years of training and dedication, beating their bodies into submission; giving up social activities so that they can reach their aim - a gold medal. We receive nothing if we are not prepared to put something in first. Our aim is to reach the finishing line - heaven. However, until then, we need to train, by finding out more and more about Jesus, so that we too, can receive our gold medal - heaven itself. So commit yourself to live for Him. Remember the Three A's = Growth.

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

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