Wednesday 25 September 2024

Daily Benefits

"Blessed be the LORD, who daily loads us with benefits, the God of our salvation"           
                                                                        Psalm 68:19. NKJV

In most other bibles, the word ‘benefits’ is replaced with the word ‘burdens’. However if God is carrying our burdens, it just has to be a benefit.
Allow me to ask you a personal question; are you on benefits? This can be a stigma in certain areas, where people may frown on 'the one's who have never worked a day in their life.'  People who say such as this, really haven't looked at the bigger picture. Some people may be so disabled that they just cannot hold down a job properly. Physical disabilities are obvious to anyone who looks at them but, some people have hidden disabilities, such as a mental health disorder or complex and their minds prevent them from working. This is where government benefits help meet their needs. Yes, some may pull flankers here, but, that is not for us to judge them.

When you consider it, as Christians, we all receive benefits and these are daily. In God, we have a Father who takes care of us, every day. At the moment, the government provide benefits to people on long term sickness or out of work. These benefits are means-tested, so that the benefit doesn't get out of hand. The benefit God gives us is not means-tested; what He gives us, we keep and that can be any amount. He's never tight with us. And these are the type of benefits I would prefer to have. God knows my needs and He meets them

You may trust God this way but, it can be difficult at times. Car expence for one can drain us - petrol, diesel, electric charges, road tax, insurance, service and mot. Have you noticed how these can all come at once? This can run alongside of other bills; gas and electric bills expected to rise in a few days. This can all get on top of us if we're not careful. This is where God comes in.

If we trust Jesus, He will not let us down. Have you ever considered giving a tithe to where God is leading you? After all, it is God's money in the first place as, He provided it for you. No one should ever force you to tithe a part of your money - usually about a tenth. The way I look at it, God gives to me and my family, the least I can do is try and help others who are in need. From my experience, I have found that you can never out-give God. The more you give out, the more He gives us back. Over the years God has proved this to us time and again. In the early days of our marriage, with young kids, it was difficult, even though we were both working but, God never let us down and I believe it is because we always gave a tithe no matter how short of cash we were at the time.

I am not writing this to give you a complex or a burden if you don't tithe. That choice is yours. What I do say is, life with God can be throughly exciting when you take Him at His word and give Him your all. This is the time that you see how wonderful He is. God will never let you down.

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
Lord Jesus, I have sinned   
I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

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Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers

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