Tuesday, 24 September 2024

It's the Message, not the Messenger!

"Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers through whom you believed, as the Lord gave to each one? 6 I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.  7So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase".                                      1 Corinthians 3:5-7    NKJV

In many churches today, people have their own favourite speaker. Some may say, 'I don't like it when he/she preaches, I prefer....? Or they may add to this by saying, 'He or she are boring or too entertaining, we don't come to church to be entertained but to learn God's Word.' Some may take a day off church because of this.

The Corinthian Church was similar and was divided into four factions with four prominent leaders. (1) there were Paul's followers (2) The second group were attracted to Apollos possibly by his eloquent speaking abilities. (3) The third group identified with Cephas (Peter). This group were mainly from a Jewish background. (4) The fourth group identified itself with Christ; this group may on the surface have been seen as 'Godly' but that statement was questionable. One can read Paul's comments about all of this in 1 Cor 1:10-18.

The church must avoid division. This type of thing has split many good churches all over the world. One particular leader feels that they are better than the others and gathers the people away and there is a split. We must avoid this type of thing. One of the problems is that, we can be tempted to have our favourites. This is not God's will. As Paul comments, some plant, others water but it is Jesus who gives the increase. He is the gatherer. However, a divided church is only interested in itself.

People need stability; they want the truth and they also need someone who is reliable. At the end of the day, Jesus is the only one who is reliable but, if a leader is walking closely in the Holy Spirit, he or she can come close.

It is the message that God gives us that is important, not the messenger. No matter who is preaching, if they are giving the Word of God, it will reach the hearts of people. They will respond to this. I heard a beautiful Christian song some years ago 'I seek the giver, not the gift.' It made such an impact on me that I still remember it today. Many times we want to impress God and people with the gift that God has given us. However, we would be far better to seek the giver, and that is Jesus Christ. He is the one that makes things work and holds them together. If we model ourselves on Him, our gifts will run smoothly and make an impact wherever we go.

So, remember it is the Message not the Messenger and we need to seek the giver, not the gift. Write this down in your bible and live it each day of your life.

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
Lord Jesus, I have sinned   
I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                                


If you would like to contact me, grahame.howard@hotmail.co.uk

Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers

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