Monday, 23 September 2024

You are who you are

"Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect".   Romans 12:2   NLT

Stop trying to copy other people; you are unique. John Mason says: 'You were born an original, don't die a copy.' There is a need to discover your gift and when you do, if you haven't done already, don't rush ahead of God to put this into action. Wait for His directions because, at this time, you may not be ready. Take Joseph's example in Genesis 37. God had given this 17 year old young man, the gift of dreams and interpretation. However, he wasn't ready to walk in this gift as he found out when he told his brothers and his father, Jacob, about one of his dreams. In his arrogant manner he intimated that he would be the main man and they would have to bow down to him. Not the sort of thing they wanted to hear, especially when they already knew that he was his father's favourite son, and could do no wrong in his eyes. He tried to be a somebody when at that time, he was a nobody. He had a lot to learn and early life for Joseph was hard and he ended up being sold by his brothers into slavery in Egypt. He had a few years to develop his faith and learn by his mistakes.

God gave Joseph the gift of dreams but, he had to wait for the right time to use this. In a similar way, God has given you something that no-one else has; something no-one else can do. He has made you different. In fact, it is like God threw away the mould when He created you, there is nobody who is the same as you are. And what is more, He is moulding you into shape - transforming you and renewing your mind (Rom 12:2). 

Don't be a copy cat. The world has more than enough of those type of people. Again I say, you are unique; receive this fact and discover who you are and discover your gift/s. When you have, put them into God's hands and watch Him develop your calling. writes: 
'Paul tells us to abandon the chase for pleasure, possessions, and status—to stop living like everyone else. Instead, he urges us to be transformed from the inside out. Specifically, he writes that we must be changed in how we think, to have our minds renewed so that we can begin to understand God's will for our lives'. 

So there you have it, you are who you are and when you place yourself into God's hands and ask Him to show you the way and develop you, you will be who He says you are. So be patient and wait for Him to work. Don't worry about your age. Moses was 80 yrs old when God called Him to bring the Israelite's out of Egypt. God knows what He's doing. Just trust Him.

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
Lord Jesus, I have sinned   
I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

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