Monday 21 January 2019

Send me, I'll go

21 January 2019

Send me, I'll go.   (Isaiah 6:1 - 9)
In this passage, we read about the calling of Isaiah who was to become a prophet for God. Isaiah saw the Lord. Now whether this was in a dream or in reality we don't really know. What we do know is that God certainly called him. The description of Heaven is amazing, with angels flying around and worshipping God and shouting,

"Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts. The whole earth is full of His glory". (Verse 3).
Now, if you ever thought that Heaven was a peaceful, serene place, think again. Verse 4 tells us,

"And the posts of the door were shaken by the voice of him who cried out and the house was filled with smoke."
Now that rules out the average church that we're used to. When they worship in Heaven they have a blast and one day, if we know Him as Lord and Saviour, we will witness this.

Throughout this world, people hear the call of God and devote their lives to serving Him. Some become vicars and pastors. Others nuns, chaplains and padres. Most dedicate the whole of their working lives to this calling.
The thing is, God isn't just looking for this type of servant. He is also very interested in ordinary people just like us. People who will carry on with their careers but include Jesus in it. Many are policemen, HM Forces personnel, bank clerks and managers, even refuse collectors. No one is excluded from God's plans to serve Him.

We  don't all need to serve God in such an official way. He is calling us all to: "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature" Mark 16:15. Not everyone attends church on a Sunday but most go to work each day or we have neighbours who have all types of needs. We are in the harvest field and God wants to use us by getting alongside people who may have marital problems, financial worries and general problems in their lives. Just getting to know them and being a listener can open the door to bringing Jesus into their situation. You don't have to be a bible student or carry around the biggest bible you can find. You just need to be available for God to use you.

Perhaps, you're thinking of someone at this moment who is having a rough time. Why not get alongside them, without rushing in like a bull in a china shop spouting off all types of scriptures to them. No, why not just let them see Jesus in you by being their friend at this time.
Go on, Jesus will help you.

Sunday 20 January 2019

Why are you still worrying

20 January 2019

Why are you still worrying
Sometimes we worry about things that we can do nothing about. If you can change the situation, then fine, go along and do that. However, if there is nothing you can do, then all worrying about it will do is to make you ill.
Jesus told us not to worry:

"Therefore do not worry saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?'  Read the whole passage in Matthew 6:25 - 34.

In verse 33 note He says, 'Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.'

Jesus said not to worry. Therefore when we do the opposite of what He tells us, are we not in disobedience? Kenneth Copeland says that, 'Worry is the conclusion of believing the lies of the devil. It brings fear.' Think about that statement for a moment. Fear is the opposite of faith. If we are worrying about this, that and the other and we belong to Jesus, firstly we are not obeying Him and secondly we are in error because we are getting entangled in a web of lies and fear that the evil one is trying to put us under.
Fear unhooks us from faith and the supernatural. It puts us in bondage to the natural realm. We begin to feel defeated, that there is no point, that it's all going to go wrong or that answer to prayer will not come. But we're not defeated. We belong to Jesus, the King of kings. He has the final say in whatever happens. He is the miracle worker.

'God has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of those in heaven and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.' Philippians 2:9 - 11.

Worry has a name, so it has to bow the knee to Jesus. Fear has a name so that too must bow to Jesus. What I'm saying here is that we are not defeated. We belong to a miracle working God. As we seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness (Verse 33), He will change the situation. However, you must believe He will. He has the final say.
So stop that worrying and turn to Jesus and trust Him to change whatever it is that has gone wrong.

'Lord I come to You and confess that I've been worrying about..................................................
Lord I realise that I can do nothing, but I know You can because You're the miracle worker.
Lord I give my worry and concern to You. Amen'

Saturday 19 January 2019

Stop Complaining

19 January 2019

Stop Complaining

Philippians 2:14 reads: 

"Do all things without complaining and disputing."
In other words, stop being a whinge bag, arguing all of the time. When we act like this, we end up hurting:

* Yourself   Complaing leads to anger and depression
* God.         Complaining questions God's care for us; His character and His competence. We're 
                    basically telling God that, "You blew it Lord. You had Your chance to fulfil my demands
                    and You chose not to. (This is dodgy ground to place yourself on)
* Others.    Your words affect people around you and no one wants to spend time with a moaner.
                    Complaining changes nothing. You explain your pain for no gain and raise your blood
                    pressure too.
                    Perhaps you didn't start out as a complainer; you became that way. but by God's Grace 
                    you can become a thanks-giver.
                    Stop the habit of complaining  - NOW! "Don't use foul or abusive language . Let 
                    everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to 
                    those who hear them." Ephesians 4:29    New Living Translation

Watch what comes out of your mouth. Sometimes the mouth can erupt when we're not in control of it, especially when one is driving. If you're anything like me, I own the road and feel others shouldn't be on it. But I've had to learn to share this and Zip my Lip.

Have you got a short fuse? Perhaps now is the time to sort it out and bring this to Jesus.

Friday 18 January 2019

Fear and Anxiety

18 January 2019

Fear and Anxiety

"You will keep him in Perfect Peace whose mind is stayed on You, 
Because he trusts in You."   Isaiah 26:3

"Perfect Peace, means Shalom, Shalom, a Hebrew method of putting great emphasis on a word. Shalom implies - health, well - being, happiness and peace. The word translated 'Mind' is not the usual Hebrew word but means 'Creative imagination.' Isaiah's thoughts that he whose creative imagination, the seat of plans and ideas, is firmly founded on the eternal Lord, will enjoy Shalom in all its implications."  (Data paraphrased from the Spirit Filled Bible).

As we focus on fear - just the thought of it, we can begin to be affected by it. Even though we may  not be going through any particular situation concerning a fearful element, we can suffer fear as if we were. It's all in the mind, and if we allow it, the mind can play havoc. Kenneth Copeland's Grandfather once said:

'If we allow the devil into the back seat of the car, pretty soon he's gonna want to drive.'

Think about that statement for a moment. If we allow the devil into our lives - our thoughts, he will soon get us thinking and doing the things we should not be thinking and doing.

Focusing our minds on Jesus can bring relief to a fearful situation, thus diminishing our anxiety levels. Focus your mind on Jesus and allow Him to give you Shalom, Shalom - Perfect Peace.

Thursday 17 January 2019

Change the way you think

17 January 2019

Change the way you think
"And so dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all He has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice - the kind He will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship Him.
Don't copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."  Romans 12: 1-2. New Living translation.

Do not conform to this world; don't be a copy cat, don't copy other people because you feel that they are good at a particular thing, especially within the church. Be you, that's who God made.
In the church, it is so easy to want to copy someone else. That's not bad if you are modelling yourself on that person as your mentor. But keep your own identity. What He has for you is far different from what He has for the person you're tempted to copy. Be yourself.
If you let Him, God will transform you. You just need to change the way you think about things. Think positive not negative. Speak faith not fear. Believe in yourself. Believe what God believes about you. He sees a man, woman or child He has made who at this time is under construction. Let Him mould you into His shape, until He is ready to set you free into His work. You may be ready now, but check out the way that you think and what comes out of your mouth when you speak and you'll get a pretty good idea about the spiritual state of your heart.

Possibly in the past, you may have allowed negative thoughts to control and ruin your day. When you're not flowing with the Holy Spirit and you don't spend time in the Word, it may be easier for the devil to get into your day and feed you with lies about stuff. Kick him into touch - NOW! Change the way you think; analyse your thoughts and decide to get into a positive manner instead of being like a bull in a china shop.

Some of us can remember how we used to be; how we used to flow with God and nothing really mattered except being with Him. What happened? Perhaps, you stepped away from Him; avoided fellowship and reading His Word like you used to. You've lost that wonderful sparkle that only Jesus can give. It's not too late. Join me in this prayer:

'Lord Jesus, I have lost that sparkle that I used to have. I feel empty and I need You to come and fill me up again with Your Spirit. Please forgive me. I open myself to You - now!"

Let me know what happens

Wednesday 16 January 2019

Launch out into the deep

16 January 2019

Launch out into the deep  Luke 5: 1-11
Walk through the scene:

Crowds are gathering around Jesus to hear His teaching. Fishermen clean their nets after a night of disappointment. They have caught no fish and their livelihood is at stake.  There's a feeling of fear and tension around the place and still the crowds bustle Jesus. Jesus asks Peter for the use of his boat and Peter all though not in the best of moods, allows Jesus to sit in it and casts out a little so the crowds can't get to Him.

A short while later, we hear Jesus ask Peter to launch out into deep water and let his nets down again. Peter is tired, fed up and quite emotional. Peter thinks about this very strange and futile request yet instead of being negative towards Jesus - which we know, he could be, he replies, "Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing. Nevertheless, at your word, I will let down the net." (verse 5)
Suddenly, pandemonium strikes, fish begin to fill the net at an incredible pace and the net threatens to break. The other boat has to come to help out. They find themselves beginning to sink - but hold on, Jesus is on board. People don't sink when He's around, as long as they focus on Him.

Look at this scripture a moment and see yourself in this. Peter and his fellow fishermen had been totally depressed. they were professional fishermen and yet they had caught nothing except possibly a headache. Peter was low and probably couldn't see the point of everything. And then, Jesus is there and gives him some revelation. Peter, although reluctant, obeyed, "Nevertheless, at your word I will let down the net." In other words, 'I'll do it Lord'.

You know, things may be dismal in your life at this time. Sometimes, and I know from experience, there seems no point because the giant ahead of you is too big to tackle. But, hey, Jesus is a giant slayer. As Peter gave to Jesus, Jesus gave back to him and he had a superabundance of fish.

What is happening to you at this moment? Jesus is here and He's calling to you, "Launch out into the deep." The deep sounds scary but with Jesus on board, you won't sink. Say to Him, "Nevertheless, I will let down the net."

"Jesus, thank you for Your Word. I trust You and I agree to let down my net and launch out into the deep.
Go with me Lord and let my nets begin to break with Your blessing and goodness. Amen"

Tuesday 15 January 2019

Where are you? (Part two)

15 January 2019

Where are you? Part two
Genesis 3

Adam and Eve knew they had done wrong. There was conviction all around. They hid and so do we at times. Hiding really is trying to cover sin up. It's rather like white washing a very cracked wall. It looks good at first, until it's dried, then the cracks start appearing. You can't hide your sin. It's almost like the Holy Spirit says to us, "You know." I'm sure it works rather like that.

Adam and Eve had already tried the 'Blame game.' "It wasn't my fault, it was the serpent," " it wasn't my fault it was the woman that You gave me." Adam had the audacity to put the blame on God V12.
Whatever they said, they knew that they had blown it. Things would never be the same again - for them or mankind. Sin had entered the world.
But before they were asked to leave the garden just look at the heart of God. He must have been very disappointed and very upset, in fact His heart would have been broken. That's the way He is with one of us when we go astray. It hurts Him. Here in verse 21, we see God making tunics of skin for them for clothes. this would hide their nakedness and embarrassment, to a degree. Where else would you get that? If you were fired from a job, would the boss make you some clothes to wear before you left? No. If you were asked to leave a church - and let's hope that never happens, but for the record, before you left would the pastor get the sewing machine out and run up a fancy suit for you? Extremely doubtful. However, here God continues to show them love, no matter what they've done - and what they'd done was massive. God continually shows us His love and mercy on a daily basis, even though we may be in error. You may have blown things last night but whatever you did, God loves you. Do you hear me? he loves you.

The question is 'Where are you?' Are you:

* Flowing with God
* Are you hiding in shame from hidden sin?
* Have you let God down?
* Where are you?

Thank goodness we have Jesus who took our sins upon Himself and nailed them to the cross. Through His action we have access to His Throne anytime of day or night.

"For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathise with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are , yet without sin. Let us therefore, come boldly to the Throne of Grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need" Hebrews 4:15 - 16

That doesn't mean that we can carry on sinning. Not at all. But when we do, which will be every day, we ask Jesus to forgive us, and He will.

The final question is, "Where are you?" Nothing can separate us from God; we just need at times, to get real close to Him and let The Holy Spirit wash afresh over us. Why not do that now?

"Jesus, I approach Your Throne of Grace with confidence
I need You Lord, things are difficult at the moment.
Please come and help me and as I draw near to You, draw near to me. Amen"


" Then Paul stood up, and motioning with  his  hand said, “Men of Israel, and you who fear God, listen:   17  The God of this people  I...