Monday 1 April 2019

Use your time wisely

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"Look carefully how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of the time because the days are evil."  Ephesians 5:15-16 RSV

There are two ways of looking at this; firstly, 'Make the most of your time' or secondly, 'Make the most of the time.' It is very wise to make the most of your time and seizing the opportunity, after all, you only live once, people say. Best to make the most of it.
However, making the most of the time is different. Look around you; it's almost like we're living in the last days. Perhaps we are. Evil is all around - people being stabbed on a daily basis. Then, there is human trafficking. What about drug taking and the vast amount of money that is made by the people who rule this business. These are just a fraction of the evil that is now ruling our planet. 

Yet, God has called all Christians, to be His mouthpiece. To let people know that the time is short; the clock is ticking and one day, maybe sooner than we think, Jesus is going to return to gather all of His people to Himself. Christians will be raptured (gathered) and taken to be with Him. Then the world will be left to its own devices with the devil at the helm. This will only be for a short time however. then there will be The Second Coming, when Jesus will return, with His army - us, and He will put an end to the devil and His followers and a New Kingdom will be formed and we will reign with the King of kings forever and ever. Sadly, people who don't respond to His call, when they have the chance - when they are alive, will spend their existence totally separated from us all - forever. 

Now is the time to make that decision to come to Jesus, while the time is right - while the opportunity is still there. One day, it will be too late. Please don't miss out on this. Once Jesus returns, it will be too late.

If you want to know Jesus, follow me in this prayer:

"Lord Jesus, I give my life to You. Please forgive my sins and be My Lord and Saviour. Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Amen.

If you've said this prayer, you are now a Christian. tell someone else - soon.

Please let me know.

Sunday 31 March 2019

Go and sin no more

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"And Jesus said to her, 'Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.' "  John 8:11 NKJV

In John 8:3-12, we read about a woman who had been caught in adultery and the Pharisees, knowing this was a capital offence, punished by stoning to death, brought her to Jesus to see what His opinion of this was. This was really a trap. If Jesus had said, 'Stone her,' they would have said He was not as caring, as He preached. If He were to say, 'Let her go,' He would be going against Jewish Law. A diabolical position to be in.

They informed Jesus that she had been caught in the very act of adultery. Jewish Law was very strict on this matter. The act had to be witnessed by at least two other people. They were to be precise about what they saw and they would have had to have seen physical movements related to sex in order to make the charge stand. And it was almost a rare occurrence for this to happen. Execution therefore, especially in Jesus' time, rarely took place.

Where was the man? It takes two to commit adultery and he would have been just as guilty. However, he was nowhere to be seen. This really appeared to be a set up and the Pharisees probably had something against the woman to bring this charge.

Jesus stooped down, almost beside the woman and wrote in the dust. Over the years, there has been many deliberations about what He was doing - was He stalling for time? Was He wondering how to handle this situation? The questions have been many. It may have been that He was stooping down to be at her level and offering her non-threatening reassurance. Whatever, He finally said to the Pharisees, 'He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone first.' (verse 7). This cleared the place. The Pharisees knew they were sinners; they knew that they had been born into sin and this pricked their conscience. When they had left, Jesus spoke to the woman, 'Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you? She replied that no one had condemned her. Jesus replied, 'Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.'

This shows the heart of Jesus. This woman, even though what she had done was wrong, had been publicly humiliated and accused, alone. Jesus is a fair God and, though He doesn't condone sin, He is against corrupt accusations against us. This woman had suffered a shock, but she had met and witnessed the love of God. She would never be the same again and it is very doubtful that she ever committed adultery again. She had learned her lesson.

There are always lessons to be learned. Jesus is patience and kind, loving and faithful. However, He will not tolerate hypocrisy. We're either for Him or against Him. We cannot continue to pretend to live for Jesus and do things sinful in secret, thinking, 'no one will know.' Someone will know and His Name is Jesus. It really is time to stand up and be counted. It really is time to stop living two lives. We're either with Jesus or against Him. We cannot serve two masters (Matthew 6:24)

I would love to hear from you.

Saturday 30 March 2019


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‘Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, My strength and My Redeemer’.  Psalm 19:14 NKJV

Our words and thoughts are extremely important. Choosing what we say, how we say it and what we think is what is required to fit the  criteria for integrity. It is steadfastly sticking to the moral code; having the determination that whatever happens, we're going to be honest and full of wholeness.
Things that appear so simple can let us down. If we work in an office type environment, getting a new pen and pad from the stationery cabinet and then taking it home with us for personal use, is not far off stealing. Think about it. If we're using the pen and paper for work and take it home to carry on with the work, that is fine. However, using it to put a shopping list on it or a to do list, is not the right thing to do. Splitting hairs? I don't think so. Stealing is stealing and when I worked in an office, I must hold my hands up to this crime.

God sees all we do and hears all we say and also, knows every thought. When we 'eye up' the opposite sex and feel lust towards that person, He knows. We can't hide it from Him. He knows all. He longs for us to have wholesome thoughts and speak wholesome words but, boy, how difficult this can be at times. It takes dedication and hard work to meet this challenge, and even then we have to watch ourselves. He knows how tough it can be for us. He was in this world and walked around noticing the temptations that were around. However, He never fell for it. Do you?

We're not perfect. This is why the Apostle Paul said in Philippians 1:6, 'being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you, will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.' He knows our weaknesses. That doesn't mean we can do, say and think anything that we want to and we'll get away with it. Far from it. If we do this, we will still have to confess our sin to Him each day. However, what it does mean, 'don't beat yourself up when you blow it.' Try to better this next time. We have a Saviour who is our friend. However, He will not let us get away with things. He can be strict - very strict; and He means business. But He sympathises with our weakness and enjoys our efforts to break free from things that let us down. 
The final word? Don't give up - Look up.

I'd love to hear from you.  If this has spoke to you

Friday 29 March 2019

Jesus - her only hope Part 2

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"If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well."    Mark 5 25-34 NKJV

Let's take a closer look at this lady with the flow of blood. She had suffered for 12 years. There had been no relief from this sickness. We know how we feel when ailments go on for a few weeks, but 12 years is a long time, especially when she had spent all of her money putting her hope in many doctors, who had not helped at all. 

She had lost everything. If she had been married with children - which she may have been, she would have been forced to move out and probably have no more to do with them. How painful is that? She must have been so lonely and desperate. How did she manage for money? She wouldn't have been able to work and there was no DSS to help her out. It must have been a very miserable existence.
Everywhere she went, she would have been rejected - cast out and treated like a leper. There must have been times when she felt like giving up and ending it all. She literally had no future at all. 

Where do we go when we get this low? When there's nothing and no one left? This is how she would be feeling. And yet, something burned within her. There was a light flickering, faintly at first, but it was there. It was burning within her. Something like that is burning within you too, isn't it? The light is beginning to burn brighter, little by little. That special something to hang on to -  to rely upon. His name is Jesus. 

For this lady, He was the only answer and yet, so many people had let her down in her life. What if He did. She didn't know if she could trust Him. What if she went to Him and He told the authorities about her. She could be stoned by the crowd, who would be horrified because of her state of health. And yet, something told her, He was different. He wouldn't let her down - at all.

It was a frightening moment when she approached Him from behind and touched the hem of His garment. However, she received love, empathy, healing and care from this man called Jesus. He gave her back her dignity; her very existence. And He can you too.

There is a light flickering in you at this moment. Life has not been kind to you and you're hurting. You can do nothing about what you're going through. But Jesus can. Do you trust Him; I mean, really trust Him. Trust Him enough to approach Him and tell Him all about what you're going through. 

Deep down, you know that He's interested. Approach Him now. He's waiting. Give Him your burden, your fear and reach out and touch Him.

'Lord, I can do nothin about what is happening to me right now, but I know You can. Please help me. Please change this situation.................................. I need You Lord. Amen .

I would love to hear from you.

Thursday 28 March 2019

Jesus - her only hope!

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"If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well."    Mark 5 25-34 NKJV

This dear lady had been living with a flow of blood for 12 years. She had spent all she had on doctors who had charged her exorbitant prices but had been unable to help her in any way. Therefore, she was classed as an outcast. In Jewish thought, a person such as this, were ceremonially and socially unclean. She was ostracised and if she had been living with her family, would have been made to leave them and the house because it was felt, whoever and whatever she touched, would be unclean too. She had no one and nothing left.
She had heard of Jesus and knew He was around the area. But what could she do? She couldn't go out in the crowds and go to Him because of her condition. However, she realised that Jesus was her only hope. She had a determination to see Him and the faith too.
She decided to secretly go into the crowd and approach Him from behind. When He was just in front of her, she reached out and touched His garment. She was healed immediately.  This lady, even though she was suffering terribly herself, but was not wallowing in her own pity and selfishness. She considered that if she touched Jesus, she would be making Him unclean too. This is why she touched His garment instead.
Jesus knew that she was there; He knew that power had gone out of Him and turning around, He asked who had touched Him. Of course He knew it was this lady but He didn't want to embarrass her. He wanted her to stand up, be honest and receive her healing totally. Timidly, she admitted it was her, falling on her knees. She told Him everything. Jesus healed her and gave her back her dignity and her life. She would never be the same again.

What would have impressed Jesus would have been her honest, selfless approach towards Him. She was thinking of Him, not herself. She didn't want Him to be ceremonially and socially unclean like. She put Him first.
Probably, you may be in an awful position - whatever it is. Like this lady, Jesus may be your only hope; you may have lost everything too. Look at how she handled things. She knew she was unclean but that didn't stop her. She knew she might never get the chance again. With faith and determination she stood up and went to Jesus - the only one left who could help her and who wouldn't expect any payment either.

We have to be proactive. We have to admit we need Jesus. We have to call out to Him, approach Him and trust Him. This lady didn't know if Jesus would have reported her to the authorities. She had to trust Him, she had to take the chance; and her faith and trust were rewarded. 

Do you need to go out into the crowd and find Jesus? Do you need to approach Him and tell Him your heart? Probably, this may be your day, if you do!

I would love to hear from you.

Wednesday 27 March 2019

Keep going, you're doing ok

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"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Lord."  1 Corinthians 15:58 NKJV

It's not easy when you're working flat out and you feel that your work is not appreciated. It makes some people pack in and move on. That can be from jobs, marriages even churches. Everyone likes to be appreciated. Sadly, it doesn't always happen.

Jesus talked about a man who built his house upon a rock. (Matthew 7:24-29) No matter what was thrown against this house, it kept standing. It refused to fall. That is the formula, building on our rock - Jesus. You'll never please everybody, sometimes, no one at all. Jesus is pleased though. 

Some days can be tedious, whether out at work, where the boss is never satisfied and treats you like a drudge. Or at home, where you feel that you're just taken for granted. Sometimes at church, we can do all we can, whenever we're asked and yet, we feel it goes un-noticed. Sometimes it would be easier to throw the towel in and leave.

However, don't do that. You may be a leader in a church and it seems like you work almost 36 hours a day, at times, but some people will still complain and be dis-satisfied with the changes you have made. You may be a sales person and whatever you sell, the target keeps going up so that it seems unreachable. At home, you may feel like the doormat; everyone moans about their problems but no one gives you the time to air your worries. 

Hey, don't give up. Keep going. God wants you to be immovable, this means you don't run away - ever. You keep right on going, abounding in all you do. God will bring a happier resolution to this issue if you ask Him to. He sees all and as long as He sees your hard work and faithfulness, He won't let you down.
Just for now though, put your armour on (Ephesians 6:14-18), especially the shield of faith. Arrows are flying around at present and these are sent by the wicked one and meant to wound you and to get you to think negatively. Don't let them pierce your heart. Just be faithful and immovable in all you do and God will bring about some kind of change to your environment. 
Build upon the rock and you won't sink!

I would love to hear from you.

Tuesday 26 March 2019

God can repair the damage

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"Why are you downcast, O my soul; Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, My Saviour and My God. "  Psalm 42:5 NIV

Things may not be going too well just lately; marital problems; relationships; sickness; neighbour problems; problems with Finances or employment. The list may be endless. Sometimes the last thing we want to hear is when a Christian says, 'I'll pray for you,' and then walks away to get on with their day.
Sometimes we don't wish to talk about what is troubling us but when we do, we need someone who will empathise with us and help us see if there is a way through the hurt of it all. Do you know someone that you can trust to help you with this?

What are you struggling with right now? Have you tried laying it before God? He should be our first port of call. Yet, sometimes when we do this, we get nothing, It can seem as if even God is not listening. He is, but He's different to us and He handles things in a more higher way: 

'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways, My ways, says the LORD. For as the Heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.' Isaiah 55:8-9 NKJV.

The reason God doesn't answer straightaway is that he is a deep thinker. He has our heart in His hands and He wants to bring healing to the damage that has been done to you. However, sometimes things take a little longer to put into place, alternatively, sometimes they're much quicker. God is not ignoring you. He is providing a way through but he is a great planner and wants everything in place, because He loves you.

Therefore, if you are waiting for God to help, He has heard you calling to Him, there is no need to fret. He is in control and will deliver. Is there something you must do first, though? Are you bearing a grudge against someone; judging and accusing the one who has hurt you. This is understandable, but stop! This will get you nowhere and God cannot perform while this is happening. Put your hope in the only one who really cares and loves you - Jesus. He cares so much and he is only a prayer away. 
Lets go to the throne right now:

'Lord Jesus, I really don't know what to do. I am hurt and mixed up about things. My world is falling apart because of it all. Please come and help me. You're my hope and my eyes are upon You right now.. Amen 

I would really love to hear from you.

Grace (2)

"Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession...