Saturday, 3 August 2019


"A quick tempered man acts foolishly."   Proverbs 14:17.  NKJV

People react to things very differently. Some are quick tempered, as mentioned in today's text. They throw a wobbly before they've really taken in the full story. Many is the time when they've got it wrong, hearing only part of the story or got the wrong end of the stick. Other people react very defensively; their backs go up straightaway and it's difficult to get through to them when they're this way. Others show no particular interest at all. It's It's almost like they don't really care, or if they do, they keep things very close to their chests.

It was a little like this when Jesus had been born in Bethlehem. Some knew that something had happened out of the ordinary, the air was charged with excitement. King Herod reacted with hatred and hostility. He saw the rise of a king of the Jews as a threat to his kingdom and plotted to find out more about this child. Like Herod, some people want to do what they want to do and don't wish for someone coming along who may lay a trip on them. They find Jesus a threat to their life; He stands in their way and they want to destroy Him.
Actually, Herod had quite a nice side to his nature. He often helped people who were penniless and at one time had some gold melted down to give to a starving family. However, if he was threatened, he would have people executed, mostly for no reason at all, other than, he wanted them out of the way. They couldn't be any challenge to him then.

Other people had heard the rumours about a child being born in Bethlehem, after all, the wise men had come asking about Him. But they were more interested in themselves and wanted to get on with their lives. Life was busy and they had things to do and were determined to get on with them. It's a little like this today. Yes, people have heard of Jesus, "I mean, that's what Christmas is all about isn't it?" They may say. However, they have businesses to run; a stressful job that demands their attention every day of the week. They also have demanding families and a nightlife to look after. They're too busy to bother themselves with 'religion' and church; and become offended when it's mentioned to them.

Reactions control our lives and can really mess them up too, if we are not careful. If we have a short fuse, it can be so easy to open our mouths and say the wrong thing at the wrong time. It's also so easy to be so busy with work, a hobby or the garden. It's not often that people focus on Jesus - the one they need. They may go to church for weddings, Christening or a funeral but that's it. Some may attend church on a Sunday morning and go through the rituals but not even know God, or want to know Him. They go because, it's the right thing to do. For the remainder of the week, they have nothing to do with Jesus, reading a bible or praying - unless of course, there's a crisis in their lives.

I wonder what God's reaction will be when they come to the end of their life and have to bow down before Him. I wonder what their reaction will be if God was to say to them, 'Why should I let you into My Heaven? I wonder how they will feel if they hear the formidable words, 'Depart from Me, I never knew you.'

Perhaps we need to check on our reactions more in the future.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Friday, 2 August 2019


"Love never fails."   1 Corinthians13:8.  NKJV

'God would never use anyone like me. I'm not good at anything.'
Have you ever said that? If you have, let me tell you, it's a lie. He probably has used you and will do again. Think about it. Have you ever taken anyone to church or given them a lift back to their home? If the answer is yes, then you've served God. Have you ever served coffee or tea at church? If so you've served God. Have you ever helped anyone in a store that may have dropped their shopping or such? Then you've served God.

Think about this. Being used by God is not just for the big cannons - preachers, teachers and evangelists. God's impressed by these ministries but He's also impressed by the lesser known things like I've mentioned.

I like what is written in Zechariah 4:10, 'For who has despised the day of small things?' God's into small things. The beginning may be small but you've no idea what it could turn into. We have to start somewhere. You may not be successful at the moment and you may not want to be, either. However, don't give up or walk away. God's got some great ideas if you're interested. The thing is, if you look for an excuse not to do something, then you'll find it.

When the Holy Spirit prompts you, don't just sit there and ignore it; get up and do what you need to do. Being a failure is not trying at all. It's not getting things wrong when you've attempted something. 

'Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed up in overalls and looks like work.'  
                                                                                                    Thomas Edison.

Notice the word, 'Looks'. Many times we can presume that something is what it is not. It may be something totally different. We get it wrong many times. God wants to use you. Why is that? Because you are important to Him. What He wants you to do, probably can't be done as efficiently, by someone else. It needs your expertise.

Sometimes our attitudes are wrong. God doesn't want people sitting on the back row of the church - perhaps hiding away, and not being used.
'I've never been asked to do anyhing,' you may say.
'Have you ever offered?' God may reply.

Love never fails - never! If you are a Christian, you cannot fail. You just need a little more practise, and God is willing to teach you.
Are you prepared to volunteer your help?

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Thursday, 1 August 2019

The Stronghold of your life

"Though an army may encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war may rise against me, in this I will be confident."   Psalm 27:3.  NKJV

Many things come against us as we live each day of our lives. We hear of wars and rumours of possible wars. Countries push the boundaries and threaten the livelihood of its people. Politicians squabble in parliament and refuse to see eye to eye. Most places we look, there is unrest and tensions. Everyone seems intent to be better than anyone else.

In our personal lives, tensions may come against us; our own family may all of a sudden have a major problem. Our working life may take a nasty turn and the bank manager may not be our friend of the month. In addition to this, our neighbours may all of a sudden decide they are going to move and new neighbours with a reputation of being a major, problem family, may move in. To top all of this, the dog and cat may have to see the vet, giving us a bill the size of the national debt and our child may come home from school giving us the news that they have been excluded. Problems and more problems piling up against us until we're at screaming pitch and in danger of having a nervous breakdown.

In our text today, King David outlines how he handled the many problems and attacks that came his way. He says, 'Though an army may encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war may rise against me, in this I will be confident.' David had learnt the benefits of living by faith and placing God first in his life. He may have blown a few things - after all, he was a human like us. But, nevertheless, God was his mainstay; the stronghold of his life.

Jerry Vine writes:
'Psalm 27 is a psalm written by David clearly at a very difficult time. He describes the wicked coming against him and an army encamping around him and a war rising up against him, yet his heart was not afraid. He had learned through the years that the God who cared for him in the past would continue to care for him in the present moment. And the troubles of today would strengthen him for the troubles of tomorrow. The same is true for us.'
                (Strengthened by Trouble - Copyright 2018 Jerry Vine, The Vines Epository Bible)

David strengthened himself in the fact that, what he had been through in the past, he had survived because God was with him. This gave him the confidence to know - without doubt - that God would not let him down, He would be with him, again and again. He had no need to worry. And neither do we! God is the same God who rescued King David and He will rescue us when we get into any particular problem - if we call on Him. That's the secret. Romans 10:15 says:
'For whoever calls on the Name of the Lord shall be saved.'

If we don't call on Him, how can we expect Him to come and rescue us? Strangely enough, whenever we are going through problems, one of the last things we do, is call on Him for help. This is probably because we are so absorbed in what is happening to us, that our focus is stolen from us, with the shock of it all. Ask yourself, who would steal your focus? Who is the thief? Who steals our faith? Yes, you're right, it's the devil and he will do all he can to take your mind off Jesus so that you come down with a crash. King David, knew better. He focused on his past victories; on the many times that God had performed amazing rescue acts for him and he knew God would never let him down.

And this is the same for us. In times of trouble, we need to seek the giver - God. Just a thought here, we need to seek the giver, not the gift. It's no use having the gift if the giver is not present in our lives. Seek God - the giver, and then He will give you the rest.

Now have a good day with the Stronghold of your life - Jesus.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Wednesday, 31 July 2019

The Breath of The Holy Spirit

"4 Prophesy to these bones and say to them, 'O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! 5 Thus says the LORD God to these bones: "Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live."   Ezekiel 37:4-5. NKJV.  (Read verses 1 - 14)

Ezekiel had just entered the Valley of dry bones and all around, the bones were scattered and they were very dry. God asked him if he thought that these bones could live v3; and he told him to prophesy to them. This may have appeared a daunting task.

William Barclay says in his commentary to Matthew about Jesus' birth:

'The Spirit is the creator of the world and the giver of life. So, in Jesus there came into the world God's life-giving and creating power. That power which reduced the primal chaos to order, came to bring order to our disordered lives. That power that breathed life where there was no life, has come to breathe life into our weaknesses and frustrations. We could put it this way - we are not really alive until Jesus enters our lives.'  
                                                                                                      William Barclay

At times, life and people can drag us down. Some people, who have the world's problems on their shoulders, have the capability to drag us down with them if we're not careful. There is a story of a Christian man who when out walking, noticed a chap standing on the edge of Beachy Head. It was obvious he was going to jump off. The Christian man rushed over to him and after spending some time talking to him, they both jumped off.

We may smile but time spent with someone who has depression, can rub off onto us unless we're careful. They are very dry; their situation is very dry and after endless times of trying to help them, we can become very dry too. Therefore, when we meet with people like this, we need to cover ourselves in prayer and go at their pace, not our own. Just offering a listening ear - one in which we listen with the third ear, thinking, 'what are they really saying here,' and not interrupting them; and also allowing them to see the love of God, can be a recipe for success. Going in with Bible open and prayers of deliverance may be the wrong move at the time!

As time goes on, the person may allow us to pray with them. This is the time when we can speak to the situation (see verse 4). Broken things and people can be mended but it may take some time. When a person is broken, there's nowhere for them to go; they've reached rock bottom and are hanging by a thread. We have no answers so don't try to find one. Like the bones here, very dry and dead things can be restored but there's only one - Jesus - who can do this. Our job is just to be there offering our friendship and allowing them to realise that there is a way forward.

You may be the person that is needing help at this time. Life may have robbed you, kicked you and trod you down in the dirt. Let me just say this, even though you may not want to hear this at the moment, there is life out there and it's for living. You may feel very dry and very torn apart. This is what happens when you're broken. But you can be mended. New breath can fill you again and put you back on the road.

I want to pray for you right now because I feel God wants me too. As Ezekiel was told:

"I prophesy to these bones and say to them, 'O dry bones hear the word of the LORD'

'In Jesus' Name, I ask the Holy Spirit to breathe new life into these very dry areas today. Holy Spirit, breathe and fill these people with Your love, Your joy and Your peace. Dryness, we command you to depart in Jesus' Name and Lord, I ask You to fill this vacant area with Your life, Your power and Your fire.

In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Now receive it!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

He's right beside you

"The LORD is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?"    Psalm 27:1.  NKJV

There is no reason at all why we should tremble, or be fearful of anything or anybody. God is always right beside us wherever we go. 

Whenever we have to go somewhere we've never been, or we don't really fancy going, it's so much better to have someone to go with us. Somehow, it makes us feel safer and to have more confidence. This is helpful for hospital appointments but can cover a multitude of other venues. This is why it is comforting to know that wherever we go  or whatever we have to do, Jesus is right there, next to us. We're never alone. 

We may have to go to some really difficult and dark places at times; places that make the hairs on the back of our necks, stand up. However, Jesus is there to light the way through the darkness for us; and it's almost as if He says, 'Don't worry, it'll be ok - we'll do this together. The words of the song which has been a favourite with the Liverpool Football Club for years, goes:

'When you walk through a storm, hold your head up high, and don't be afraid of the dark'

I can hear you singing this. Joking aside, the words of the song say it all. Darkness and fear may be all around at times, but there's no need to fear. Jesus is there with us.
Part of the meaning of 'Salvation', in the Greek, is a word called Soteria which among other things such as our eternal outcome, is deliverance and rescue. Therefore there is no need to fear; to panic or to get ourselves all in a state. He will deliver us or throw a lifeline to us, whenever we need it.

Sometimes, we just cannot help but fear some things. After all, some life events are massive and cause us to tremble a little. It can be daunting. Yet, God doesn't want like this for too long. Initially, we may feel that way because we are human. But we must be quick to check this and let Him lead the way. It's His strength - the joy of the LORD that gets us through each and every obstacle.

Are you afraid of someone or something? It may be a human being who is intimidating you. Try and shrug it off and cast your care upon Him, for He cares for you.  (1Peter 5:7). You may be starting a new job, going to uni or preparing to do something for God. Again, cast this care; this fear, on Him. You can do this, right? Yes you can!

Are you a worrier? Do your worries give you sleepless nights? Jesus tells us not to worry. It serves no purpose, except to lead us to sickness and possibly an early grave. Instead, meditate on Matthew 6:34:

'So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today.'  (Matthew 6:34   NLT)

When you consider things, worry is just a distraction which takes us away from who we should be focused on - Jesus.

By the way, Jesus loves you so much!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard 


Monday, 29 July 2019

'They're making roads that lead to nowhere'

"I am the way, the truth and the life."  John 14:6a.  NKJV

In Gerald Healy's play The Black Stranger, the government, for something to do, have set men to digging roads to no purpose or no destination. A dignified gentleman called Michael, says to his father, 'They're making roads that lead to nowhere.'

This is most certainly not, what we as Christians are doing. We know the way. We know the road where we're going. Following Jesus, we know the destination. We can be certain of it. The title here, may be said of an unbeliever, but not people who know Jesus Christ as their Saviour.

We've all seen the chap with a news board strapped to his front and back declaring the message, 'The time is nigh.' We may smile but Jesus did similar to this, when He came to Galilee. He preached, 'The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the Gospel.' (Mark 1:15)

The chap with the board, nearly always ridiculed, is doing what Jesus did. He is attempting to make roads for people, that lead to somewhere - to Heaven.

Whatever you do for God is not wasted. You may offer hospitality in your church by serving tea and coffee after a service. Or you may be on the welcoming team that greet people who come to church. Some may say that is not a lot, but it is. It's a vital role and it's a road that leads to somewhere - you are serving people; something Jesus loves.

Alternatively, you may be on the 'Subs bench,' waiting to be asked or released to do what you feel you're called for. There's a lot of waiting but you're on a road that leads to somewhere. One day, it will be your time. Until then, pray, praise and build yourself up in God. Get to know Him better. Time with Jesus is never wasted and, let's be grateful that we live in a place of freedom where we can do just that. Many people throughout this world can't. It could cost them their lives just to mention the name of Jesus. But even though they are restricted in following their faith, they are still on a road that leads to somewhere. One day, they will receive their reward.

You are so special and God loves all that you do, or try to do for Him. Don't walk along that road that leads to nowhere any longer.

Do you feel that you're on a road that leads to nowhere? You're banging your head against a wall because life can be so cruel? If so, stand up; yes stand up. If you know Jesus you are a son or daughter of God. Throw off the blanket of despair - yes it is hard to do, but you can do it! Don't let life keep you on a road that leads to nowhere any longer.

If you don't know Jesus, be a son or daughter today. Fix your eyes on the road that leads to somewhere - life in abundance, right now:

'Lord Jesus
Help me to walk with You on the road that leads to somewhere - life in abundance with You.
Forgive me my sins, fill me with Your Spirit and be my Lord and Saviour. I give You my life, now.
In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Sunday, 28 July 2019

Be an Encourager

"When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours."   Romans 1:12.  NLT

When you have an opportunity to encourage someone, make sure you take it. You never know what that person is going through at the time. People tend to become what special people in their lives, think of them. So let's always think, believe and express the best towards them. 

The same is true of what we think of ourselves. We may have had so much discouragement in our lives that it just seems natural to believe that we're useless or a failure. The majority of people want to hear good things spoken about them. Many children in social care have suffered emotional abuse, where their parents or carers have ridiculed them all their lives and told them how bad they are, that they begin to believe it. Many kids grew up trying their best to do this and that, only to hear that their best wasn't good enough. Where does a person go when their best isn't good enough?

Marriages fall apart because one partner believes that the other partner isn't good enough. This can be a recipe for adultery and seeking comfort as the wounded partner seeks someone who feels they are good enough.

Yet, when someone hears on a regular basis complimentary comments, it boosts their moral and they begin to believe it. The world breaks people down, but encouragement helps them feel ten feet tall. 

Who do you think needs encouragement today? Can you offer this? If so, do it! Just a few kind but honest words can bring healing and joy to someone who has been trampled on. This may be you. If it is, I want to tell you right here and now, God loves you so very, very much and He thinks you are absolutely wonderful. These are not just empty words; they are honest ones. 

If you want to be encouraged, encourage someone else today. What you sow, you reap. When you give, you receive. Encourage and be encouraged.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Remain in Jesus

"As the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you. Remain in My love.'   John 15:9   CSB Remain is quite a strong word. It means t...