"Gray hair is a crown of glory, it is gained by living a Godly life."
Proverbs 16:31. NLT
Many older people today, are feeling the impact of reaching maturity. Society, in general, depending on age, requires that a person retire when they reach this qualifying period. There are chances of extending this time or finding alternative employment, but usually, when you reach your sell by date, its over.
Well, I've news for you. That is a lie. It isn't over until God says it's over There's no retirement in the Kingdom of God but sadly, there is ageism and this makes it difficult to function properly in your ministry. Younger people tend to take over. However, one needs to remember that, young people grow old themselves. It cannot be avoided.
Young and old can compliment each other if they're allowed. The older person has a lot a experience to pass on. They've done it and know the mistakes that they've made - what works and what doesn't. So there is a mentoring facility just waiting to break out and be available to the younger people.
Don't write yourself off or be written off. God is not into ageism. Just look around, many of the seasoned, well known and successful preachers and teachers, are of a mature age, yet they're still giving out. They have wisdom and experience.
If you feel that you are past it, think again. God has a plan for you, even now. Seek and ask Him and He'll open the way for you. If you're still willing, He'll make it thrilling and it will be fulfilling and benefit all. All you need to say is, 'Yes Lord.'
Many older people carry the scars of battles fought in their work for the Kingdom of God. They know because they've been there and done it. Many times, people will say, 'I know just how you feel,' when they haven't a clue how you feel at all. The older generation know because they've lived it, they've run many races of life. This is why they're a valuable asset.
If you are reading this and feel that you're on the scrap heap, think again. You've only just begun. There's a generation who need guidance, direction and mentoring. They need to realise what lies ahead and what to do when they reach certain obstacles. You are important! You may think the church has forgotten you; but they can't do that because they'd never make it without you. You have the ability to make a difference. How? Well here's a few ideas:
You have a wealth of experience that you could mention. It is not as hard as you think.
Go on Facebook and create a site dedicated to Jesus. Find a blog site to include on this and be a regular feature in the world of social media.
Volunteer at your church to run a mentoring group, helping the younger people, who are the church of tomorrow.
If you feel the urge for preaching, tell God. He knows already of course but He likes it that we bring up the subject. He can open doors no matter how firmly closed they are.
Don't just sit and vegetate. Get the job done and make your years of experience count.
Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard
This is a blog that centres on Jesus Christ - my Lord and Saviour. My aim is to describe how He has helped over the years, together with offering daily teaching and encouragement
Saturday, 1 February 2020
Friday, 31 January 2020
Do you want to get well?
"6 When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, He said to Him, 'Do you want to be made well?"
John 5:1-15. NKJV
This man had been severely disabled for 38 years - his whole life. It is hard to imagine how he felt. To him, it was normal, even though he lay there at the poolside daily, watching others walking by.
The place Bethesda is recognised in Hebrew as the Place of Outpouring, House of Grace or even the House of Mercy. Daily people would gather around it until the waters bubbled and when it did, they endeavoured to be the first one in because the popular belief was that when the water bubbled it was caused by an angel and the first one in, would be healed. Others believed the disturbance in the water was caused by a subterranean stream under the water which every now and again bubbled up. Many people throughout the world today, carry superstitions around and believe some of the most bizarre of things. Whatever it was that caused the bubbling up at this pool, a belief spread around the wider area and many people visited in hope of healing. This man could never make it into the pool quickly enough and if he did, he would have had to be careful as the water was deep in places and in his condition, he could have drowned.
Jesus looked at this man and asked him, 'Do you want to be made well? Now this question, when you think about it, was two-fold:
1 'Do you really want to be healed and released from the infirmity?
2 'You have been this way all of your life. Are you used to being this way, and
content to carry on, or do you want what I can do?
It is possible that people can become so used to having a disability and not being able to live like others do, that they own it and find it difficult to be otherwise. This can be understandable, especially when their condition has been since birth. The very thought of being healed and changed, can be abnormal to their thinking and scary in the process.
This is what Jesus wanted to establish. Jesus is always a friend to the needy and friendless and longs to help where it is needed. This man needed His help. He never mentioned any possible superstitions about the bubbling of the water, that we may have done in a similar situation. It was immaterial. He wanted to address the main problem, not the trivial, time-wasting one.
The man's response to Jesus was not negative but it had the feel of, 'I want this but....' Many people have this attitude, 'Yes, but...' There must be a desire to receive the power of Jesus. If we are content as we are, there will be little change. This was what Jesus was seeking and, even though there was a 'but,' Jesus saw a desire too.
Jesus commanded him to, 'Rise, take up your bed and walk.' If the man had deliberated, he would have missed his healing. He could have said that he could hardly walk, let alone pick up his bed too. But, he didn't. He took action and received his healing, immediately!
You see, having faith is not enough, for the faith to work, we need action because faith without works (action) is dead (James 2:17.
What about you? Are you in a place where you have a condition that needs healing but, you have become a little used to it? You may have prayed about it many times to no avail. The thing is, you have to put your faith into action. Like yesterday's reading said, you have to apply your faith after you have asked, believed and received for healing or whatever else. In other words, you have to act as if you are healed even if you don't feel you are; there should be no doubt. However, until it is confirmed by a doctor, one should keep taking medication.
The man got up, with his bed and walked. If there had been any doubt there, he would have missed out.
Don't you miss out. Put your faith into action right now!
Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard
John 5:1-15. NKJV
This man had been severely disabled for 38 years - his whole life. It is hard to imagine how he felt. To him, it was normal, even though he lay there at the poolside daily, watching others walking by.
The place Bethesda is recognised in Hebrew as the Place of Outpouring, House of Grace or even the House of Mercy. Daily people would gather around it until the waters bubbled and when it did, they endeavoured to be the first one in because the popular belief was that when the water bubbled it was caused by an angel and the first one in, would be healed. Others believed the disturbance in the water was caused by a subterranean stream under the water which every now and again bubbled up. Many people throughout the world today, carry superstitions around and believe some of the most bizarre of things. Whatever it was that caused the bubbling up at this pool, a belief spread around the wider area and many people visited in hope of healing. This man could never make it into the pool quickly enough and if he did, he would have had to be careful as the water was deep in places and in his condition, he could have drowned.
Jesus looked at this man and asked him, 'Do you want to be made well? Now this question, when you think about it, was two-fold:
1 'Do you really want to be healed and released from the infirmity?
2 'You have been this way all of your life. Are you used to being this way, and
content to carry on, or do you want what I can do?
It is possible that people can become so used to having a disability and not being able to live like others do, that they own it and find it difficult to be otherwise. This can be understandable, especially when their condition has been since birth. The very thought of being healed and changed, can be abnormal to their thinking and scary in the process.
This is what Jesus wanted to establish. Jesus is always a friend to the needy and friendless and longs to help where it is needed. This man needed His help. He never mentioned any possible superstitions about the bubbling of the water, that we may have done in a similar situation. It was immaterial. He wanted to address the main problem, not the trivial, time-wasting one.
The man's response to Jesus was not negative but it had the feel of, 'I want this but....' Many people have this attitude, 'Yes, but...' There must be a desire to receive the power of Jesus. If we are content as we are, there will be little change. This was what Jesus was seeking and, even though there was a 'but,' Jesus saw a desire too.
Jesus commanded him to, 'Rise, take up your bed and walk.' If the man had deliberated, he would have missed his healing. He could have said that he could hardly walk, let alone pick up his bed too. But, he didn't. He took action and received his healing, immediately!
You see, having faith is not enough, for the faith to work, we need action because faith without works (action) is dead (James 2:17.
What about you? Are you in a place where you have a condition that needs healing but, you have become a little used to it? You may have prayed about it many times to no avail. The thing is, you have to put your faith into action. Like yesterday's reading said, you have to apply your faith after you have asked, believed and received for healing or whatever else. In other words, you have to act as if you are healed even if you don't feel you are; there should be no doubt. However, until it is confirmed by a doctor, one should keep taking medication.
The man got up, with his bed and walked. If there had been any doubt there, he would have missed out.
Don't you miss out. Put your faith into action right now!
Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard
Thursday, 30 January 2020
Out of need, not greed, He's willing to feed
"Therefore, I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them and you will have them." Mark 11:24. NKJV
At the risk of being repetitive, this is an area that we all to need to understand and grasp hold of. Firstly though, ask yourself, 'Do I need a faith transplant?' This is important, because without faith, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). So before you carry on reading, put this right by asking God to increase your faith. A word of warning though; when you ask such a thing, he will test you in several areas to see how you're doing.
When we ask God for something, we need to believe that He has heard us and that He is committed to giving us what we ask for. We then need to receive it by faith before we have it. Now this doesn't mean if we ask God to allow us to win the Lottery so that we'll be rich, that he will do this for us. The same as if we ask for a bigger and better house or car so we can spite our neighbours. He probably won't do this because we are asking amiss. (James 4:1-3). God is not our Santa Claus. He knows what we need, such as healing, finances, that special job, a house move etc. When we ask God out of need, not greed, He is willing to feed.
So therefore, when we come before Him with one of these needs - ready to ask according to His will - we need to:
PRAY - ask Him for what we need
BELIEVE - He has heard and will deliver
RECEIVE - Believe you have them.
APPLY IT - Put it into action by confessing what you've received
In other words, take it; receive it and have it and then apply it by confessing by faith. If you asked for healing, confess that you are healed even if you don't feel healed and still have the symptoms. Confess that you are healed.
'Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.' Romans 10:17. Don't negate or cancel out your healing by thinking or saying that you feel awful and not healed. Keep believing and confessing and it will come about. If you doubt you'll be without. This goes for any other area that you're praying and believing for - finances, home, job, family etc.
Don't be tempted to give up. At times, people receive what they've asked for, instantly. At other times, there is a wait for the manifestation. Don't be impatient, wait for it:
'Though it tarries, wait for it;
Because it will surely come,
It will not tarry'
Habakkuk 2:3. NKJV
Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard
Wednesday, 29 January 2020
An Attitude of Gratitude
"17 Though the fig tree may not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, though the labour of the olive may fail, and the fields yield no food; though the flock may be cut off from the fold, and there be no herd in the stalls - 18 Yet, I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation."
Habakkuk 3:17-18. NKJV
Things may get bad for you at times - very bad. However, in comparison to the above scripture, have things ever been this bad? The majority of us, have a home or at least somewhere to lay our heads. We have finance from a job or social care, medical costs paid for within the UK, clothes, shoes, food, family and often, someone to love or have love us.
When we compare this with many other countries, we are very well off. Many of these countries are starving, have nowhere to live and are riddled with some type of disease, and yet, those who belong to Jesus Christ, have faith and a devotion to Him, that would make ours look shallow in comparison. Many are poor and live in mud huts or even on the streets, have no clean water, sanitation or nice new clothes to wear and some have to sell their bodies to provide the very basic of things - things that we, in the west take for granted every day.
Governments hoard their money and get richer, while their people die by the thousands. What is the reason for this? Is it God's fault? Not at all. The reason is at the top; governmental leaders who make sure that they are ok; that they have more than enough while their people perish and are subjected to dictatorship and death.
And yet, the ones who are Christians; the ones who have put their trust in Jesus have a deep love and devotion to Him. They are grateful for all they have- which is very little. They have learnt that Jesus is their Lord; their provider and against all the odds, for some, certain death for being believers in Jesus, they rejoice in their Lord and Master.
They may have very little by way of material possession, but they have Jesus and they devour the bible; they praise and rejoice in Him all through the day, even though it may cost them their lives for doing so.
One only has to look at the devastating horror that the Jewish people had to endure under the Nazis during WW2. They were slaughtered for their Jewish faith. Hitler thought he could end the reign of the Jew but he underestimated the strength of Jesus Christ. They live on and at the end of the day, Hitler and his associates will have to give an account for the atrocities that they caused. And so will today's world leaders for the way they have not taken care of their people.
Nevertheless, the people worship Jesus, yes, they would probably love to have what we even throwaway, but they are content in their faith and grateful for the little that they have.
It should make us in the western world feel very humble. Just think what you have but yet grumble and complain about because someone has better. Think about all you take for granted and just for one moment, spare a thought for the people who are not rich, the people who are dying because there is no medication or food, the one who is sleeping rough tonight because they have nothing. When you've done this, realise how grateful to God you need to be.
Habakkuk 3:17-18. NKJV
Things may get bad for you at times - very bad. However, in comparison to the above scripture, have things ever been this bad? The majority of us, have a home or at least somewhere to lay our heads. We have finance from a job or social care, medical costs paid for within the UK, clothes, shoes, food, family and often, someone to love or have love us.
When we compare this with many other countries, we are very well off. Many of these countries are starving, have nowhere to live and are riddled with some type of disease, and yet, those who belong to Jesus Christ, have faith and a devotion to Him, that would make ours look shallow in comparison. Many are poor and live in mud huts or even on the streets, have no clean water, sanitation or nice new clothes to wear and some have to sell their bodies to provide the very basic of things - things that we, in the west take for granted every day.
Governments hoard their money and get richer, while their people die by the thousands. What is the reason for this? Is it God's fault? Not at all. The reason is at the top; governmental leaders who make sure that they are ok; that they have more than enough while their people perish and are subjected to dictatorship and death.
And yet, the ones who are Christians; the ones who have put their trust in Jesus have a deep love and devotion to Him. They are grateful for all they have- which is very little. They have learnt that Jesus is their Lord; their provider and against all the odds, for some, certain death for being believers in Jesus, they rejoice in their Lord and Master.
They may have very little by way of material possession, but they have Jesus and they devour the bible; they praise and rejoice in Him all through the day, even though it may cost them their lives for doing so.
One only has to look at the devastating horror that the Jewish people had to endure under the Nazis during WW2. They were slaughtered for their Jewish faith. Hitler thought he could end the reign of the Jew but he underestimated the strength of Jesus Christ. They live on and at the end of the day, Hitler and his associates will have to give an account for the atrocities that they caused. And so will today's world leaders for the way they have not taken care of their people.
Nevertheless, the people worship Jesus, yes, they would probably love to have what we even throwaway, but they are content in their faith and grateful for the little that they have.
It should make us in the western world feel very humble. Just think what you have but yet grumble and complain about because someone has better. Think about all you take for granted and just for one moment, spare a thought for the people who are not rich, the people who are dying because there is no medication or food, the one who is sleeping rough tonight because they have nothing. When you've done this, realise how grateful to God you need to be.
'Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count you blessings see what God hath done,
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
and it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.'
Johnson Atman Jr
Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard
Tuesday, 28 January 2020
Three main areas of worry Part 3
"25 Therefore, I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?" Matthew 6:25-34. NKJV
Today, we come to our final part of the main areas of worry. Today we look at:
We all desire good health, the alternative being unthinkable. Many people struggle with the fact that God's Word says that we are healed. 1 Peter 2:24, actually tells us that we were healed by the stripes of Jesus, and that is correct. The problem is, accepting this fact.
Why do we fret and worry about illness that comes upon us or a member of our family. Jesus told us if we ask in prayer for anything and believe that we receive them, then we will have them. Mark 11:24. We either believe that or we don't. It is not a case of, 'if we pray hard enough, God will hear us and take pity on us.' It is not that type of thing at all. Jesus was serious about what He said.
Let us look at Mark 11:24:
'Therefore, I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them and you will have them.'
This verse is so straight forward, that it would be so easy to say, 'What part of this verse don't you understand?' It couldn't be any clearer. But some people often think that there must be a hidden meaning. The only hidden meaning here is, 'Have faith in God,' Mark 11:22. The verse could be better analysed by breaking it into three parts:
We are called to walk by faith 2 Corinthians 5:7. Also 'God who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did.' Romans 4:17. Did you get that? If a person is sick, there is no healing there, ok? So faith tells us to call those thing - this sickness - as if they are healed and they will be, because we walk by faith, not by what we see, hear or what someone tells us. 'Oh that won't work, they're sick, they won't be made well.' Well you're right if you have that attitude because that is not faith, it is aggressive doubt. We have to get into the realm of faith, of believing for the impossible, because God is a God of the impossible.
When we pray, it must never be a formality or a ritual without hope. We should never pray, 'Lord, if it be thy will.' It's fruitless to pray this way because we know already that it is God's Will. 1 Peter 2:24. Don't be tempted to be one of the people who think, 'You never know, God may just answer my prayer.' This really is being a little flip with God. He is interested in you walking in divine health. He doesn't want you sick.
So why then, are so many people sick? Well God doesn't bring sickness upon people. That is fact. There is none of this, 'God allowed this sickness because I can be helpful to Him.' That is not true. He can use a person who has a major illness, yes, as they can minister to others with similar symptoms. But it is never God's will for us to be sick.
It all boils down to whether we, the individual, receive healing, stand on our faith confessing that we are healed, though the symptoms remain, until the full manifestation comes to us. Many times, people are healed instantly as they receive it. At other times, it is like nothing has happened. However, this is where we need to use our faith and not confess sickness on us any longer. Yes, you need to still take your medication, it would be irresponsible not to. But only until the doctor gives you a clean bill of health.
You may be reading this and have total doubt about it all. But really, have you anything to lose by trusting God totally and asking Him to heal you? God does not lie. What He says in His Word can be trusted. He is a God of love; a God who doesn't want you worrying about sickness and disease, especially when He has supplied healing in the first place. He loves you.
May I encourage you to read and study Mark 11:24 until you get a full revelation of what God is telling you. God wants you well, and well today. All you have to do is believe that you receive and you will have it.
Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard
Today, we come to our final part of the main areas of worry. Today we look at:
We all desire good health, the alternative being unthinkable. Many people struggle with the fact that God's Word says that we are healed. 1 Peter 2:24, actually tells us that we were healed by the stripes of Jesus, and that is correct. The problem is, accepting this fact.
Why do we fret and worry about illness that comes upon us or a member of our family. Jesus told us if we ask in prayer for anything and believe that we receive them, then we will have them. Mark 11:24. We either believe that or we don't. It is not a case of, 'if we pray hard enough, God will hear us and take pity on us.' It is not that type of thing at all. Jesus was serious about what He said.
Let us look at Mark 11:24:
'Therefore, I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them and you will have them.'
This verse is so straight forward, that it would be so easy to say, 'What part of this verse don't you understand?' It couldn't be any clearer. But some people often think that there must be a hidden meaning. The only hidden meaning here is, 'Have faith in God,' Mark 11:22. The verse could be better analysed by breaking it into three parts:
We are called to walk by faith 2 Corinthians 5:7. Also 'God who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did.' Romans 4:17. Did you get that? If a person is sick, there is no healing there, ok? So faith tells us to call those thing - this sickness - as if they are healed and they will be, because we walk by faith, not by what we see, hear or what someone tells us. 'Oh that won't work, they're sick, they won't be made well.' Well you're right if you have that attitude because that is not faith, it is aggressive doubt. We have to get into the realm of faith, of believing for the impossible, because God is a God of the impossible.
When we pray, it must never be a formality or a ritual without hope. We should never pray, 'Lord, if it be thy will.' It's fruitless to pray this way because we know already that it is God's Will. 1 Peter 2:24. Don't be tempted to be one of the people who think, 'You never know, God may just answer my prayer.' This really is being a little flip with God. He is interested in you walking in divine health. He doesn't want you sick.
So why then, are so many people sick? Well God doesn't bring sickness upon people. That is fact. There is none of this, 'God allowed this sickness because I can be helpful to Him.' That is not true. He can use a person who has a major illness, yes, as they can minister to others with similar symptoms. But it is never God's will for us to be sick.
It all boils down to whether we, the individual, receive healing, stand on our faith confessing that we are healed, though the symptoms remain, until the full manifestation comes to us. Many times, people are healed instantly as they receive it. At other times, it is like nothing has happened. However, this is where we need to use our faith and not confess sickness on us any longer. Yes, you need to still take your medication, it would be irresponsible not to. But only until the doctor gives you a clean bill of health.
You may be reading this and have total doubt about it all. But really, have you anything to lose by trusting God totally and asking Him to heal you? God does not lie. What He says in His Word can be trusted. He is a God of love; a God who doesn't want you worrying about sickness and disease, especially when He has supplied healing in the first place. He loves you.
May I encourage you to read and study Mark 11:24 until you get a full revelation of what God is telling you. God wants you well, and well today. All you have to do is believe that you receive and you will have it.
Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard
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