Friday, 8 May 2020


"My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness"
                                                                                           2 Corinthians 12:9.  NKJV

God sent one solitary man to bring the children of Israel out of bondage. He didn't send an army. He sent one man to deliver mankind from eternal darkness - Jesus. It was an impossible task for Moses, this is why he wriggled to try and get out of it. It must have seemed an impossible task to save mankind from distinction; but Jesus knew that He could do it, because His Father had told Him so.

Sometimes, we face the most awful of challenges, something so enormous that it doesn't appear achievable. Yet, when we are in a helpless situation, one in which there is no way out, as we call on Jesus, He takes delight in helping us.

Joel 3:10 says, 'Let the weak say I am strong,' because this is what happens when we call on the Lord. In our weakness, His grace is all we need. He provides a way through the situation and it can leave you amazed at the outcome. 

Charles F Stanley says:-

'Whatever brings you to your knees in weakness, carries the greatest potential for your personal success and victory.'

Just think about this statement for a moment; when we are willing to say to Jesus, 'I can't do this, I really need Your help,' then this is the time that He sees our weakness, knows we have acknowledged it as such and is blessed that we are relying on His strength to help us through.

Proverbs 16:3 says, 'Commit your works to the LORD and your thoughts will be established.' In other words, as you give it to God, you will be successful. The word, 'Commit,' here is a Hebrew word meaning 'roll'. The idea being, we roll our burdens over to God. It is a picture of a ladened camel, who on reaching its destination, kneels down and rolls the load off its back. 

In the world, to be weak is a stigma especially to certain men. However, to paraphrase  the Apostle Paul's words, 'I don't mind being weak, because when I am this way, then in Jesus, I am strong. And so are you!

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

Thursday, 7 May 2020

Never stop praising God

"I will bless the LORD at all times, His praise shall continually be in my mouth."
                                                                                                       Psalm 34:1.  NKJV

Picture the scenario:
You don't hear the alarm and sleep through until 8.30am - you're supposed to be at work at this time, but work is 30 minutes away. Is this a time to bless and praise God? This scripture tells me it is - 'at all times.'
After a quick shower, hurried dressing and hasty goodbyes to your family, who are also late; you dash out into the bitter cold. Your car is iced up and you have no de-icer; also the inside of the car is also misty. You turn on the ignition and nothing happens, except for a slow whurring sound - flat battery. AAARGH!
By now it's 9am and you're on you mobile to a garage who tell you that it will be an hour before they can get to you - at least. Is this a time to bless and praise God? 
'Yes, but things happen,' you say, 'the devil's doing this, he's after ruining my day.' That may be so, but you can't blame the devil for everything that goes wrong. Wouldn't praise be a better thing to do? 'You must be joking,' you scream back, 'how can you praise God when all of this is happening?' Quite easily. Just open your mouth and do it. Watch this from Psalm 34:-

'I sought the LORD and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.' v4

'This poor man cried out and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles'  v6

And what about Paul and Silas in Acts 16? They had been falsely imprisoned, beaten with rods and then thrown into a rat-infested, smelly old prison and clamped into stocks. Did they moan about it? No, they praised God and there was an earthquake, setting all of the prisoners free.
Come on, how can you not bless and praise God. At this particular time, you're probably thinking that I'm crazy, but I'm not. I'm quoting God's Word to you. Whether you take notice of it is up to you; but it's wise to do so.
'Why do things go wrong like this?' you may ask. It's life. Things happen and we need to rise above it. God does test us to see how we're getting on. At times such as this, what does he see in you? Do you pass the test? We all fall short at times but it is what we learn from the experiences that matter. It helps to play the video back in your mind and identify where it went wrong for you. Ask yourself what you could have done differently and then determine that you won't do this next time.
The real secret is learning to bless and praise God, AT ALL TIMES!

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard


Wednesday, 6 May 2020

God thinks you're very good.

"Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you, will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ."                                Philippians 1:6.  NKJV

So, God has started a good work in you, Hasn't He? No? Are you born again? Have you given your life to Jesus? If the answer to these two questions is, yes, then you can be sure that He has started a good work in you.

Firstly, I would class you as a good work. God doesn't make mistakes. He created you and He considers that what He has created is a good work. You may not agree, but let's look at this. He knows what he is doing. Now that you have made Him your Lord and Saviour, you have given Him permission to change the rough bits about you. To tweak them a little bit. Now this can take a bit of time. For some, a lifetime. The more that you co-operate with Him, the sooner He will get you into the position He needs, to do His work.

Secondly, you can be confident about this, God is. He is confident about the good work He has started in you. He feels good about it and so should you too. Stop and think for a moment. The God who created the world is confident about the work He has started in you. Jesus died and rescued you from an eternity in hell. What for? Because he loves you; but there's more. He is confident that He can build you into a person who can make a difference - a history maker!

Thirdly, you're not there yet. You know that you're not. There's a lot of rough edges that need His attention. But He is confident that the good work He has started in you, He will complete. You are His work in progress. 

Do you have confidence in your own ability? Do you believe that God is perfecting you? God has so much confidence in you, that:

'God saw everything that He had made and indeed it was very good'
                                                                                  Genesis 1:31.  NKJV

Note the words, 'very good.' This is the way He feels about you and the way He wants you to feel about yourself. Therefore, build yourself up in the confidence of God. Start thinking, 'very good,' things about yourself; and when you do, you'll be in agreement with God. And that's always 'very good.'

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Bubble Bursters

"So my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immoveable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless."
                                                                               1 Corinthians 15:58.  NLT

People with a limited experience of God, may speak to us as if they have a vast knowledge of Him. As they listen to what we say, they may shake their heads and try to extinguish our faith, rather like pouring water on hot coals. 'Be careful,' they may say, 'you could make a fool of yourself -God doesn't speak to us like that.' You've heard them and if you're not careful, they have the ability to rob you of your enthusiasm. I call them, Bubble Bursters, because that is what they do, they burst our bubble of enthusiasm and make us feel inadequate, as if we have not heard God properly. It's ok to receive good, solid advice - we need this. But you will notice the difference in your spirit as you walk with God. The Holy Spirit will let you know.

Enthusiasm spreads like a wild fire if done properly - when it comes from the Lord. We burn with zeal, having a warmth and deep conviction and an eager devotion to do something. In other words, to spread our enthusiasm. 

This is where you may be at this time. God may be stirring something up within you, something new. It may appear exciting and scary at the same time. But, deep down within your spirit, you know it's God. If that's where you are, take notice of it and do it. Avoid the Bubble Bursters, they'll only shout you down. 

Notice the word, 'Immovable,' in our text. This means, unyielding in principle, purpose or adherence, in fact, steadfast. Don't be moved. Your work has value when you do it for God. He will be right behind you, empowering and encouraging you. 

There are talkers and doers, which one are you? Don't get down the road later in life with, 'I wish I would have done that. I know it was God's will. 2 Timothy 1:6 tells us to 'Stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands.' Use the gifts that you have been given for the benefit of God's people. 

If this is you, go and do it and watch out for the Bubble Bursters.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

Monday, 4 May 2020

Discouragement Part 2

"But David, strengthened himself in the LORD His God"         1 Samuel 30:6   NKJV

At times, we have no one who can or will, encourage us. This can be a difficult and lonely time. It is a time when discouragement is knocking at the door; a time when the devil is whispering, 'Nobody cares; you may as well give up.' Probably you have heard that voice just lately.

It's interesting to see from our text, that David received no help or comfort until he called on God. We read: 'For whoever calls on the name of the LORD, shall be saved.' Joel 2:32 and Romans 10:13. We often place this verse in line with salvation - being 'saved', or 'born again' and that is correct. However, the word salvation is much more than that. The Greek word for salvation is Soteria, which incorporates, deliverance, preservation, soundness, prosperity, happiness, rescue and general well-being. We can call on the Lord at anytime and He will be there to help us, but we must call on Him. And this, David knew. This is why he was able to strengthen himself in the Lord. He remembered all that God had done for him in the past and he knew that God would not let him down. His discouragement turned into encouragement.

God wants to empower each and everyone of us. He can take distress and disappointment and turn it into joy and hope. It's not just about us though. Many other people feel the same. They may be good at hiding it, but rather like applying whitewash to a damaged wall, the cracks begin to show through as it dries. You may know someone who is going through discouragement at the moment. For them to receive a card with, 'Just want you to know that I'm thinking about you,' or some other appropriate message, can lift their spirits.
A telephone call is also helpful but, many times the person may not want to speak or will put on their, 'Happy exterior,' voice. But a text may help.

You may say, 'Well no one's done that to me and I've been really low,' But, as I have said, it's not always about you and being the one who takes the initiative and does it, scores points with God - smartie points - you're doing it as if you're doing it for Jesus:

"Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these, My brethren, you did it to Me."    (Matthew 25:40).

Why not strengthen or encourage yourself in the Lord right now, or do the same to someone who needs it. It will really brighten, their's and your day.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

Sunday, 3 May 2020


"(4) But he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a broom tree. And he prayed that he might die, and said, 'It is enough! Now, LORD, take my life, for I am no better than my fathers."
                                                                                   Read 1 Kings 19:1-18.  NKJV

When we consider the work that Elijah had done, it is difficult to see him in this state. He had prayed for a drought, he had humiliated Jezebel's prophets and then put them to death, he had then prayed that the drought would end and it had, and yet, he had run away from Jezebel because of her threats to kill him. Now he is hiding away praying that he might die.

No one is exempt discouragement and depression. It can happen to the strongest of us. People can do the most amazing of things, really thriving in their particular world, and then, the next minute they can be in a heap. This may be where you are at this time.
Disappointments are inevitable. They are part of life and happen to us all. But discouragement is a choice. Our physical and mental condition can get on top of us. We become tired and worn out; trodden on and beaten up, taken for granted and passed over. The problem is, the discouragement we feel can lead us into a dark void of depression where we begin to feel useless and unwanted. After a time, we may begin to feel sorry for ourselves, having negative conversations in our minds where we blame others for the position that we're in. If left, this condition may worsen and we need medication to help lift us out of this despair. We don't want to eat and find it difficult to sleep properly - waking up at all hours with the endless pressures on our mind. This is why the angel of the Lord came to Elijah with food and drink. He needed to strengthen himself so that he could think more clearly.

Charles F Stanley, uses a great acronym to describe this condition. He calls it
H.A.L.T = Hungry, angry, lonely and tired. He says of this:

'Be very careful, because you are especially vulnerable to sin and disheartenment. Before giving up or taking a rash course of action, stop and seek God. He will refresh you and give you the strength to continue.'

God said to Elijah, 'What are you doing here?' (V13). He was in the wrong place. Elijah had allowed himself to be discouraged and then depressed. He had succumbed to the stress of everything and he had run away. Does that sound familiar? The man who only a short while ago had done great things was now hiding, in a cave.

Psalm 42:5 is a great scripture to help in times of need. It says, 'Why are you downcast, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him, for the help of His countenance." In other words, seek God and speak words of encouragement to yourself. We can become used to living with discouragement - pity parties come to mind. But it is our choice to remain in this state of mind and only we can make that choice. 

Joshua 1:9 says, 'Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid, nor dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.'
This is an awesome promise, so take courage, He is right beside you, fighting for you and there is absolutely no need to be afraid.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

Saturday, 2 May 2020

Yes, you can do this!

"Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also, and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father."
                                                                                                John 14:12.  NKJV

You may say, 'Jesus wasn't talking to me though. He was talking to these others - the ones that always seem to get it right. He couldn't have meant me.' 
Well, I'm sorry to disagree with you, but He did mean you, so stop trying to hide away feeling that you're a nobody. Jesus takes a nobody and turns them into a somebody; and again, I say, that's you.

When you consider this verse and what Jesus is actually saying, it is mind-blowing. Was He really saying that we would greater works than He did? Yes, He was. However, we need to expound this further.
Jesus didn't mean that our works would out-shine Him; that we would do greater miracles than He ever did. No, not at all. What He was saying was, His ministry had lasted three years or so and He had accomplished much. However, He was now going to the Father and leaving the disciples - and us - to carry on the work and spread it all over the world. He was leaving behind a victorious body of spirit-filled people who would further His Kingdom more than He ever could have done in such a short time. 

This may have seemed an impossible task, until Peter's first sermon. He converted more people in one speech than Jesus had in His entire ministry.
'Yes, but I could never do that,' you say, 'Peter may have done, but I'm not good enough for that. I am so inadequate; I let Him down all the time.'
You may let Him down daily, but He still believes in you. He still believes you can do what He is asking you. Your inadequacy is down to the way you see yourself. That can be changed.

Charles F Stanley comments on this:

'The problem isn't your inadequacy or that you are imperfect. It is that you have allowed your feelings to overshadow the truth of God's Word. The Lord is able to use you to show His love to others.'

The thing is, God has called you to do a particular thing. You know it, I know it, God knows it and probably the dog knows it too - if you have one. So get on and do it!
Jesus didn't lie, did He? Of course He didn't. Therefore, He says, 'If you believe in Me, then greater things will you do than I did.' (My paraphrase.)

Don't bury your talent! (Matthew 25:18). God's given you something to do and His Word to you today is, 'Go and do it.'

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

'I've had enough, I'm going out'

"After these things Jesus showed Himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias, and in this way He showed Himself:  2 Simon Pet...