Tuesday, 16 March 2021

Do you waver?

6 "But let him ask in faith with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. 7 For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; 8 he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.'
                                                                                                           James 1:6-8    NKJV

When we ask God for wisdom on any given thing, He will give it to us. But at times, the answer we receive from God is different to the one that we were hoping for. We can then be out on a limb as we struggle with what to do. The thing is, if we have asked God by faith, to give us wisdom on something, He has done it and we need to accept it even though it may not be what we were expecting.

It can be the same when we ask God for direction on something. We may believe that God is calling us to do a particular thing. When we ask Him for clarification, and He confirms that we are taking the right road, we can become scared about it because deep down, we were hoping that he would tell us to be more cautious and leave it for a while. In both examples, we are doing what James described, being a double-minded man. 

Being double-minded is showing that we are in conflict with ourselves. One moment our minds are set on God, the next it is set on the world. We vacillate between belief and disbelief sometimes thinking God will help, the next giving up all hope of it happening. This is called wavering or staggering about, confused about the next step. We wonder if God has actually told us what to do or whether it was our minds playing tricks on us.

When we act this way, we're not really very effective at all. We are like a YoYo, one minute up, the next down. We need to work on our stability in God. Don't waver when you ask in faith. Consider only what God says, no matter how things may look and how much your flesh is screaming for you to do otherwise. Stay focused on the promise God has given you and don't stagger about.

I mentioned recently, 2 Corinthians 4:18, 'while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things that are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.' 

Basically this is encouraging people of God not to comment on the problem, just thank Him and declare the solution which you can only see with your spiritual eyes. This is faith, we may not be able to see that we have been healed in the natural realm, but we live and operate in the supernatural realm and our spiritual eyesight picks up on that fact. 

Hebrews 11:6 tells us that, 'without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.' We need faith and we need to live in this 24 hours of each day. We have the study guide book, the book of rules and the wealth of knowledge that the Bible gives us; we just need to put it into practice.

Monday, 15 March 2021

The burden will be taken away - Final part

"He restores my soul"                                                                 Psalm 23:3    NKJV

Today we come to the end of our teaching concerning Yokes and Burdens as seen in Isaiah 10:27. We've looked at Bitterness, Rejection, Failure, Health and Jealousy. There are many more areas that we could discuss, and we will, at a later time. For now, realise that if you have studied these areas, taken them to your heart and prayed over each one of them, it is as if you have placed the burden of each one of them into the buckets on the Yoke frame you were carrying on your shoulders, and you are free of them. When we do this, God anoints us with fresh oil (Psalm 92:10) and He restores us as our text declares. 

God restores our soul, which is made up of our mind, will and emotions. The mind includes our thought life and what we take on board; the will is what we do about any given thing, how we react and finally, emotions is how it affects us, the damage, bad emotions can cause or the blessing of good thoughts. Daily restoration of the anxious, weary soul is a major human need. Jesus is our Bridegroom and He is preparing us - His Bride, for the Wedding Feast in Heaven. He is getting us ready. 

This is what looking within ourselves is all about. When the Bride is prepared, Jesus will return for us and the intimacy that was broken in the Garden of Eden, will be completely restored. We will once again become one with Christ and with God as Jesus prayed in John 17.

Have you ever thought what it must have felt like for God when, after creating the Garden and Adam and Eve, they broke that early covenant with Him by eating the forbidden fruit and allowed sin to enter this perfect world. He must have felt devastated by it all, even though He had a plan. Notice how He still had compassion for them by making clothes for them to wear prior to being banished from the Garden. Anyone who has ever had a child leave home, will know how it feels in the heart to watch them leave.

To be restored is to bring back into existence or use; to re-establish and put back into a former position or location. This is what Jesus does for each one of us that call on Him. If you have done this, you can be assured that He has heard your cry, and restored you. You are no longer the way your were, you have been transformed into His image. We all have hang-ups; we all carry burdens that become so heavy we stumble under them; but when we cast them over to God by putting them into the burden bucket fitted on the yoke frame, we become free, in fact restored.

Today, why not give Jesus a special thanks, an offering of gratefulness for all He has done for you. No one else could have helped you, only Jesus.

'Lord Jesus, we offer up our praise and thanksgiving to You, Our Mighty God and friend, who cared enough to come down to earth to set us free. We give You thanks.



Sunday, 14 March 2021

The burden will be taken away. Part 6

"You are still worldly, (controlled by ordinary impulses, the sinful capacity). For as long as there is jealousy and strife and discord among you, are you not unspiritual and are you not walking like ordinary men, (unchanged by faith?)  
                                                                                1 Corinthian 3:3  Amplified Study Bible

Today we look at a very common area to us all - JEALOUSY. 
Jealousy can be described as resentment against a person enjoying success or advantage. The common symptoms of jealousy are:

ANGER towards a person or situation that is interfering with something you care about.
RESENTMENT of a friend or partner when they can't spend time with you for some reason.
DIFFICULTY feeling happy for a co-worker when they receive something you wanted.

We only have to look at Joseph in the book of Genesis to get the idea. He was favoured by Jacob, his father, and therefore, received all of his love and attention. His brothers began to resent this and it led to their jealousy towards him so much, that they plotted to kill him. They eventually sold him into slavery. Genesis ch 37 - 50.

The New Living Translation quotes our text as:

For you are still controlled by your sinful nature. You are jealous of one another and quarrel with each other. Doesn't that prove you are controlled by your sinful nature? Aren't you living like people of the world.'  1 Corinthians 3:3.

The word 'Worldly', in the biblical sense, is used for immature Christians that lack control in this area. They are on the milk of the word. No one should expect this condition to last though. Here, Paul was surprised that the Corinthians had not yet grown into spiritual maturity and become able to distinguish between good and evil. Their behaviour displayed envy, strife and was divisive.

If we are not careful, we can all become envious towards someone who always seems to receive accolades while we are forgotten. However, we need to guard our hearts and, at the first sign of jealousy, we should nip it in the bud before it becomes dangerous. We need to bring, 'every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.'  2 Corinthians 10:5.

Are you prone to jealousy? Many are but we need to accept that it is spiritually immature to do so and we need to rectify it before it gets out of hand. Commit yourself to read and study 2 Corinthians 10:1-6. It will enrich you, helping you to combat any wrong thinking in the future. You will feel better for doing so.

'Lord Jesus, I come before you this morning and ask you to search within my soul for any sign of jealousy. With Your help, I give it notice to quit - to leave my body in the Name of Jesus and to fill that space with Your Grace. I choose to live for You Lord.

In Jesus' Name. Amen

Saturday, 13 March 2021

The burden will be taken away. Part 5

"while we do not look at the things that are seen, but at the things that are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal."
                                                                                                    2 Corinthians 4:18     NKJV

Today in our series of Burdens and Yokes, we look at the area of our HEALTH. Some people suffer bad health and others, good health. It is similar to why some healthy people go out of the house, have an accident and die, whereas, many unhealthy people live long lives, but suffer bad health. There is an impasse in our thinking here and all we can say, is that life goes that way. It is unexplainable.

In our life as a Christian, we really shouldn't have bad health, because the Word of God tells us that we are healed by the stripes of Jesus, Isaiah 53:5/1 Peter 2:24. According to our text today, in a spiritual sense, what we see as illness is temporary; the world looks upon this as possibly permanent. But being temporary, the Word of God is saying that it is subject to change. It is receiving your healing by faith.

Dr Bill Winston comments:

'Maybe my natural eyes see a sickness. This is what the natural world is telling me. But I am to look at the promise in the Bible which says, 'by His stripes ye were healed.' 1 Peter 2:24. That is the eternal truth that will overcome the temporal situation I am dealing with. My total health and healing may not be seen in the natural , but I see it in the Spirit - and the Spirit realm overrides the natural realm.'
                                                         Copyright 2000 Bill Winston The Law of Confession

This is what faith is, looking at something that to the world isn't, but we believe that it is. Jesus tells us that if we believe in Him, we will have a place in Heaven when we die. 'For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.' (John 3:16). That is the only assurance that we have, but as Christians, we believe that it is true. God said it, so we believe it. Therefore, it makes sense to believe also, that if God's Word tells us that we were healed by His stripes, then we are; we just have to believe and receive it.

Many people struggle with this concept. When we stand on God's Word in this area, we may not see the healing with our natural eyes; there may appear to be no difference. However, don't forget that what we are looking at is temporary - subject to change. So at the right time, the full manifestation of God's Word will come into fruition and the healing will come.

You may need healing at this moment. You may have struggled with bad health for some time. All I can tell you, is what the Word tells us and I believe it, God heals today and what's more, He is interested in healing you at this very moment. Oral Roberts once said, 'Believe and receive - doubt and go without.' What will you do?

'Lord Jesus, I believe in Your healing power and I come before You this day. I have suffered with................................... but your Word tells me that I am healed. Therefore, I believe and receive this healing in Jesus' name and confess with my mouth that, by the stripes of Jesus, I am healed.

Amen and Amen.

Now go believing and refuse to consider doubt, no matter what.


Friday, 12 March 2021

The burden will be taken away. Part 4

"Love never fails"                                                                    I Corinthians 13:8       NKJV

In our series on Yokes and Burdens as addressed in Isaiah 10:27, we come to the fourth area which is FAILURE.

This is an area where many people have hang-ups. It may have started in the schools years, where peer-pressure and bullies used their intimidation to be-little people. This may have carried on within the home and family, where the art of failure was learnt and adopted. Things may have been said such as, 'He (she) will never make it or do any good.' It may have been, 'He's one of life's losers.' If this happened to you, you may have become so used to hearing it, that you believed the lie. I say, lie,' because that is what it is. Jesus would never say that about you, would he?

As time went on, believing this lie, you may have become so used to this that you began to personalise it by saying things such as, 'I can't do that.' This is not only a lie from the devil but it is in total contrast to what God says about you. Philippians 4:13 says, 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.' By saying anything differently, you are totally disagreeing with God. He says you can, not you may be able to do it if you work hard; no, He says you can do it. So don't you think it is time that you came into agreement with Him? We can achieve anything that God directs us to do, nothing is impossible for us. And He is most definitely saying to you, that you are not a failure, you can do this, you can achieve what He has put before you.

This is why it says in Romans 8:37, 'Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.' Did you get that. You are more than a conqueror. One who is a conqueror, overcomes by gaining control. You are not a conqueror, but a, 'more than a conqueror'. Therefore, you can overcome much, much more and this rubber stamps that you are not a failure. You belong to God. God is love and Love never fail. He will never fail you. You are in Him and He is in you, so it speaks for it self that you are not a failure.

From time to time, things may wrong, but whereas the world may put something down as a failure, you should be saying, 'this is just another chance to get it right.' Just begin to believe what Jesus says about you. The past has gone and for many, it did them no good. There's a future out there for you - yes you, I'm talking to you. God is saying, 'no matter what you heard people saying about you, you believe what I say about you. You are My child and I love you. You are a priceless jewel in My Kingdom.'

Now that is something to shout, praise and shout some more about. From today, let Jesus take the burden of failure; that yoke that was breaking you down and allow Him to build you back up.

'Lord Jesus, I receive Your Word, the Word that says that I am not a failure but that I am more than a conqueror. I receive it now, by faith and I praise and thank You, in Jesus' Name. Amen.


Thursday, 11 March 2021

The burden will be taken away. Part 3

"The LORD will not reject His people; He will not abandon His special possession." 
                                                                                                       Psalm 94:14    NLT

Today we look at our third area which contains a burden and a yoke, one in which many people suffer from throughout this world - REJECTION

The yoke of rejection is a very heavy burden to carry around. It may have been formulated while very young. Favouritism from one parent to a sibling is a common cause. We only have to look at the account of Jacob in Genesis, where he favoured Joseph over his brothers and the problems that it caused.

Rejection may happen when someone refuses to accept a person or listen to them or even casts them aside without another thought. Others may be the centre of attention while the other one has the feeling that they're sitting on the subs bench waiting for a call that never comes.

Someone once said that, 'Rejection occurs when a person or group excludes an individual and refuses to acknowledge or accept them' There is a great deal of truth in this statement. Many people in the world today have suffered rejection in their life and it has led to many emotional problems within them. A spirit of rejection brings fear, phobias, anxiety and self pity to someone, along with a need to blame or become angry with someone because they are easily offended.

A person who suffers from rejection has a strong need for love and acceptance, in fact a strong desire to be noticed. They may go much further in helping another person than another person would. There is a need to please another person, not so much for the thanks but for the attention they will receive. 

They have also been unwanted for so long that they find it difficult to receive any deep love that someone may show them. This is because they have a fear that this person may reject them too. In the past they may have bought presents for someone only to have it rejected or they have later found that it had been unopened.

If this is you, please understand and accept that, people, even parents, may have hurt you but Jesus never will. As today's text reads, "The LORD will not reject His people; He will not abandon His special possession." And it is true. However, you have to accept that what has happened to you is in the past. That can't be changed, it has happened. However, the future can be different. But you have to work at this too. You can ask God to heal the rejection, and He will, but it is up to you to forgive and forget it. Otherwise it will bury you. 

Are you ready to give this to Jesus? Are you willing to forgive what has happened and learn to forget it all and look to the future? If you are, say this:

'Lord Jesus, I have suffered rejection for the biggest part of my life. It's a deep-rooted thing that keeps cropping up when I don't want it to. I find it hard to trust anyone because I believe that they will hurt me too. Please help me.
I give all the pain of this rejection - this yoke and burden - to You Lord and ask that You will take it off my shoulders. I agree to do my part and forgive and forget the past. I know it will need some working at, but I know that You will help me with that.
Thank you for being My friend Jesus. Amen'

Now go and begin a new life of freedom in Jesus.

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

The burden will be taken away. Part 2

"Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice."                                                                                         Ephesians 4:31    NKJV

In yesterday's reading, we looked at the burden and the yoke being removed from us, because of the anointing oil. We saw how a yoke can be described as a contraption that fits over the shoulders of a person and equal weights are put either side to keep balance. I felt that this was too important to pass over it quickly as there are many key areas that can be described as a burden and a yoke. Therefore, for the next few days, I felt it would be helpful to discuss areas on a daily basis. Imagine if you will, the wooden yoke over a person's shoulder with two buckets either side. Inside these containers are a burden in one and the reason for it in the other. Today's burden and yoke is BITTERNESS.

This yoke of bitterness may be upon your neck and try as you may, you just can't get rid of it. You've prayed about it - giving it to God, but it is still there. Why do you think that is? It's because, even though you have cast it over to God, you are choosing to hang on to it. You're so used to it now that it's part of your make up.

A root of bitterness grows when things happen that are not surrendered to Jesus. If you are still hanging on to this bitterness, then it will be obvious. A bitter person might shout out their inner hurt and anger by saying and doing things that hurt the feelings of other people. This may be done by demonstrating ruthless verbal and emotional words about that person and what they have done to them. There may be resentment and an acrimonious feeling towards the person that has hurt them. Perpetual animosity and fault-finding will also be there. 

You may well have been hurt by someone and everything you say they have done to you may be true. You may have discussed this with the person, all to no avail. But holding on to this - the pain, heartache, frustration and even anger, is serving no purpose except that you are carrying around a great weight - burden and a yoke; and God doesn't want you this way.

Be honest, is bitterness in your bucket? Are you carrying this around everyday? When we do this, whenever we see or hear about this person, we go into the area of anger. Our defence mechanisms shoot into place and we are on guard, ready to blow up.

It is time to empty this burden out of the bucket by letting Jesus take this burden away - totally. But be careful, don't give it to Him and then still hold on to it. That is fruitless. Give it to Him

'Lord Jesus, too long have I hung on to this bitterness in my heart. Like cancer it is spreading and ruining my walk with You. I surrender it to You and make the decision, not to take it back again. Instead, may the vacant place in my heart, be filled with Your peace.
In Jesus' Name, Amen

'I've had enough, I'm going out'

"After these things Jesus showed Himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias, and in this way He showed Himself:  2 Simon Pet...