"I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
John 14:6 NKJV
Let us explore this verse over the next few days. It carries a powerful message and one, that is often skipped over as we talk to people about Jesus. They need to know the fuller impact of this message. It contains a message of life or death.
This is Jesus' sixth I am pronouncement within this gospel. It is three-fold; Jesus is the way to the Father; He is the truth about God and He is the very life of God. The way that He leads, reveals this truth and opens the way for life eternal. Let us break this down into three areas:
The Way
Jesus is the way, not just the way, but the only way. We can often ask someone for directions to a place we need to visit. Many may give us a fairly accurate direction to this place. However, others may not be so sure. 'I think you can turn right down the road, no hold on, turn left. That should bring you to the back of the place. I should ask someone again when you get there.' These type of directions are hopeless and have us driving around in circles with no certainty that we will arrive where we should do.
We need certainty and Jesus offers this. He knows the way to Heaven and will show us the way if we ask Him into our lives. But also, Jesus is the way to other things. He knows the way to fix something in the house or garden. Oftentimes, we are faced with some kind of problem and we struggle to know what to do, or how to do it. Jesus knows the way how to do it. I have often mislaid my car keys and have searched the place from top to bottom with no success. That is the time that I have said. 'Show me where my car keys are, Lord.' And within seconds, He has led me to a coat pocket or drawer where I left them. I would have saved much time and frustration if I had asked Him in the first place.
He knows the way to fill in an application form for that special job you want; He also knows the way to act if someone has committed a fraudulent act against you. He knows the way to a good solicitor that you need and he knows the way to talk to your boss when you need a raise or possible promotion. He knows the way.
Some may think that much of this is not the way we should be with Jesus. That is so wrong. Jesus wants to be the central part of our life; He wants us to give Him the small things as well as the larger ones. He also knows when you're struggling in your Christian walk. He knows when you try and fail. All you have to do is ask Him the way to overcome this.
Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard