Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Ponder this by Hazel Howard

"And they have overcome (conquered) him by means of the blood of the Lamb and by the utterance of their testimony, for they did not love and cling to life even when faced with death (holding their lives cheap till they had to die for their witnessing.)                          

                                                                                        Revelation 12:11     Amplified Bible

Who are they? Us, you and I and our brothers and sisters in Christ. Who have we overcome? The accuser from Revelation 12:10, who keeps bringing before our God, charges day and night. 

How have we overcome him? By the blood of Jesus being shed on the cross and the utterance of our testimony, that Jesus Christ is Lord, and He said in John 19:30, 'It is finished'. And He bowed His head and gave up His spirit. 

Wait a minute, what did Jesus say? He said, 'It is finished'. His sacrifice of obedience had done it. Done what? Overcome and conquered all that the devil can throw at us. 

Wear God's Armour from Ephesians 6:10-18 :

The Belt of Truth
The Breastplate of Integrity
The Gospel of Peace on your feet
The Shield of Faith
The Helmet of Salvation
The Sword of the Spirit (the Word of God)

and declare that you are covered in the Blood of the Lamb and, the word of your testimony is that Jesus Christ is Lord and He has said, 'It is finished'.  Revelation 12:11 & John 19:30

God can give us no more than that. The rest is up to us to use what we have been given. Surely we are an impenetrable force, for the Glory of God, King of Kings, Lord of Lords.

(In Matthew 16:19, Jesus said 'I will give you the keys of Heaven.' Is this one of those keys, or is there something else for me to study?

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Whatever - fix your thoughts on Jesus

"Finally brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of a good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy - meditate on these things."
                                                                                                       Philippians 4:8    NKJV

Habits, attitudes and lifestyle follow from the mind. Therefore, believers should set their minds on virtuous things. In order that we don't lose our peace; Paul gives us the list of things above, that we need to meditate on.

One of the reasons we don't keep our peace is because we tend to dwell on things that are set in opposition to the peace that we need. We dwell on lies that the devil whispers into our ears. We also dwell on bad things that have happened to us. The problem is, if we continue in this vein, we can become anxious and even, paranoid.

We can hear a whisper about something personal to us and, as we focus on this, which may be a lie, it becomes amplified and before long, it has become a major problem. It may be a lie from the evil one, but because we have focused on it for too long, we have believed it and now it is the truth. 

You may have had these times; times when, no matter what happens, this lie is uppermost in your mind, so much so that it has begun to torment you. The awful thing about this, is that it has just been that - a lie. There has been no truth in it at all, and you have wasted all of this time tormenting yourself and others that you feel was involved in this.

Unless you have any proof to something, please consider that it is a lie from the evil one who is insistent on sending you torment and fear. Instead, think about good and wholesome things. For instance, think about Jesus; about all he has done for you. Do you really think that He would want you to fret the way you have been doing? Of course he wouldn't. Instead, He would say to you, 'Whatever things are lovely, think about such things.'


Monday, 10 May 2021

Don't forget your belt!

"Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth."       Ephesians 6:14     NKJV 

Paul had just finished describing how we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against Satan and his demonic forces. He then goes on to discuss wearing the armour of God. Now at this time, he would have been in prison, so seeing Roman soldiers would have given him the creativity to write about armour. I would like us, to take a look at the belt of truth.

Roman soldiers, and indeed many ancient soldiers before them, wore a long tunic under their armour which protected their abdomen. They used a very wide belt to gather up the surplus part of their tunic so that they could operate properly. Hence, girding up the loins - tightening the belt so as not to hinder their action or possibly trip up. The belt held everything together and they were then prepared. The metaphor of tightening one's belt may have come from this time. 

Some people think that the belt is not part of the armour but, it is an essential part. Without the belt around a soldiers waist, the soldiers undergarments would be flapping around and cause him to be distracted in battle. Wearing a belt, keeps everything in place so that, the rest of the armour is a better fit. The soldier is then prepared for battle.

Think about that for a moment. Without the truth girded around your waist, you will never win the spiritual battles that will come your way. It prepares you for strenuous activity. Truth serves as the central point of the battle at hand. If truth is lost, the battle is lost also.

We need to operate in the truth. Jesus is the truth and we need to walk with Him in such a way. (John 14:6) We need to be honourable and if we desire for God to bless us and our work, we need to be 100% truthful in all that we do, think or say. Hence, why we need to put on this belt of truth, daily.

Sunday, 9 May 2021

A Priest's Blessing

"24 The LORD bless you and keep you; 25 the LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; 26 the LORD lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace."
                                                                                                     Numbers 6:24-26    NKJV

The Lord spoke to Moses (v22) and told him to speak with Aaron the priest and let him and his sons know, that this was the way He wanted His people to be blessed. Therefore, it is more commonly known as the Aaronic Blessing. This is a guide for God's people to bless others too, after all, we are all recognised by Jesus, as Kings and Priests to God (Rev 1:6). So we need to place the Lord's name on His people. (v27). We do this to pronounce the favour of God upon them so that God, in turn, may bless them too.

The structure of the blessing is three-fold:

The first part is asking for God's blessing and protection on the people.
The second part is asking the Lord to direct His face towards the person in a gracious manner.
The final part it asks that the Lord's face may focus attention on the worshipper in such a way that the individual, experiences peace, which is Shalom - wholeness in a powerful way and that He delight in His people.

This really is an amazing blessing that we all can use on the people we meet. My wife and I say it to each other daily and it brings a warm feeling to the heart as we experience God in this.

A quotation from The Moody Bible Commentary on this piece of scripture, reads:

'When God's face shines, He looks to invoke benefits, but when He hides His face, He is angry. This peace is a sense of rightness in the relationship with the Lord, coupled with, tangible blessing.'

I encourage you to study this scripture throughly and get so used to it, that you too, use it as a daily blessing to yourself and all you meet. So may:

'The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.'

Saturday, 8 May 2021

Tell Jesus what you want

"What do you want Me to do for you"                                                    Mark 10:51    NKJV

Has Jesus ever asked you this question? It is an amazing question and one, I think, many people would like Jesus to ask them. The type of response from Jesus, was triggered from a determined heart; a heart that knew what was needed to change their life, that once in a lifetime opportunity that was not going to be wasted.

This account is not unlike the woman with the issue of blood who desperately needed to be healed also. Like Bartimaeus, she needed a touch from Jesus, one that would be life-changing. She also, was not going to let the opportunity be wasted.

Bartimaeus, a blind beggar, had heard that Jesus was to pass through and was determined to go to where he could find Him. When Jesus was there, Bartimaeus began shouting non-stop, 'Son of David, have mercy on me'. Over and over he shouted this Messianic title until Jesus, hearing it, stopped and called him to come forward. Bartimaeus jumped up leaving his cloak which may have contained alms that he had collected, and went to Jesus. He asked Bartimaeus, 'What do you want Me to do for you?' 

Bartimaeus, was focused:

He knew what he wanted
He believed Jesus could meet his need
He had faith in God
He knew that, whatever he asked, if he believed that he had received it, he would have it

And that in a nutshell, is how we get Jesus' attention. Note, there was no dilly-dallying; no uncertainty and no doubt. He knew what he wanted and he knew Jesus could give it to him.
And that is the difference. We have to be focused. We need to have the determination and we have to believe that we receive. It is having faith in God.

Let me close with the same question that I opened with. Has Jesus ever asked you this question? If He did, would you handle the situation like Bartimaeus did. Your answer to this, will determine if you will have what you need or not.

It really is a simple question to answer.

Friday, 7 May 2021

Be strong in the Lord

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might."    
                                                                                                        Ephesians 6:10    NKJV

The devil walks around like a roaring lion and will attack anywhere that is a threat to him. Paul had planted churches in Ephesus and all other regions and they were becoming established. However, whenever a work becomes established and people are flowing in the Holy Spirit, Satan will attempt to block the work. He will try to cause division where the people are at loggerheads over some piece of doctrine, or perhaps, how the church is being run. He loves church splits and uses man's pride to facilitate this behaviour.

Have you noticed how quite a few leaders are in the news just lately. Quite a few have been caught in sex scandals - affairs, homosexuality sexting etc. He will do all he can to expose leaders and bring the work into the public eye. Whether it is sex scandals or the mis-appropriation of church funds, once the non-believing world get to know about this, it hits the headlines of the media and the church is stained with bad publicity.

Paul tells us, to be strong in the Lord. In other words, he is saying we should establish and promote a strong spirit within us because, it will get us through anything. We establish this by, constantly walking with God. Ephesians 4:1 encourages us to, 'walk worthy of the calling with which you were called.' Again, Ephesians 5:1 says, 'Therefore, be imitators of God as dear children.' To stand strong in he Lord, we need to live daily in communication with God.

No one is perfect and this is why we need to be in control of ourselves, seeking God's daily guidance to the letter. Don't forget, the devil is not your friend and if you are forging a way forward in God's Kingdom work, he will try and stop you. If there is any scandal about you to be found, he will find it and reveal it. If there isn't, he will invent something, he is the father of lies; the accuser and the destroyer. This is why it is vital to walk worthy of your calling and to be strong in the Lord and His Holy Spirit.

We should 'Redeem the time because the days are evil.' Ephesians 5:16. We need to seize the opportunities and make the most of them. When chances come our way for improvement, we need to grab hold of them, seek Jesus for His advice and then carry the advice out. The problem is, man can be filled with pride. If they're not watchful, a fall can be inevitable. Therefore, be strong in the Lord and allow Him to take the lead. He's good at that.

Thursday, 6 May 2021

Demolish that Stronghold

"4 For the weapons of our warfare, are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience to Christ." 
                                                                                       2 Corinthians 10:4-5    NKJV

Paul speaks a lot about the art of training the mind so that it comes in line with the Word of God. Paul knows very well, that the mind, left to run wild, is the primary for spiritual warfare. What we focus our minds on, has lasting ramifications and can begin to completely rule our lives if we are not careful. Charles F Stanley comments on this as: 
'A thought reaps an action, an action reaps a habit, a habit reaps your character and your character reaps your destiny. Therefore, we must reject anything that does not honour Christ in our thinking'.   Charles F Stanley.

Our warfare is not against flesh and blood, so our own carnally weak weapons will not do. We need weapons that are God-empowered. Their purpose is for pulling down - demolishing strongholds. A stronghold is  anything that opposes God's will. Now here, Paul is referring to the warfare of the mind and against arrogant rebellious ideas and attitudes that act in pride to the true purpose of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The aim is to bring every bad thought into captivity and make it obedient to the Word of God.

Take for instance the thought life. We can feed our mind with all sorts of negative things, found for instance, in unwholesome films, TV, books and magazines and being in the company of people who are ruled by such things. One can easily think of lust here - images that captivate our minds and begin to tempt us to become involved in this type of thing. However, we can't just blame this area. There is also the case of our minds feeding things through our mouths such as, lies, criticism, arguing and judging. Then of course there is pride, envy and jealousy, caused by wanting what other people have and not being able to obtain it.

All of these cause us to have a stronghold that needs to be addressed. Firstly, I know I mention it a lot, but it is important, and that is putting on the armour of God. It is vital that we become dressed in this protection. Then we need to keep watch on what happens within our mind. A thought comes in and like a camera, an image is captured and before you know it, the image turns into a spoken word or action. Therefore, the armour is needed; prayer is essential and a sense of responsibility is required so that you are much more in touch with what is going on in your psyche. 

To overcome this particular stronghold, doesn't happen overnight. It takes practice and dedication. It also takes prayer and a close relationship with Jesus. But, you can do this because God tells you you can Philippians 4:13.

Remain in Jesus

"As the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you. Remain in My love.'   John 15:9   CSB Remain is quite a strong word. It means t...