Monday, 24 May 2021

James: on Stop, Look and Listen

19 "So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; 20 for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God."    
                                                                                                          James 1:19-20    NKJV

God has planted within each of us a new nature. We have all we need to live for spiritual growth but, we must receive it, humbly placing ourselves under the authority of God.

Here, James writes that we should:

*  be quick to listen and hear properly, especially to God's thoughts and words
*  be slow to speak, not only wanting your own point of view, others have one too
*  be slow to anger - becoming angry will not achieve God's righteous plan for your life

Out of control anger should never be part of our make up. Psalm 37:8 says, 'Cease from anger and forsake wrath.' Rt Kendall aptly says, 'Will my flesh rule the moment or my spirit?' And Ecclesiastes 7:9 'Do not hasten in your spirit to be angry, for anger rests in the bosom of fools.' Unrighteous anger is a no go area.

Do you listen to others and do you take notice of it or shrug it off? More importantly, do you listen to God, or just rush out hoping that it's God's will? This is a most dangerous area if you don't listen to Him and try to do things on your own. When you listen, as Mark Twain once commented, do you use the third ear? This means examining closely what is really being said; what does it mean and are you only hearing part of what should be said. 

How are you with the words that come out of your mouth? Do you listen without comment, until you have digested what is being said, or do you keep interrupting and blasting the speaker with both barrels? Do you let rip with your mouth not really caring what you say because you have lost control? 

When your point of view is not accepted, do you throw a wobbly, again completely out of control? Remember, first and foremost, we are Christians. We belong to Jesus. He has made us the righteousness of God in Him. (2 Corinthians 5:21). Acting in a foolhardy and irresponsible manner does not paint a good picture of our faith. Ephesians 4:26-27 says, 'Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your wrath, 27 nor give place to the devil'. Anger is sinful when it attacks people and seeks revenge rather than addressing the problem. Righteous anger seeks to uphold Kingdom business, it ensures things are in place and ship-shape.

Therefore, sharpen your listening skills, take control of what comes out of your mouth, and allow God to offer you anger management, if you need it. Just think for a moment, if you're not careful, you may lose control, speak words that you are ashamed of later and then meet someone who was a witness to your outburst. How embarrassing and shameful that would be.

Make a habit of having a stop, look and listen attitude.

Sunday, 23 May 2021

James: On temptation

"But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed."
                                                                                                               James 1:14 -15    NKJV 

Temptation is not a sin unless, it is conceived and gives birth. The devil cannot make you sin, however, he studies your profile and knows your distinctive weaknesses and tendencies. He knows how to press your buttons and appeal to your evil desires, so that you will be drawn away to sin. Sin leads to spiritual death and separation. In other words, we break fellowship with God.

When a person is drawn away by their own desires and enticed, that person is hooked and unless they activate the Word of God right there and then, they fall to it. The desire is conceived and it gives birth to sin; it is then usually too late to prevent it happening. 

A desire is an unsatisfied longing, rather like Eve in the garden. She looked at the fruit (Genesis 3) and the desire to eat it was very strong. Basically, the serpent tempted her, encouraging her to keep looking at it. The more she did, the more she wanted it. Do you know this feeling? The serpent whispers in our ear and he plays his trump card, just like he did to Eve, she was hooked. 'Go on, it will be ok, no one will know and even if they do, it doesn't matter.' These are the words satan uses to tempt us to sin and he can be very convincing. Be careful.

We all have certain desires and the more we focus on these unsatisfied longings, the more we can lust for fruition. The root can be anything - anything that causes us to take a step over the line into risky territory. In today's society, values are much different than our Christian ones. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8). He never changes and neither do Christian values. Some try to change things by claiming that the bible is outdated and needs renewing to today's values. 'Oh yes?' What they are saying is what the serpent told Eve all those years ago, 'It's ok'. It is not OK and anyone who disagrees with this, is on shaky ground. God says no to adultery, homosexuality, abortion, drunkeness and all the host of things that are not of a Christian value. 

The root may be within you - the unsatisfied longing; it is it worth it? Count the cost and understand what you can lose. Surely the risk is too great. Jesus Christ took all the sin of the world - things such as this, and he paid the price that all who accept Him as Lord, confess their sin and live for Him, may have eternal life. 

Give that root, that unsatisfied longing, to Jesus; discuss it with Him and allow Him to set you free.

Saturday, 22 May 2021

Four categories of sown seed Part 2

"Behold, a sower went out to sow"                                 Matthew 13:3 - 23     NKJV

Let us continue with our study of the Parable of the Sower and, look at the final two categories:

Thirdly   V7 + 22
This category includes people who are willing to receive God's Word but balance their faith against their worldly life. Let me explain; this category contains people who have their feet in two camps - God's business and their own. They are unable to manage the two of them and when a crisis comes along, they choose to go the way of their worldly business.

They prefer not to tithe as their cash can be used for better things. They multi-task at work - on their 'phone while talking to a colleague. They compose an email while dictating a letter or driving their car. The want to invest in buying a house but, what if they lose their job - they will lose the house. They worry about this and fret about the other. Their whole life is spent in the fast lane of life, 'What if this goes wrong?' or 'What are we going to do, we can't pay this bill?'

The cares of this world drag them down and calling on God or, exercising their faith doesn't enter their minds. In fact, Jesus doesn't enter their thinking most days and, they almost never read their bible. They are too busy. Then at the end of the day, they wonder why things have gone wrong. 'Why am I ill?' 'Why are we in such a mess?'
And then finally, we come to:

Finally   V8 + 23
This is the category that God wants us in. The seed has been planted in good ground. The person is firmly rooted in Jesus. There are bad days, of course there are, but the person can rely on Jesus helping them through. They are living in Jesus and He, is their Lord.

Category 1   The seed is snatched away
Category 2.  No root
Category 3   Cares of the world
Category 4.  Bears good fruit

May I ask, what category do you see yourself in? We may visit each category at times but, the predominant one is the one I'm asking about. The first three may be the reason why we ask, 
'Why isn’t anything happening in the natural, in my life?'
'Why is it taking so long?'
'When are things going  to change?'

Only you know the answer to these questions. Only you know what category you are in. Isn't it about time that you got into the right one - Category 4?
You know it makes sense!

Friday, 21 May 2021

Four categories of sown seed Part 1

 "Behold, a sower went out to sow"                                 Matthew 13:3 - 23     NKJV

Over the next couple of days, let us study the Parable of the Sower, where we find four categories explaining the scattering of seed and what it means to us. 

Why do we fly high in the Word, praying and praising God one moment and the next, be down in the depths of despair? Well, perhaps the answer lies in our state of fitness - spiritual fitness. Let us explore this parable and look at the first two categories. 

Firstly   V4
The sower scattered the seed by the wayside and the birds devoured them, quickly. V19 tells us that when someone hears the Word of God and doesn't understand it, the wicked one comes and snatches it away. Often, we can hear or read God's Word and fail to understand what it means or is saying to us. Instead of discarding what we hear or read, why not study it? Ask God for wisdom to understand (James 1:5-6) or seek someone out who may be able to help you get a clearer picture. Scripture can be difficult to interpret at times, especially books such as Revelation. This is why we need to meditate on it and allow the Holy Spirit to give us the meaning.
Sometimes listening to a sermon can be confusing, especially if you take notes. While you are writing something down, the preacher may move on leaving you to miss some important truths. If you take notes, learn to limit what you write or, mark the scripture in your bible and make a note at the side of it. It's the same when reading a Christian teaching book. Don't try to rush through quickly. Fully understand what you're reading, weigh it up and then move on. It may take ages to get through the book but, at least the seed may not get swallowed up at the wayside.

Secondly   V5 +V20
Many people hear God's Word and rejoice because it is what they need to hear. But when seed is sown on stony ground, after the plant shoots up, the sun shrivels it up. There's a need to have a firm root in Jesus. When trouble comes along, we need to be able to remember what we have been taught so that we can deal with it in Jesus' Name. Otherwise, at the first sign of persecution and problems, we may handle the situation badly and fall into sin.
Hearing scripture, receiving it and acting on it requires a firm root in Jesus, because without Him, we can do nothing. (John 15:5).

We'll look at more tomorrow.

Thursday, 20 May 2021

You can knock me down, but I'll get back up again

"For a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again, but the wicked shall fall by calamity."
                                                                                                       Proverbs 24:16      NKJV 

Can you remember the Inflatable clown toy that children used to have around the 70's? It was like a punchbag and when a child hit it and knocked it over, it would bounce back up again. No matter what you did, except bursting it, the clown would not stay down. This is the way God wants us to live our lives each day. The devil may use people to knock us down spiritually but God will help us up when we're walking with Him. 

I read about an American test pilot called Bob Hoover. He crashed his test planes many times and always survived. He refused to fear or give up. He had a saying, whenever he was asked why he kept doing this and it was, 'Get back into the cockpit of the bird that bit ya.' In other words, don't shy away, don't give up, get up and keep on trying. This was rather like Thomas Edison when asked about his failure to produce the electric light bulb. He said, 'I have not failed, I have only discovered hundreds of ways in which this bulb does not work.'

Life knocks us down at times but the secret is to keep pressing on. Some North Koreans, several years ago and prior to their execution just for being Christians said, "You can hack us down, but like the bamboo, we will just grow taller and stronger.'

God is looking for warriors just like this; Christians who will not draw back when faced with adversity but, who will bite the bullet and soldier on regardless. Yes it takes courage to do this but remember what God said to Joshua when he replaced Moses, 'Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage ; do not be afraid , nor dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.'  (Joshua 1:9)

Hey come on, get up, why are you lying there? You've been wounded yes; you've been trodden down, robbed and cheated but, you are still alive and very useful to God. Don't give up now. You've come so far, giving up is not an option because, believe it or not, you're a winner. Losers talk, winners take action. So take it now.

Get up, dust yourself down, put on the Armour of God and 'Get back into the cockpit of the bird that bit ya.'

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Broken lives - shattered dreams

"The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me because he has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted"               Isaiah 61:1     NKJV

All over the world people are trying to cope with a broken heart and shattered dreams. What they once had, they have now lost. It may be the love of someone special through death or separation. It may be the loss of material things through disaster, theft or bad decisions. Whatever it is, people are hurting.

David said, 'The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart.' (Psalm 34:18), and this piece of scripture with our text in Isaiah, above, reinforces that statement. He has been sent to heal the brokenhearted.

When dreams have been shattered, rather like a china plate, it is all in pieces and one needs an expert to repair it. Jesus is the expert; He knows what is needed in your situation. However, the latter part of Psalm 34:18 says, 'and saves such as have a contrite spirit.' This means He saves those who come to Him in repentance and willingness to put something right.

The person who is brokenhearted, may not feel that there is anything to repent of. However, there is always something. Firstly, reactions to shattered dreams and a broken heart, can make us outspoken as we speak out the pain to whoever is willing to listen. Sometimes, the words we use, are not edifying and even though we may justify the way we feel, we firstly need to put this right with Jesus so that we can become respondent and teachable.

Therefore, if you are suffering this way today, firstly come to Jesus and pour out your heart. Tell Him how you feel and repent of any bad words spoken and bad thoughts towards anyone. As you do this, you release the pain to Jesus and He is free to work on your behalf. The resolution to all this, may take some time and may not always work out the way you would have liked. However, when Jesus is in the driving seat, you can be sure of a safe and exciting journey.

Lord Jesus
Things have gone wrong in my life and I am at my wits end. I am in pain. Lord, I come to You and ask that you will forgive me for any wrong doing, bad thoughts or words that I may have spoken regarding this. I receive Your forgiveness and ask for Your help

In Jesus' Name. Amen

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Dealing with the trials that come our way

"My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience."                                            James 1:2 - 3    NKJV 

Notices that this scripture reads, 'When you fall', not, 'if'. We will fall into trials from time to time and it's learning how we can get through them that is the key. Trials can be emotional, physical, relational or financial. Whatever class of trial comes our way, God wants us to be joyful - totally. Now this is a hard thing to do but, think about it for a moment. To be joyful as we go through trials, means that we have access to a gem from God and that is joy. As the joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10) it is an important tool to have with us.

Did you know that God allows trials and testing to come our way? He sends trials, so that we can overcome them and grow into being more like Jesus. Tony Evans says:

'Christians in crisis are actually undergoing extreme makeovers. Hardships can transform us into something beautiful. That is cause for unspeakable joy - not because of pain but because of the purpose behind it. God use trials to develop us spiritually.'  

Trials are unpredictable, they're not all the same either and come in various degrees. The testing of our faith is designed to reveal the quality of one's faith and to produce stamina. This is not easy. Charles F Stanley comments:

'The key to finding joy in adversity is where we place our focus. If we concentrate on our circumstances, we will become disheartened and discouraged. But when we fix our eyes on Jesus, we learn to rejoice in our difficulties because God has promised to work through them to strengthen our faith and to bring us closer fellowship with Himself, teaching us endurance.'

When God allows trials to come our way, it can be difficult and hard to make sense of. In fact, He can allow us to go without any earthly support so that we will turn completely to Him, experiencing His joy, comfort, power and assurance. He teaches us not to respond to trials emotionally, but to respond with faith in His provision. When we learn this, we can endure anything because our focus in on Jesus rather than the problem.

Therefore, if you are going through various trials at this time, start praying joyfully. It may be hard at first but, as you do it, Jesus will meet you halfway. Shout for joy and cast your cares upon Him, because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7.

Remain in Jesus

"As the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you. Remain in My love.'   John 15:9   CSB Remain is quite a strong word. It means t...