Saturday, 22 May 2021

Four categories of sown seed Part 2

"Behold, a sower went out to sow"                                 Matthew 13:3 - 23     NKJV

Let us continue with our study of the Parable of the Sower and, look at the final two categories:

Thirdly   V7 + 22
This category includes people who are willing to receive God's Word but balance their faith against their worldly life. Let me explain; this category contains people who have their feet in two camps - God's business and their own. They are unable to manage the two of them and when a crisis comes along, they choose to go the way of their worldly business.

They prefer not to tithe as their cash can be used for better things. They multi-task at work - on their 'phone while talking to a colleague. They compose an email while dictating a letter or driving their car. The want to invest in buying a house but, what if they lose their job - they will lose the house. They worry about this and fret about the other. Their whole life is spent in the fast lane of life, 'What if this goes wrong?' or 'What are we going to do, we can't pay this bill?'

The cares of this world drag them down and calling on God or, exercising their faith doesn't enter their minds. In fact, Jesus doesn't enter their thinking most days and, they almost never read their bible. They are too busy. Then at the end of the day, they wonder why things have gone wrong. 'Why am I ill?' 'Why are we in such a mess?'
And then finally, we come to:

Finally   V8 + 23
This is the category that God wants us in. The seed has been planted in good ground. The person is firmly rooted in Jesus. There are bad days, of course there are, but the person can rely on Jesus helping them through. They are living in Jesus and He, is their Lord.

Category 1   The seed is snatched away
Category 2.  No root
Category 3   Cares of the world
Category 4.  Bears good fruit

May I ask, what category do you see yourself in? We may visit each category at times but, the predominant one is the one I'm asking about. The first three may be the reason why we ask, 
'Why isn’t anything happening in the natural, in my life?'
'Why is it taking so long?'
'When are things going  to change?'

Only you know the answer to these questions. Only you know what category you are in. Isn't it about time that you got into the right one - Category 4?
You know it makes sense!

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