Friday, 21 May 2021

Four categories of sown seed Part 1

 "Behold, a sower went out to sow"                                 Matthew 13:3 - 23     NKJV

Over the next couple of days, let us study the Parable of the Sower, where we find four categories explaining the scattering of seed and what it means to us. 

Why do we fly high in the Word, praying and praising God one moment and the next, be down in the depths of despair? Well, perhaps the answer lies in our state of fitness - spiritual fitness. Let us explore this parable and look at the first two categories. 

Firstly   V4
The sower scattered the seed by the wayside and the birds devoured them, quickly. V19 tells us that when someone hears the Word of God and doesn't understand it, the wicked one comes and snatches it away. Often, we can hear or read God's Word and fail to understand what it means or is saying to us. Instead of discarding what we hear or read, why not study it? Ask God for wisdom to understand (James 1:5-6) or seek someone out who may be able to help you get a clearer picture. Scripture can be difficult to interpret at times, especially books such as Revelation. This is why we need to meditate on it and allow the Holy Spirit to give us the meaning.
Sometimes listening to a sermon can be confusing, especially if you take notes. While you are writing something down, the preacher may move on leaving you to miss some important truths. If you take notes, learn to limit what you write or, mark the scripture in your bible and make a note at the side of it. It's the same when reading a Christian teaching book. Don't try to rush through quickly. Fully understand what you're reading, weigh it up and then move on. It may take ages to get through the book but, at least the seed may not get swallowed up at the wayside.

Secondly   V5 +V20
Many people hear God's Word and rejoice because it is what they need to hear. But when seed is sown on stony ground, after the plant shoots up, the sun shrivels it up. There's a need to have a firm root in Jesus. When trouble comes along, we need to be able to remember what we have been taught so that we can deal with it in Jesus' Name. Otherwise, at the first sign of persecution and problems, we may handle the situation badly and fall into sin.
Hearing scripture, receiving it and acting on it requires a firm root in Jesus, because without Him, we can do nothing. (John 15:5).

We'll look at more tomorrow.

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