"Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" v34
Matthew 12:33-37 NKJV
When we open our mouths and speak, we reveal what's deep inside - whether good or evil. This needs to be watched. It is almost like God has a tape recorder, recording all that we say. We will have to account to Him, for every idle and careless word that we have uttered v36. We will be justified by them or condemned.
Just for a moment, let us imaging that God does have a tape recorder. What does He hear when we speak, what comes out of our mouth? Through the window of our heart, what does he hear and see? It is concerning that we will have to give an account for what we have said - judgemental words; critical words, angry words and the bad-mouthing that we can become involved in from time to time.
If this is the case, and it most certainly is, then we need to take control now before it is too late. The process calls for addressing the heart by devoting it to God business v33. We need to make our tree of fruit good and not evil. We need to place treasure into our hearts. We can so easily let our guard down. I call it, the 'Behind Closed Door Syndrome'. When we are out and about in influential company, we would probably be on our guard ensuring that the words we speak are suitable. However, when we arrive home, we seem to let our guard down and say what we really mean, regardless of whether we are criticising or judging another. This should not be.
We should be the same at home as we are in public; God sees us wherever we are and He knows what we are really like. It is time to roll our sleeves up and do the job properly. We need to allow the window to our heart be spotlessly clean. It is clean up time because it is a daunting thought to have to stand before Jesus and give an account of all that we have said and done wrong.
Psalm 19:14 says:
'Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.'
It is never too late to change, to repent of all we have said and done wrong. God is a loving God and He daily gives us grace. It's a learning process and some of us take longer to learn things than other people do. However, don't leave it too long.
Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard
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