Tuesday 14 December 2021

There are many resources but only one source

"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over"                                                            Psalm 23:5     NKJV

As we walk daily with Jesus, many things come at us in the form of attack. There are distractions, tiredness, sickness, loss of jobs and many worries. People may also persecute us and make things difficult for us because of our faith. It can be difficult but, like David, we must carry on.

David had many enemies around him but, God fed him when he was hungry and anointed him with oil when he needed healing.  Tony Evans comments:

'Like David we must recognise that we have one source. There are many resources - many channels God may use to provide and care for your physical well-being, but you only have one source. And God never runs dry. That's why David's cup overflowed.'
                                                                     The Tony Evans Bible Commentary

Notice that he says, 'there are many resources'. This is true, but we must determine what is the right resource and not become de-railed. God is the source and walking, praying and listening to Him will help us find the resource that is right for us. We need to get to the point where we are confident in our relationship with Jesus, we are secure enough in Him to know that He will never let us down. When we are, we can confidently sit and eat a meal in front of our enemies, do a particular job, be secure in the knowledge that if God is for us, what can man do to us Romans 8:31.

When we are walking with God, we can be assured that, whatever we may face; whatever hardship may come our way and whatever people may say about us, God anoints our head with oil and our cup runs over. Notice that this verse doesn't say that He fills our cup to the brim, no, it says that the cup runs over. It flows over the top; it has superabundance. Jesus gives us His all and more. What else can you hope for?

Yes times may be difficult; the risks of Covid, the price of gas and electric forecast to rocket to sky high prices and will we be able to manage? Hey, stop that type of negative thinking; if you belong to Jesus then, your cup runs over. He will take care of all these fears; they are nothing to Him - NOTHING! Jesus is your source, not your job, not your benefits and not what little you have in the bank, but Jesus is our source!

Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard.                                 
Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers
Why not order my Daily Commentary from Amazon - Paperback or Kindle 

Monday 13 December 2021

A Time of Refreshing?

"He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters"    
                                                                                                           Psalm 23:2    NKJV 

We looked at Psalm 23 some time ago but, it never hurts to look at scriptures again and again. Unlike books of the world, the bible contains a living word and will address a given subject each time it is needed. 

David's needs were met by the Lord. He was confident in Him and although there were times of shakiness, he always endeavoured to walk with the Lord. He was David's shepherd. Now a shepherd gives his sheep refreshment and rest in green pastures beside quiet waters. Sheep can easily become distressed, especially around strange people and animals. A shepherd is there to help and protect. Do you get the idea here. Jesus is your shepherd (John 10), and He guides and protects us wherever we go, as long as we remain in Him. Sheep have a tendency to wander off and get lost. The shepherd will go out and look for them. Jesus does the same for us, but will never come between our will, if we decide against Him.

The struggles of this world can exhaust us and we need to depend on Him more and more to be able to keep the victory. Jesus gives each one us, Refreshment, Restoration and New Life. Picture the scene of a green meadow on a still summer's day. Alongside this, can you see the still, peaceful lake where the birds are feeding and going about their business? Everywhere around is quiet and there is total peace around the place. This is the place that Jesus wants to take you to. It can be anywhere; you just have to be available to Him so that he can give you this important time-out. You may say that you need a holiday, but in this day of Covid and the travel restrictions, do you really need that hassle? It may be far better to ask Jesus to give you a time of refreshing. You have earned it.

Life has been hectic and tough just lately and there have been many mountains to negotiate. Perhaps the Lord is saying to you, 'Come and have a rest for a while' Mark 6:31 paraphrase. You are allowed; you are allowed to take some time off and just chill in Jesus.
Do it!

Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard.                                 
Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers
Why not order my Daily Commentary from Amazon - Paperback or Kindle 

Sunday 12 December 2021

Don't judge a book by looking at the cover

"Do you look at things according to the outward appearance"   
                                                                                         2 Corinthians 10:7     NKJV 

So many times I have looked at the cover of a book and, believing it to be an exciting read, have purchased it only to find it was no good at all. The cover was just that - a cover, just an outward appearance with no reference to what was in the text. We can do this with the people we meet. Some of us may look at a man with a shaved head and covered in tattoos and make the judgement that you need to give him a wide berth. I've heard several people say that, in this day and age, it is so easy to see someone from an ethnic background carrying a backpack and think, this could be a terrorist. It seems terrible to think this way but, this is how life has taught us to react.

I wonder what it would have felt like to see John the Baptist in the street. Camel hair clothes held together by a leather belt, long, straggly hair and eating locusts and wild honey. Have you ever thought about that? It would have been quite a strange, if not scary sight to see. Especially when he started screaming out, 'Repent'. But the most wonderful thing about John was that, he pointed the way to Jesus; and that's all that matters.

In 1 Samuel 16:7 we read: 'Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for a man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.' In 1962, before his untimely death in an air crash, Bo Diddly sang 'You can't judge a book by the cover:'

'You can't judge an apple by looking at the tree, you can't judge honey by looking at the bee,
You can't judge a daughter by looking at the mother, You can't judge a book by looking at the cover'
                                                               Words and Music Willie Dixon

We get it wrong many times and we need to be mindful of Jesus' words: 'Judge not that you be not judged. 2 For with what judgement you judge, you will be judged'  Matthew 7:1-2. It is serious business when we judge people; because we will be judged the same by Jesus. We also paint a false picture of someone and this is akin to gossip. Gossip sticks and can be seen as the truth. This is why we should be careful.

The next time you are tempted to judge someone you see, stop and think of John the Baptist; if you had been there at the time, you would have got it wrong, and you will probably get it wrong here. So be careful.

Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard.                                 
Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers
Why not order my Daily Commentary from Amazon - Paperback or Kindle 

Saturday 11 December 2021

Do you know someone who needs restoring?

"He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound "                  Isaiah 61:1-4     NKJV

Jesus went to the synagogue in His home town, stood up and preached this sermon. This caused mayhem with people saying, 'Is this not Joseph's son?' Luke 4:22. Jesus was fulfilling what needed to be said and the flak was beginning to spread around Him. However, He had the anointing; the name of Jesus and Messiah means The Anointed One and He was announcing this.

Jesus is the Anointed One but, He has anointed us as well and has commissioned us to go out into the world and make disciples and heal the sick. We have a task to fulfill on His behalf. (Mark 16:14-18). There are many people around us that are brokenhearted and captive to addictions, lonely, abused and in total turmoil. They need setting free and you have the power to carry out this task, because Jesus has sent you.

Sickness and death bring great sadness to the people who are mourning. They need consoling and this is a ministry in itself. For the last ten years as a social worker, I worked at a hospice with people who were dying and with their loved ones. It was the best job I have ever had but was also draining working with people whose lives were falling apart. I wasn't a chaplain there but whenever I had the opportunity, I would share the gospel with them. It brought much peace to each of them.

When people are hurting, they have no particular strength or hope to hang on to. Just getting alongside them and offering love and comfort can be such a great healer in itself. A breakdown in a relationship can be very painful and just sitting and listening to the hurt can bring great benefit. It's getting alongside of them, standing in their shoes that works. Counsellors often call this getting into someone's Internal Frame of Reference; it sounds technical but all it is, is showing the person empathy by letting them know you are listening and on their wavelength without saying the negative, 'I know how you feel', because mostly you don't. 

You may not be a counsellor and you don't have to be; what you do is just carry out Jesus' guidelines - be Jesus to them without fancy Christian language. You have the ability to grow trees of righteousness v3, by helping to plant in the listener, hope. There is a lot of hurting people around you and you have the anointing within you to make a difference.
Think about it!

Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard.                                 
Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers
Why not order my Daily Commentary from Amazon - Paperback or Kindle 

Friday 10 December 2021

Do you need restoring?

"He restores my soul"                                                          Psalm 23:3    NKJV 

Part of the word restoration means, 'an act of being restored from damage' as  recorded in The Free Dictionary. Anyone who has seen the show The Repair Shop on TV, will have an idea of what people bring to the crafts people. Many things are so damaged that one wonders if they could ever be repaired and restored, but they are.

In biblical terms, everyone needs daily restoration of the anxious, weary soul. Pressures can be quite strong at times. The soul is made up of the Mind, Will and Emotions; and to use a psychological term, it is the animating and vital principle  in humankind credited with the faculties of thought, action and emotion The Reader's Digest Universal Dictionary. The mind can produce thoughts that trigger our will and shatter our emotions if allowed. When like this, restoration is called for.

The Psalmist cries out in Psalm 42:5, 'Why are you cast down my soul and why are you disquieted  within me?' The writer was carrying out some self-analysis because of His distress and this is not a bad thing to do from time to time. We need to know what makes us tick; what troubles us and why things have all of a sudden gone pear-shaped.

If we're not careful, anxiety, worry and fear can play a big part in our downfall. If we allow it, we can fall to rock bottom and find it very difficult to move on; the distress and the depression have become so severe. We can end up a wreck needing professional help. In other words, we become damaged and broken up.

However, there is hope in God's word, Isaiah 61:4 says, 'They shall rebuild the old ruins, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the ruined cities.' If you have been undergoing distress, anxiety, fear and pain just lately, then perhaps you need to be restored - the damage needs to be repaired. I know a good restorer and He doesn't appear on The Repair Shop. His name is Jesus, a former carpenter that is true, but fully God. He is the greatest restorer of all time and He wants to help you. As I mentioned, it is not a bad thing to consider that each of us needs restoring on a daily basis. This way we have a chance of remaining sharp.
Why not go to Him right now and tell Him what you need.

Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard.                                 
Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers
Why not order my Daily Commentary from Amazon - Paperback or Kindle 


Thursday 9 December 2021

Changing the world

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."                                                                    Matthew 5:16    NKJV 

The pop group 10cc, in the 70's, had a track on one of their albums called 'I wanna rule the world'. The main verse went:

'I wanna be a boss, I want to be a big boss,
I want to boss the world around, I wanna be 
the biggest boss that ever bossed the world around'
                       Lol Creme, Kevin Godly and Graham Gouldman

Not the most ideal of words to be singing but, over the years, some people have taken on this mentality in their attempts to rule the world. Hitler was one of them. Even Satan, as Lucifer, tried to be equal with God and no doubt, would have attempted a takeover bid, giving half the chance. This type of behaviour will never win on a permanent basis. To be a light in this world, following the Light of the world - Jesus, is the only way. People do not need dictators, they need love and Jesus offers this through each one of us.

Jesus, being the Light of the world, expects His followers to be lights too (John 8:12). There should never be such a thing as a private Christian; you are a light to every one you meet in this world of ours. Would you consider yourself to be a light to your family, acquaintances or workmates? Then, what about your community, do you stand out shining your light, or is the light hidden? To hide the light is contradictory to its purpose - 'let your light so shine' v16.

There is 'good works' and there are 'good things' that people do. So what does Jesus mean by 'good works'? Good works are connected to kingdom work, 'For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them'  Ephesians 2:10. Understand this, 'good things' are what non-believers do in this world. If God is in something, then they are called 'good works,' - He gets the credit. If not, it is just a 'good thing'. There is a big difference.

You may feel that the world needs changing. There is a lot going on in the media at present with climate change and such. We obviously can all help in this area, but perhaps the most important of agendas are people. This world will end one day when Jesus returns to take His church. There are many who do not understand about Jesus and they need to before it is too late. Be a light to them by letting them see Jesus in you!

Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard.                                 
Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers
Why not order my Daily Commentary from Amazon - Paperback or Kindle 

Wednesday 8 December 2021

What to do when you feel angry

"If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink; 22 for so you will heap coals of fire on his head, and the Lord will reward you."           
                                                                                                  Proverbs 25:21-22    NKJV 

Paul reinforces this when he gives his speech in Romans 12:14-21, and it is well worth studying this in line with today's commentary. It can be so difficult to act this way towards someone when they are being blatantly rude and arrogant to you. Your natural reaction wants to rip their head off, but as Christians, you wouldn't be so unwise, would you? Solomon mentions heaping coals of fire onto their heads. At the first sound of this, it feels justified to do so. However, he was giving an example of making a person burn with shame at what they are doing or saying to you. Note they may only feel this way if you, keep your cool and act as Jesus would towards them.

Pouring hot coals of shame upon them, instead of having a free for all, is a way of overcoming evil with good. This, as you know, is not an easy thing to do. Once your anger has begun to surface, it can be difficult to hide or control it but, it is possible with practice and, let's face it, as a Christian you get plenty of opportunities for that.

What you are considering here is contrary to your thinking. If you take a look at what Jesus says about it in Matthew 5:43-48, it can seem impossible; but it is not. As believers, we are different, we are not natural, we are supernatural and this is where the difference takes place. You are called to do good to people who hate you and leave their judgement with God; He will repay them, not you. You have to love them.

In fact, you have to unselfishly seek the best of your enemies and pray for them as they persecute you. Why is this? It shows them that you are a child of God, that you are not natural but supernatural, something they are not used to. Think about this for a moment; acting in this way, declares that you are different, you stand out in the crowd. You give a good indication of who you belong to.

Did you get that? Analyse yourself and ask, do I give a good indication of who I belong to? Search your soul with this question and if you feel that you fall short in this area, speak to God about it. He is so willing to help you change this. You will get immediate help.

Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard.                                 
Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers
Why not order my Daily Commentary from Amazon - Paperback or Kindle 


" Then Paul stood up, and motioning with  his  hand said, “Men of Israel, and you who fear God, listen:   17  The God of this people  I...