Friday, 8 April 2022

Sexual Immorality has the power to destroy

"But each person is tempted when he is drawn away and enticed by his own evil desire. 15 Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin and when sin is fully grown, it gives birth to death."                                                             James 1:14-15   CSB 

Many leading churches today are suffering the pain and humiliation of leaders, who have been caught in adulterous and sexually immoral situations. The media have highlighted it recently and are having a hey day with it all. You see, mostly the media are not all that interested in the Christian world, until there is a form of scandal; they then perform a scoop and the whole church and its work have to suffer the consequences.

David was no different; when he should have been at war with his army, he was at home sunbathing on his roof. From there, he looked down and noticed a young lady - Bathsheba, who raised his temperature. He became so interested in her that he invited her round. Adultery took place, she became pregnant and David had her husband bumped off when they went back to their place of battle. He then married her. He may have been king but he couldn't hide this from God, Adam tried this in the garden remember and that failed. David had to pay the sinful consequences of his sinful behaviour 2 Samuel 11.

Read the short book of Jude and you will see how sexual immorality and false teaching was rife and a threat to the church and, it still is all over the world today. It is not only the sexually immoral person who suffers, but so does the whole church and its work. Mud sticks and the devil loves to plaster it all over the place. Remember, he is a master hood-winker. Look how he had Eve dwell on the forbidden fruit. She looked until she couldn't resist it any longer. This is how it can be for us too. We can be tempted to look at sex-filled films and plays. We can also be tempted to view pornography on the internet - 'Just one look won't hurt', yes it will; it sows a seed within you and from thereon it can be like iron filings to a magnet, it draws a person in deeper.

Adultery is no different. We need to be careful who we are alone with; even if nothing happens rumours and gossip can spread and appear like the truth. Proverbs 6:25 says, 'Don't lust in your heart for her beauty or let her captivate you with her eyelashes.' This is the same for both gender; man and woman, without being paranoid about things, need to practice common sense.

We need to be careful and alert; the devil wants to bring disaster and he will certainly succeed if, you are not in control of yourself.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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Thursday, 7 April 2022

Come to the Throne of Grace

 "Therefore, let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in time of need."    Hebrews 4:16    CSB

Note the word, 'approach', you have to approach the throne of grace before you receive help from Jesus. In other words, you need to pray and call on Him. When you do, He is there for you.
Prayer is like a passport, it leads you into spiritual encounters with God, it is your way of communicating with Him, directly. You may be tempted to give up at times but as you acknowledge His invitation to come to the throne, He is there with His mercy and grace to help.

Someone once said, 'Mercy is not getting what you deserve; grace is getting what you don't deserve.' So don't stay away, approach His throne and get what you need. This is how it works. Imagine the average day and the thoughts that go through your mind:

'I don't fancy going to work today, the boss is being terrible to me; I can't take much more'
'My wife/husband is impossible, we may as well break up, it's a living nightmare'
'I don't know how much more I can take, the kids are being awful, it's all getting me down'
'I will never be able to finish these exams, I wish I'd have never started'
'I don't know what we're going to do, we will never be able to pay our bills'

For every negative and painful thought that comes into your mind and out of your mouth, you need to approach the throne of grace. God's Word says that as you do this, you will find the help you need. How clearer can that be? 'Oh God doesn't mean me,' you may say. Oh yes He does but you need to go to Him, not the other way around. You have to make the approach.

At this moment, some may be saying, 'I'm not doing that, I'm not praying, I'll look stupid'. Wouldn't it be better to pray and look stupid  than, go without the help you need and still look stupid? God's Word says, 'Approach', so do it!

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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Wednesday, 6 April 2022

Where's your trust?

"But I trust in You LORD; I say, 'You are my God.' 15 'The course of my life is in Your power, rescue me from the power of my enemies and from my persecutors."   
                                                                                           Psalm 31:14-15    CSB

Here, David is pleading with God for his protection from the many enemies around him. He knew he could rely on God for this but, he was only human and many times, like us, he was open to doubt this fact. Tony Evans comments here: 'When you have been wounded by life, take these divinely inspired prayers and make them you own'. This is good advice for us all.

Let us not forget that God has the power to rescue us or change whatever circumstance we may find ourselves in. David knew every aspect of his life was in God's hands - how about you, do you feel the same? David also anticipated deliverance. This is one of the keys to Kingdom living - expectation. As we serve God, we should always believe that God is with us, for us and going to work on our behalf. We do this by faith. As we spend more time with Him, we get to know Him better and this is where the trust is developed. Living for God, trusting God and knowing deep down in our spirit that He is totally for us.

Did you know that God has a store packed with His goodness for those who fear Him? Psalm 31:19 reads: 'How great is Your goodness that You have stored up for those who fear You.' His store is piled high with His goodness and it is ready to be dispensed to all who take Him seriously and look to Him in expectation.

As we take refuge in Him, He hides us in the protection of His presence and conceals us in a shelter far away from human schemes and quarrelsome tongues. v20. We may love that special person in our lives and trust them fully; however, we should never trust them more than we trust God. Jeremiah 17:5-6 reads 'Cursed is the person who trusts in mankind, he makes human flesh his strength and his heart turns from the Lord. He will be like a juniper in the Arabah, he cannot see when good comes.' 

These two verses reveal the stark contrast between two ways of life - either to trust in humanity and be cursed, or to trust in the Lord and be blessed. It is far better and sensible to trust God with all you have so that it will go well for you.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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Tuesday, 5 April 2022

The Subject of Prayer

"Pray at all times in the Spirit, with every prayer and request, and stay alert with all perseverance and intercession for all the saints."      Ephesians 6:18    CSB 

This statement made by the Apostle Paul, forms part of the six weapons of armour which we need to wear daily, and Paul felt it was the greatest weapon of all. In prayer we are communicating with God and doing warfare against the devil and his demonic forces. Paul also felt that prayer should be carried out at all times. Common sense tells us that this request would not be possible literally. He meant that throughout the day, we should remain in connection with God, keeping Him on our minds wherever possible. Then when a crisis came along, we should be ready to reach out to God with our prayers.

For some people prayer can be boring; this is why Paul told us to stay alert and persevere. Many people have a prayer ministry and can see what is happening in the Heavenlies - the invisible realm. For others, this can seem that they are professional pray-ers and unless they focus, there can be a tendency to drift away. We should all endeavour to pray in the Spirit at all times.

William Barclay in his Commentary to the book of Ephesians, regarding prayer writes:

It should be constant
Our tendency is to only pray in times of great crisis in our lives, but it is from daily prayer that we will find daily strength.
It must be intense
Limp prayer never got anyone, anywhere; prayer demands the concentration of every faculty upon God.
It must be unselfish
Our prayers can focus more on ourselves than on others. We must learn to pray as much for others, and with others, as for ourselves.

The last bullet point by William Barclay is aimed at the temptation to focus on the 'Me, Me, Me Syndrome. We can tend to have a selfish attitude, and never recognise it, when we are going about our daily life. This can be obvious when we pray. We must learn to make God the key point and the main topic of our prayer and exalt others not ourselves. Remember, God gives grace to the humble James 4:6.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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Monday, 4 April 2022

Come before the Lord, right now

"Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.' V4    Psalm 100    CSB

Just imagine if you will, being in God's courts right now. It is hard to understand what it would be like because, our minds can only picture our own interpretation of what God looks like and what His house - heaven, is like. One thing though, we would be so overwhelmed by it all that we would probably be speechless. Let us therefore come before Him today with no requests, worries or fear and just praise and worship Him from our hearts. In fact, let our hearts be thankful and grateful for all He has done for us. He gave His all for us, let us now give our all to Him. Just sit quietly before Him and let the praises start but, also be open to be silent before Him too. He has things to say to each one of us. Pray this with me:

'Lord, we come before You this day and thank You for being so loving and faithful to us. We are so grateful; so thankful, we just applaud You and worship You for all you are to each one of us. Thank you that You are our great shepherd and guide us along the way we should go, protecting and feeding us each step of the way. We cannot fail to realise just how good You have been to us, even in times when we have let You down and haven't deserved your love and forgiveness. Thank you Lord so very much. Amen'

God wants us to worship Him with excitement because, He is an exciting God. He wants us to shout for joy. Verse 3 of this Psalm reads: 'The LORD is God'. The Hebrew meaning is Yahweh is Elohim, the name of God revealed in His covenant relationship with His people. Elohim, speaks of power - the LORD is God and is the one who created heaven and earth and us too. Therefore, our powerful God wants a powerful, exciting and spirit filled relationship with you.

Just sit quietly before Him right now and allow the Holy Spirit to saturate you in His presence. He wants each one of us to fully realise what He has for us. He wants each one of us to fully know just how much He loves us.  

"Thank you Lord for everything!'

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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Sunday, 3 April 2022

Give that little bit extra

"Give and it will be given to you; a good measure - pressed down, shaken together and running over - will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you."                                                         Luke 6:38   CSB 

People in Europe today, are waking up to the horrific reality of rising energy costs. For many, it seems like a giant or a large mountain that has risen and is threatening to consume them. Many of them who don't know Jesus as their Lord, are frightened because the cost will be too much for them. They are fearful. Many people who do know Jesus are feeling exactly the same; it is affecting everyone.

We appear to be living in a Catch 22 situation. The cost of living is rising rapidly but, our income is not rising enough to meet these increases, In fact, the meagre rises in income are being swallowed up in the vast increase of inflation. Some have a nest egg to fall back on but, with the high rises in the cost of living, the nest egg will soon hatch, leaving nothing left.

Where can a person go in a situation like this? I'm reminded of the widow of Zarephath in 1 Kings 17:8-16. She had very little, just a small quantity of flour and a few spots of oil. Elijah asked her to bake him a small loaf. She struggled with this request but, Elijah told her not to worry, the flour jar would not become empty nor the oil jar run dry until the drought was over. She complied with his request and it was as Elijah had said; also when her young son became ill and died, Elijah raised him back to life. Can you see what happened? The widow, even though she was in a dire situation, tithed some of it and she was blessed. 

When the funds are low, it seems ridiculous to give some of it away to others who need it. However, this is God's way, this is the way He operates. The more we give, the more we will receive. You may be familiar with the term, ‘Give until it hurts'; when you consider this, to give when you have little, would hurt; but it is God's money anyway, He gave us the ability to gather this in the first place. He is our provider and, if we fully realise this and put it into action, He will take care of the rest. 

Jesus told us not to worry but to seek His Kingdom (Matthew 6:33-34). Therefore, stop living in fear, give a little extra to someone who is in a desperate situation; then watch God work. You will be blessed; He promises this.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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Saturday, 2 April 2022

God's Favour

"For You LORD, bless the righteous one; You surround him with favour like a shield." v12             
                                                                                                     Psalm 5   CSB

Favour can be described as: pleasure, desire, delight and grace. The Hebrew word for favour is ratson and refers especially to what is pleasing and desirable to God. In comparison, in verse 7 we read, 'But I enter Your house by the abundance of Your faithful love'. The words 'faithful love' are a translation of the Hebrew word hesed, which refers to God's loyal affection for those under His covenant. It was because of this love that David was able to enter into God's presence to worship Him.

David needed God and so do we. Not everyone is our friend, there are enemies around who use flattering tongues and scheme and plot against us when we are walking with Jesus v8-9. Therefore it is imperative that we take refuge each day in God's presence by way of morning prayer and worship. This doesn't have to be formal; we can worship and pray as we go about our busy day. However, we do need to plant God's Word within us by reading our bible. It is a must! If you want to have a good day, give it to God; commit all of your plans to Him. We are going through difficult times at the moment, what with Covid and ever-rising costs and the threat of huge energy bills. We need His help and wisdom to survive. 

David had many enemies who schemed against him yet, used flattering tongues in his presence. He knew there was nothing reliable in what they were saying to him. He knew the best way was to give it all to God; after-all, when we are walking in fellowship with Him, people may say bad things about us and plot and scheme, but they are really saying this against God, which is a dangerous thing to do. David was walking in God's favour and knew God had his back.

When we are in step with Jesus, a shield of favour is placed around us too. God has His faithful love (hesed) around us and He showers us with His grace. He wants to do this more and more, it is only us who prevent this from happening by trying to do things our way. I like what the late Tony Campolo used to say, 'God has our photograph in His wallet and when He sees someone, He shows them this asking, "Have you seen my beautiful son or daughter?' Obviously, there is no biblical evidence for this but, it is a nice thought and is a demonstration of just how much He loves YOU!

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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Remain in Jesus

"As the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you. Remain in My love.'   John 15:9   CSB Remain is quite a strong word. It means t...