Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Fire in your bones

"There is no soundness in my body because of Your indignation, there is no health in my bones because of my sin."                                           Psalm 38:3   CSB 

The results of David's sin and his foolishness caused this feeling of woe. This caused him to be physically, spiritually and emotionally drained. Not all sickness is the result of sin though, and we have to be careful that we don't fall into the trap of being judgemental when dealing with someone who continues to be sick, despite much prayer. Sin will always affect the way we react; we can try to hide it for so long but, rather like white-washing an old cracked wall, it may initially look good but, the cracks will soon re-appear.

David felt drained with the overwhelming feeling of sin; it was dragging him down and, he had no soundness or peace in his mind. Consequently, he continued to dry up spiritually. This is not what God wants for you, He has better things. He knows we are weak and susceptible to sin. This is why 1John 1:9 tells us: 'If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.' This scripture was written to Christians, He knew that we would need to remember this.

David writes that he has no health in his bones. In other words, he had no fire in his bones. Take a look at Jeremiah 20:9: 'I say, "I won't mention Him or speak any longer in His name." But His message becomes a fire burning in my heart, shut up in my bones; I become tired of holding it in and cannot prevail.' Jeremiah complained to God that people were ridiculing him and making him a laughingstock because he was preaching out aloud in the street. However, he couldn't stop, no matter how hard he tried because, he had 'Fire in his Bones.' Just like us, Jeremiah was human and susceptible to sin, yet God, put fire in his bones. It was so intense that he couldn't stop talking about God.

Come on, are you saying that it could never happen to you? God wants to put fire in your bones too. He wants to make them alive so that, you make a difference wherever you are. It may not be to preach on a street corner, that can come later; but so that you live for Him 100% - sold out for God so much, that whatever God wants, you will reply, I'll do it Lord'. Will you?

Be honest, do you want fire in your bones? If so, the get up, repent and ask Him for this. However, when you do, be prepared, because He will take you up on the offer!

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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Tuesday, 24 May 2022

Taking the right path

"A person's steps are established by the LORD, and he takes pleasure in His way."  
                                                                                                        Psalm 37:23  CSB 

If you've asked Jesus to be your Lord, then He has the right to be your guide in all you do. He won't force you however, but He does have a way of putting things in your way that you simply can't miss.

In guiding us, God uses de-tours to takes us from here to there - wherever He wants us to be. The de-tours are not because He changes His mind, but because, we can be so unpredictable - one day we're going here and doing that and then, the next we've changed our minds or are being stubborn. Isn't this a little like the Israelites in the desert? They only had a short journey to go and yet, it took them 40 years - incredible!

I believe that God is like a Chess Master and plans the way forward. He knows the wrong ways and the right ways, making allowance for our weaknesses. He knows what we will do and if it is not the right decision, He puts into action the de-tour. I remember nearly forty years ago that we were wondering where God wanted us to worship and we were getting nowhere. We went on a short break to North Devon and on the Sunday, as we were walking by the Pavilion bar, we could hear Christian worship. We decided to investigate and discovered a church meeting taking place there. After the service, a chap informed us that a similar church was planned for South Dorset. We returned home and decided that we would look round for this church. At first, no one knew anything about it and then, we met a Christian friend who told us that the church was meeting on a Thursday night in West Dorset. We attended and eventually, the church moved to the planned place in South Dorset. It was rather a long-winded journey but we finally found what we were looking for, and we became founding members of this church.

God will make de-tours and lead us wherever He chooses. It is exciting when this happens. Don't ever lose this excitement, it is the joy of the Lord - His strength, and it keeps us forging a way forward. When you are in step with Jesus, He gives you a 'buzz' that can be found nowhere else. Keep in step with Him and if you trip up, He will pick you back up.

Is God taking you a step nearer to where He wants you to be? Is He showing you what He wants you to do? If you've asked Him to guide you, you can hardly say 'no' can you?

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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Monday, 23 May 2022

Don't be like the Fig Tree

"The next day when they went out from Bethany, He was hungry. 13 Seeing in the distance a fig tree with leaves. He went to find out if there was anything on it. When He came to it, He found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs. 14 He said to it, 'May no one ever eat from you again."
                                                              Mark 11:12-14   Christian Standard Bible

At first, it can seem quite harsh for Jesus to curse this fig tree, after all, it wasn't the season for figs. However, the tree was giving the appearance that it had fruit because of the leaves. Fruit and leaves on a fig tree, grow together. This was a false display and Jesus was making a point.

This false outward appearance could also be found in the religious leaders of the day. Outwardly they were godly but, inwardly they were corrupt. Their lack of faith made them also barren, producing no fruit for God. Sadly, it can be the same today; many people attend church each week, sing, praise and listen to the sermon, giving the occasional Amen, but sadly there is no fruit for the rest of the week; they get on with their worldly lives.

This is very similar to what King David wrote in Psalm 37:35-36 'I have seen a wicked, violent person, well-rooted like a flourishing native tree. 36 Then I passed by and noticed he was gone. I searched for him but, he could not be found.' 

When Jesus dwells within someone, it shows. There still may be some rough edges but basically, the heart has been changed because Jesus has taken up residence there. Having the biggest bible one can find and reading it from cover to cover, will not make someone a Christian. Only Jesus can do this via salvation. Don't fall into the category of the fig tree, giving off a false Christian front. It doesn't matter what denomination you belong to or, how many times you have taken communion, only Jesus, within you, can produce living fruit. Once on a Street Evangelism exercise, I asked a person if they were a Christian. The answer I received was, he had been a Methodist for 30 years, surely this made him a Christian. He didn't like my answer.

One day, and it could be sooner rather than later because of the state of the world, we will all have to appear before Jesus and give Him an account of our lives. It will be too late to change your mind then and, no amount of pleading with Jesus will influence His decision. We will either enter the Kingdom of God or spend eternity in the clutches of the devil and his angels in hell. It's all in the bible, we will have no excuse. Do you need to make a decision?

'Lord Jesus, I ask you to forgive my sins and be my Lord and Saviour. I give you all I have - my whole life; please come and live in my heart and bless me with Your Holy Spirit. Amen'

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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Sunday, 22 May 2022

Be Daddy Cool

"Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him."    Psalm 37:7    NKJV 

Stop getting yourself in a state - be 'Daddy Cool'. What is the point of getting yourself all wound up; will it solve anything? More than likely, it will just make matters worse. In verse 8, David says, 'Cease from anger and forsake wrath.' If you don't, you may get yourself to the point of frustration and then, 'POW' - Pandemonium.

Incidentally, how is your patience? Test yourself right now, how would you feel when you have waited at four sets of traffic lights, been behind a JCB for 20 or so minutes and then ended up in the traffic jam to beat all traffic jams? You're late for the school run; for work and then you realise it is Saturday, not a school or work day. It may sound a little exaggerated but it can happen, believe you me. The thing is, what would be in your thoughts; how would you react? With patience and praising God or grumbling all the way home. Be honest!

The answer to all of this is that you need to be 'Daddy Cool'. In verse 7 of the NKJV, it reads, 'Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him.' The CSB interprets it this way, 'Be silent before the LORD and wait expectantly for Him.' It's a subtle play on words but means the same. It is always best to be silent before God when things are not going your way. He doesn't need your protests. He is teaching each one of us to 'wait expectantly', for Him to work. What is the point of waiting if nothing is going to happen - none?

With everything that has been going on, don't you think you could do with something good happening? Well, that is down to you; learn to rest in God - be 'Daddy Cool' and learn to be silent instead of grumbling.

But above all, wait expectantly! He cares and wants to bless you, but you cannot rush God no matter how hard you try. Therefore, as Frank Sinatra sang (Who?) 'Nice n" Easy does it every time'. He really meant to sing, 'Be Daddy Cool'

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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Saturday, 21 May 2022

Give it to God

"Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him."     Psalm 37:5    NKJV 

You may be weighed down with worry at the moment; the present climate doesn't help - firstly the Pandemic which is ongoing and now, rising costs of living that are being inflicted upon us all. We're told not to worry but, it can be difficult not to at the moment. However, Jesus reinforces His words, 'But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you'  (Matthew 6:33). The Greek word 'to worry', is translated 'to be drawn in different directions.' Therefore, worry pulls us apart.

Let us look at what Jesus said here, 'Seek first'. This is so significant, When you have worries and problems, where do you go first of all? If it is to your family, friends or even your bank manager, you are putting God in second place; because when all of this fails, you then turn to God for help. If this is you, you are not putting God first in your life. If you want success, put Him first above all else.

This is the main point of the word, 'Commit'; it means to 'roll', the idea being we roll our burdens over to Jesus, this is seeking first the kingdom of God. 1 Peter 5:7 says something similar, 'Casting all your care upon Him for he cares for you.' Did you get that last bit? 'He cares for you.' The word 'care' here, can be split into two different meanings:

(1)   Firstly, His care means that He loves you beyond words and He really doesn't like you being worried, anxious or fearful. Worry, anxiety and fear are enemies to your health, they give you sleepless nights, depression, cancers, heart problems and a host of other negative things. This is why Jesus doesn't want you being fearful; He cares
(2)   Secondly, His care is just that - He wants to take care of you and provide all you need and more. He is your carer and He us there 24 hours of each day, He is never off shift. He sees a potential worry coming your way and longs for you to 'roll' it over to Him. 

As you fully commit everything to the greatest carer the world has ever known, you will be enriched with all you've ever needed or wanted.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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Friday, 20 May 2022

Do you want to be blessed? Then keep your heart right!

"Take delight in the LORD, and He will give you your heart's desires" 
                                                                                                Psalm 37:1-4   CSB 

We can tend to become agitated and envious because other people have more than we do, or appear to be more successful, it can be easy to feel bad about them. However, just because some people seem to prosper more than we do, does not give us the right to be envious at all. Their success may be down to the choices they have made. They could have had the breaks that others didn't have or they have have been born into higher living. Alternatively, their lives may be financed by corrupt dealings or they may have run up their credit cards just to fit into the bracket. Then again, their lifestyle may be just through sheer hard work, studying and being there at the right moment. 

Being envious will get us nowhere, especially with God. Are you open to the fact that He may have put some opportunity in your direction and you dismissed it because of fear of leaving your comfort zone. Some people take the risk and it pays off. To never do this, leaves you just where you are. If this is you, repent and God will give you other opportunities. Don't allow agitation to take you over just because someone is more successful than you are. Just get on with what God has given you and be grateful. Continue to do a good job and mow your own garden.

We never know what the , 'so called successful people' are going through. One things for sure if they haven't got Jesus in their lives, then no amount of money, cars or bricks and mortar, are going to qualify them for heaven. Pray for them rather than being envious.

If we fully trust in the Lord and enjoy each day with Him, then He is delighted; and as we delight ourselves in Him, He will bless us. Chris Evans, in his commentary to The Christian Standard Bible, writes: 'You can expect God's movement in your life, when your thinking and desires match His. He desires to bless you more than you want to be blessed'.

God will give us what we need, that is a fact. However, He wants to bless us further:

'Now to Him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us'  Ephesians 3:20.

Note the words, 'the power that works within us'. This power is Jesus and as we delight ourselves in Him, He will bless us beyond our imagination. We will not have to worry about rising costs or inflation. Jesus is very rich, therefore delight in Him.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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Thursday, 19 May 2022

Pay attention - Final part

"Ponder the path of your feet, and let all your ways be established."    
                                                                                        Proverbs 4:25-27   NKJV 

We have to get on the right path to be able to walk with Jesus. To do this, we need to, 'pay attention' and carefully consider the way forward. Abraham knew this; he was a friend of God and walked with Him daily, even though he did make a few mistakes. On the other hand, Lot became a friend of the world and walked by sight. He only wanted what he could see. Lot was happy to settle for second best, not trusting God (2 Corinthians 5:7). Abraham, on the other hand, was a man of faith and when God told him the way, he believed, 'being fully convinced that what He had promised, He was able to perform (Romans 4:21).

We can either look at worthless things or look at Jesus, 'looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith' (Hebrews 12:2). Lot looked at the things that were seen but Abraham at the things that are not seen. Abraham knew the things that he could see were only temporary, but the things he couldn't see, were eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18). He was a man of faith and, therefore, walked by it. In other words, he paid attention to what God told him.

When God sends you on a path, don't deviate from it. It may not seem the right way to you, but God knows the perfect way to go. If He tells you to go, 'this way', then go, 'this way'. Often when we obey God, we can be filled with doubt, our thought life can have a hey day and then, the devil can chip in his worthless comments too. But if you trust God, stay on the path!

Remember the words:
'Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding,
In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.
                      Proverbs 3:5-6   NKJV

Stay on the path that God has given you, no matter how hard it may be. Keep your eyes looking straight ahead and, don't be tempted to take an easier route. There are many tricksters around and, the devil is the biggest. Watch the temptation - Pay attention to all that God tells you. Whatever God's leading you to you may be almost there - just around the corner. Don't give up now.

Keep trusting in God, 'pay attention' and look ahead, because it is a bright future. Something new and wonderful is about to happen! 

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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We could so easily have given up

8 We don’t want you to be unaware, brothers and sisters, of our affliction that took place in Asia.  We were completely overwhelmed — beyond...