Thursday, 25 August 2022

Rejoice in this day

"This is the day the LORD has made, let's rejoice and be glad in it."   
                                                                                         Psalm 118:24   CSB

There are two ways that we can view this verse: 
(1)  It is a prophetic word
(2)  It is a word directly from God that shows how we should live each day
Firstly, let's look at what David Guzik has to say about the prophetic parts of this verse:

"When Jesus quoted Psalm 118:22 (in Matthew 21:42Mark 12:10-11, and Luke 20:17), He did so in response to the praise and hosannas given to Him at what is commonly called the triumphal entry. Since this psalm is prophetically connected with that event, the day mentioned here can be prophetically understood as the day Jesus formally entered Jerusalem as Messiah and King.
i. It is true in a general sense that the LORD makes every day, and there is reason to rejoice and be glad in every day. Yet specifically, the day the LORD made to rejoice and be glad in was the day Jesus entered Jerusalem with hosannas welcoming Him as Israel’s Savior. If on that day human voices failed to rejoice and be glad, Jesus said that the very stones would cry out their praises and hosannas (Luke 19:40).
ii. There is also reason to believe, based on the chronology of Sir Robert Anderson, that the particular day of the triumphal entry was prophesied in Daniel’s prophecy of the Seventy Weeks (Daniel 9:24-26). Anderson’s chronology is controversial and rejected by some, but as John Walvoord noted, “No one today is able dogmatically to declare that Sir Robert Anderson’s computations are impossible.”        Enduring Word Bible Commentary by David Guzik

This commentary gives us an in depth explanation of this verse and the true reason why each of us should be grateful that Jesus gave Himself for us.

Secondly, God speaks directly to each of us about how we should react on a daily basis towards God and each day we wake up. This day cannot be classed as yesterday or tomorrow, it is firmly discussing today and the choices we have to live through it. We have a choice to make each day of our lives. Some days can be good and some, not so good but, we have a choice to make about how we approach each day. We can often hear:
'It's a horrible day, I'll be glad when it's over.' You may have made this comment quite a few times. But let us take a look at the verse again, 'This is the day the LORD has made, let's rejoice and be glad in it.' When we say such things are we not disagreeing with God? Are we being ungrateful for another day of our lives, a day many wish they could take part in? 

Perhaps we need to look within ourselves and think what it would be like if God didn't give us another day to live. Days can be difficult to negotiate but it's the same for everyone - good and not so good days. However, we do have a choice to be grateful to God for giving us this day and then praising Him for it. Is that too much to ask?

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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Wednesday, 24 August 2022

Can people see that you have been with Jesus?

"When they observed the boldness of Peter and John and realised that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed and recognised that they had been with Jesus."                                                                      Acts 4:5-22 CSB

What a wonderful testimony that the people could see that Peter and John had been with Jesus. May that be our goal, all the time.
For a moment, let us look back to where this had all started. The Holy Spirit had come upon them all with tongues of fire, at Pentecost (Acts 2). Then Peter the rock, full of the power of God had preached to the crowd and around 3000 people were converted to Jesus. Then in Acts 3, we see Peter and John going up to the temple for the hour of prayer. As they did, they passed a lame man begging for money. Peter told him they had no funds but what they did have was the power of Jesus. The man was healed and the crowd were stirred up. Around a further 2000 were saved that morning and, the leaders of the temple became agitated.
Following Peter and John's arrest, they appeared in court but, despite the warning of the leaders, Peter would not back down and even gave them the gospel. This made a great impact on the leaders and they are impressed because they were uneducated and untrained men and yet it was obvious that they had been with Jesus. The proof was there.

It is important to have a grounding in the Word of God but, that doesn't mean that everyone who is called should attend bible college. It is great to do this if, God is indicating that one should do so. However, it must be said, there are many thriving church ministries throughout the world which men and women have started without this formal training. There are many routes to studying for ministry and this includes, distant learning and personal bible study. God will show what he wants an individual to do.

Peter and John were threatened. They were strictly warned not to speak or teach about Jesus. Peter told them straight, 'Whether it's right in the sight of God for us to listen to you rather than to God, you decide, 20 for we are unable to stop speaking about what we have seen and heard' v19-20.

If God has called you, go for it and never allow anyone to stop you from doing God's work or speaking about Him. We saw yesterday, that we are all susceptible to persecution and it will only get worse as time goes on. Look around at what is happening today; the world needs Jesus. In your part of our world, you have the ability to share His Word and love. Don't let people stop you. Let them see Jesus! 

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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Tuesday, 23 August 2022

Are you prepared to take the flak?

"While they were speaking to the people , the priests, the captain of the temple police and the Sadducees confronted them 2 because they were annoyed that they were teaching the people and proclaiming in Jesus, the resurrection of the dead."  
                                                                                                         Acts 4:1-5   CSB 

Wherever you go and talk about Jesus, you will come up against flak. Whether you are preaching, teaching or just chatting to friends, family or work colleagues, you will come under fire. You may even become unpopular and in extreme circumstances, be asked to leave or be quiet.

The name of Jesus stirs people up. Strangely enough, they can tolerate speaking about God - everyone knows of Him. However, Jesus is too personal. People may say, 'Isn't he a baby who we talk about at Christmas?' Others may say, 'Isn't He dead?' Many cannot comprehend that He is actually God.

Jesus is the Word. 'In the beginning was the word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God' John 1:1. And yet we read in John 1:11, 'He came to His own and His own people did not receive Him.' The priests, the temple police and the Sadducees came and arrested Peter and John because they were preaching about Jesus and the resurrection; and even though some 5000 people had accepted Jesus, they didn't care. It was blasphemous to them. The Sadducees didn't even believe in the resurrection from the dead, (this is why they were 'sad - u - see. Sorry).

This was the beginning of the persecution. Jesus received it, Peter and John received it and so will you, if you talk about Jesus in certain quarters. But let me say, there is no stopping God when Jesus is glorified.

The thing is, are you prepared to receive the flak? Are you? Christians have lost their jobs and their homes and families for doing this. In some countries, they have suffered beatings and imprisonment. Some have been tortured and killed. It's true and it is happening today. Are you prepared to bite the bullet? It's ok going to church each week but it is a different thing to make a stand for Jesus against all of the immorality and corruption in our world today. Are you prepared to take the flak?

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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Monday, 22 August 2022

What's it got to do with you?

"If I want him to remain until I come", Jesus answered, "what is that to you?" v22  
                                                                                           John 21:20-25  CSB

Straight talking from Jesus will always follow unwholesome behaviour and talk. Here, after being restored, Peter the rock, reverts to his pebble ego and starts asking, 'Lord, who is the one that's going to betray you?' And then looking around and seeing John following them, 'Lord, what about him?'

Jesus loves us very much but, He will have no favourites by giving them information about someone else that could lead to the promotion of rumours. This is why Jesus said, 'If I want him to remain until I come - what is that to you?' In other words, 'this doesn't concern you, so don't go there; just follow Me and do what I have told you. I may have something different for John to do.' 

Gossip, false accusations and telling tales are not for the person of God. Over the years, they have split churches and ruined ministries. They are always detrimental to church life. Gossip is so easily received as the truth and once ignited, spreads everywhere, and this is why Jesus didn't discuss anything about John. Check out v23, 'So this rumour spread to the brothers and sisters that this disciple would not die. Yet Jesus did not tell him he would not die but, 'if I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you?'

It didn't concern Peter what would happen to John, he had to decide if he was going to follow Jesus or not; and not interfere with what God is doing with someone else. And this includes each one of us as well. Charles Spurgeon commenting on this passage wrote:

I have come to the conclusion that, instead of trying to set all my Master's servants right at once, my first and most important work is to follow my Lord, and I think my brother, that it will be wise for you to come to the same conclusion.'

Jesus is interested in us and what we are doing, not about what we believe someone else should be doing. 'WHAT IS THAT TO YOU?'

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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Sunday, 21 August 2022

Restoration and Re-installation

"Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?" v15  of John 21:15-19   NKJV 

In this piece of scripture, we deal with three denials and three confessions. Peter had denied Jesus on 3 occasions, even though he had said he never would. Therefore, Jesus wanted Peter to confess 3 times that he loved Him. This is where the restoring and re-installation of Peter's calling began.

Many people miss how Jesus addressed Peter that day. He said, 'Simon, son of Jonah', and yet in John 1:42, Jesus had said to him, 'You are Simon the son of Jonah. You shall be called 'Cephas', which is translated stone. Cephas was a name of Aramaic origin meaning rock or stone, and yet, Jesus reverted back to to his original name - Simon. Why was this? The name  Simon was translated 'Pebble' and this is how Peter used to be and was displaying when he denied Jesus. It was Jesus' intention that he be a rock and Jesus was reminding him of this.

Jesus asked Peter, 'do you love Me more than these? and then twice more He asked, 'Do you love me?'. Peter answered that he did love Jesus and then Jesus told him, Feed My lambs, Tend My sheep and Feed My sheep. Jesus' intention was that Peter would be a powerful yet tender leader of God's people. He knew Peter was willing to give up everything - his livelihood, family, friends, whatever, to follow Him. He also knew that possibly the other disciples would struggle with this. Therefore having satisfied Himself that Peter was faithful, He restored him.

You may have departed from Jesus because of certain things. It's never too late to return to Him. If you do, Jesus will place His arms around you and give you a great welcome. What are you waiting for?

"Lord, I return to You and ask Your forgiveness that I walked away. Lord, please forgive me and accept me back. I come to You now. In Jesus' Name. Amen

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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Saturday, 20 August 2022

Do you recognise Him?

"The disciple, the one Jesus loved, said, 'It is the Lord'" v7    John 21:7-14   CSB 

When the disciples first saw Jesus on the shore, they didn't recognise Him. This is quite strange as they had spent 3 years or so with Him daily. They were not alone; the two men on the road to Emmaus had done the same. They were in deep conversation about the resurrection and the chaos it had caused, when Jesus joined them on their walk. They didn't recognise Him until they had broken bread; then their eyes were opened Luke 24:13-36. Then of course, there was Mary Magdalene who had visited and found the tomb empty on resurrection day. In her distress, she mistook Jesus for the gardener, until He spoke her name John 20:18. They all knew Jesus in His human form, but perhaps what happened was. they didn't recognise Him in His glory. 

John shouted from the boat, 'It is the Lord!' With that, Peter put on his outer garment and jumped into the water making his way to the shore. He would have been wearing a loin cloth whilst he carried out the hot and sweaty work on the boat, most fishermen did. Now, it was a Jewish law that when greeting another person, people must be clothed appropriately. Therefore, Peter wished to greet Jesus in a respectful manner.

When Peter and the others arrived at the shore, Jesus already had a BBQ going, with fish and bread ready to eat. Just where He got them all from, we do not know, it is just a part of who Jesus is, always expect excitement and the best from Him. They soon realised who Jesus was, when he gave them the fish and bread together with blessing it. This must have reminded them of the feeding of the five thousand.

The main part of their time with Jesus, reinforces the fact that, without Him, we can do nothing John 15:5. Experienced fishermen, out all night and yet, they caught nothing. Notice though, Jesus was very near to them, on the shore. They only had to call to Him and things may have been different. They had answered, 'No' when He had asked them if they had caught any fish but, the difference came when they obeyed Him and cast their nets on the right side of the boat; they were blessed. This was an amazing catch and would have gone towards supporting their families.

Jesus had provided for them and He will do the same for you, as well. Notice how John became the encourager here, 'It is the Lord'. We always need an encourager among us as we need this from time to time. Could you be an encourager? Would you be able to encourage someone to call on Jesus? Give this some thought, it is important.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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Friday, 19 August 2022

What is the Fear of the LORD Conclusion

"Love has been perfected among us in this, that we may have boldness in the day of judgement; because as He is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.'                                                                 1 John 4:17-18  NKJV

Many Christians, including myself over the years, have struggled with the subject of fearing God. It has almost made Him look like a great ogre who terrifies His subjects. But this is very far from the truth. God is a loving God who, cannot get enough of us, He loves us dearly and wants us to feel the same way about Him. 
How easy it is to get the wrong picture. God is not an ogre. He is a loving, caring God who sent His only Son, Jesus into the world to die for us that we may have, hope in this world and a place in Heaven at the end of our time here on earth. This is not fear, it is love.

People can bring fear upon us if, we allow them to. As children, many of us were told by our parents, that if we don't go to sleep, the bogy man will come for us or, the ten o' clock horses. As an 8 year old, my mum told me that, if I didn't behave, the gypsy people would come and take me with them. I was petrified. Imagine how I felt, when one day a gypsy stood at our door trying to sell pegs. We need to be so careful what we say to people, especially children. Many times, what is said is believed as the truth.

The devil will whisper lies to us, he can't speak the truth if he tried. He can be so convincing and can make us feel guilty about something, an unloved person and totally condemned. But as we train ourselves to know the voice of God, we know the difference when we hear such things. The devil accuses, God doesn't, the devil lies, God doesn't and God will never condemn you but, the devil will

The devil has an appointment with God that he cannot avoid. Hebrews 10:31 says, It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God', and one day soon, he will; this is certain and he will not sweet-talk his way out of that.

Remember, 'There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear - 1 John 4:18 and as Charles Spurgeon writes:

' What love is this that shone on us when we were the serfs and slaves of satan, the dishwashers in the kitchen of iniquity'

God is love, not fear

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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Remain in Jesus

"As the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you. Remain in My love.'   John 15:9   CSB Remain is quite a strong word. It means t...