Thursday, 22 September 2022

Walk by the Faith God has given you

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seem"     
                                                                                 Hebrews 11:1   NKJV 

Fear is Satan's weapon to paralyse us; faith is God's weapon to mobilise us. Total opposites, in fact, the devil will always endeavour to promote what is opposite to God's Word. This is why RT Kendall says, 'Imagine what the devil would want you to do, then do the opposite.' RT goes on to say that this approach is one of the best ways to know the will of God. For instance, the devil does not want you to pray and read the bible. So, what do you do? Yep, you pray and read your bible. This way you have victory.

We need to develop our faith. It is the proof of what is not seen. To exercise faith is to have confidence about something happening without any visible evidence that it will happen. All the way through the bible you will find men and women just like us, who did extraordinary things by having faith in God. Take for example Peter and John at the Gate Beautiful (Acts 3:1-8). A lame man was begging and Peter said to him, 'Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk' v6. And he did. The man was totally healed. Peter exercised his faith. He was no different to us, in fact, a few weeks earlier he had blatantly denied that he had anything to do with Jesus, to save his own skin. Yet, when he repented and spent time with Jesus later on, he was changed.

You may think, that was in bible times; that would never happen now. But it does, all over the world people are being healed and some, raised from the dead. Probably the difference is, we would never dream of doing this when a beggar approached us in town for some money. And, if we did, think of it, we would probably be too afraid or embarrassed to try it. This is why it doesn't happen.

If we want to see miracles happen, then we must develop and gain the confidence in Jesus that we could do this. 'It may not work', you may say. But it might, if you have the faith to try it. The time in this world is gradually coming to a close. Many believe we are living in the End Times. Therefore, we need to become mobilised with Jesus' weapon of faith. Don't forget that, 'without faith, it is impossible to please Him' (Hebrews 11:6) So, walk by the faith God has given you.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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Wednesday, 21 September 2022

There's hope, don't give up

"Because of the LORD'S faithful love, we do not perish, for His mercies never end. 23 They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness."   Lamentations 3:22-23  CSB

As each day closes, another one begins - a new beginning. Yesterday may have been full of woe, bad feeling and disappointment. But, today, given the chance, may be a better day; and God promises to share it with you.

It is so important to store scripture into your memory bank for when you need it. Verse 21 reads, 'Yet I call this to mind, and therefore I have hope.' Thinking back to when God lifted you out of the miry clay, can be helpful. It gives hope, and hope is what you need in desperate times - biblical hope. It will carry you through these rough times.

Spurgeon said, 'If every day brings its trouble, every day also brings its mercy. No one can say that so truly as the person who has known what it is to prove God's great faithfulness in the midst of affliction.'

Bad times come but good times tend to follow. The sun may go down but, it will return, the same way as when the tide goes out, it will rush back in again. Samson was weak when his hair was cut, but when his hair began to grow back, so did his strength. You may cut your grass very short but, in such a short time it will grow back to its original length. In the same way, things may be a little difficult at this time but, joy and peace will return.

You may be walking through a storm right now. Life may have dealt you a bad hand and it hurts. God knows all about this and longs for you to allow Him to bring comfort and restoration once again. As rough seas eventually calm down, rough times do not always remain.

This is where your hope in God comes in. Psalm 42:5 tells us:
'Put your hope in God, for I will still Praise Him'
Notice the word 'Still.' The Psalmist was saying, 'No matter what is happening in my life at this time, I will still praise Him. He is still on the throne.'  (My paraphrase)

He is still on the throne - the throne of your life, if you keep Him there. Just gently praise His name and allow Him to wipe the tears away. There's hope, don't give up.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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Tuesday, 20 September 2022

Take Responsibility

 "The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree and I ate."  
                                                                                           Genesis 3:12   NKJV

There appears to be two generations that stick out above the rest:

The 'Me' generation  This group of people run on self-centredness. They are self-focused and only see their own goals in life. No one else seems to have a say in their life. They are out to please themselves.
The 'Blame' generation  This group of people take no responsibility for their actions but, blame others when things go wrong or when they're caught out. RT Kendall describes these in one of his books: 'they shrink responsibility and attach fault to anything and anyone but themselves.' Totally Forgiving Ourselves. 2007 RT Kendall, Hodder & Stoughton  

We only have to look at the third chapel of Genesis 3:12-14, to see blame in action. As we know, the serpent tempted Eve to pick and eat the forbidden fruit. Now at this stage, she had committed no sin. Many of us are tempted; even Jesus was, 'For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathise with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin' Hebrews 4:15. Jesus was tempted but didn't fall to the temptation. We can be tempted but if we don't accept it, it is not sin. At this stage, Eve was only tempted but, when she picked and ate the fruit, sin entered in.

But look at the problem she caused; Adam told God that the reason he ate the fruit was basically His fault for giving Eve to him in the first place. Eve in return blamed the serpent. Neither of them accepted responsibility; they had guilt because they knew they were naked and had hidden in the garden, yet that was all. It is the same in our world today; we are living in an age where many people have no guilt at all. Many appear to act in their own best interests - self-centred and self-satisfied. 

Whatever happens, let us avoid the 'Blame game' and take responsibility for our actions. The 'Me' generation and 'Blame' generation operate in our world today but, we don't have to accept it. Jesus never blames us, let us therefore, do likewise and avoid pointing the finger and passing the blame elsewhere, by taking responsibility.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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Monday, 19 September 2022

It's Time to Rest, Ma'am

"To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven. 2 A time to be born and a time to die"                            Ecclesiastes 3:1-2   NKJV 

One certainty in life is, one day we will die. It's a universal happening, one which cannot be avoided at any cost. With death comes loss. Colin Murray-Parkes, a leading Bereavement Psychologist says, 'Grief is the price we pay for love.' If we love someone or something, sooner or later they or it will die; there will be a loss and this loss will produce mourning.

Most people in this world today are grieving the loss of HM Queen Elizabeth II. Today is her State Funeral and many eyes will weep when this beautiful lady is finally laid to rest. As a Christian, she never hid her faith and took every opportunity to speak about her Saviour Jesus Christ. Now, she is with Him!

As believers, we know there is a certainty of heaven. This is why Jesus died for us, that.'whoever calls on the name of the LORD, shall be saved' Romans 10:13. When someone we love dies, there is a great void, a vast emptiness and it hurts. It is time to mourn. There are several stages one must travel through until we are able to face life again. The Queen knew this and fully understood that a nation - in fact, the whole world, would need to be in grief for a season. However, she also knew where she was going - heaven, and she would not want anyone to mourn longer than necessary. And so would the person you may be mourning. As our text today says, there is 'a time to be a born and a time to die.' But, there is also a time to 'Let go and Move on', because where they are, they're ok.

Perhaps on this sad day, we can all change our view of this; the Queen has died it is true, but she is now at rest in heaven. Show your love and respect but then, move on. We have a King to honour - Charles III, and above all of this, we have the King of kings - Jesus.
It's time to rest, Ma'am - God save the King!

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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Sunday, 18 September 2022

Watch the Little Foxes

"Catch us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vines, for our vines have tender grapes."                                               Song of Solomon 2:15   NKJV 

Little things can wreck a marriage or a relationship. Over time, little things can turn into big things, until there is an explosion and breakdown in the relationship. Deal with them early to avoid the things designed to break the partnership up.

In marriage, it is so easy to allow bickering to enter in. This may come from selfishness and lack of respect. Adultery is a big show-stopper, but many marriages breakdown because the little foxes have entered the relationship and are causing mayhem.

In other relationships, jealousy and competition can divide the friendship; it's the one-up-man-ship that begins to cause such things. Keeping up with Jone's and trying to compete in having the better car, bigger home and the most money.

In church, division may cause a church to split and completely ruin what God has started. Ministries falter through jealousies, favouritism, self-seeking, overwork and tiredness. Individual personalities may clash at times where a stronger personality attempts to rule the others.

At the end of the day, the little foxes can totally destroy a peaceful home and family; a church family, a ministry and an individual. One of the main problems is that we take our eye off the ball and allow little things to develop into major problems. Don't allow this to happen. Kick the ball into touch and take control.

A fox is a very sly and cunning creature. He is a spoiler of good things - destructive and determined. Our text tells us to 'Catch' us the foxes. This is the main ingredient to success. Be alert to what is happening around you; don't let things become stagnant. When you see the enemy attempting to get a foothold, nip him in the bud and send him packing. 

The little foxes (demons) may be sly and cunning but, Jesus is greater. Make sure you are surrounded by His presence at all times

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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Saturday, 17 September 2022

Damaged Emotions

"He heals the brokenhearted, and binds up their wounds"   Psalm 147:3  NKJV

Bad memories and disappointments in life lead to people having damaged emotions. The hurt has been so intense, that it has begun to take over the whole of their life. This all leads to difficulty trusting people so people suffering this way tend to hide away in a corner and not become involved with others. If this is you, please read on.

Imagine a huge iceberg in the sea. You can only see about 10% of it sticking out of the surface but, the other 90% or so is under the water totally unseen. This can be an analogy of a person's heart and mind. The 10% people see is only a small part. What they can't see is hidden away.

You may be the person with 10% of your life available to be seen while the other part, you hide away, never allowing anyone to get that close to you that they can see the real you and, probably help. You have protected it with a wall that people find difficult to penetrate. No one that is, except God. He knows it's there; He knows the hurts contained in the 90% of your life. He addresses it like this in Isaiah 61:1-3:

1“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, Because the Lord has anointed Me
To preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to [a]heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to those who are bound;
2To proclaim the acceptable year of the LordAnd the day of vengeance of our God;
To comfort all who mourn, 3To [b]console those who mourn in Zion,
To give them beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning,
The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; That they may be called trees of righteousness,
The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.”

Jesus actually spoke this out in the synagogue in Nazareth (Luke 4:18-19). Notice that He said He had been sent to 'Heal the brokenhearted'. 'To proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to those who are bound'. Does this sound like you? Are you brokenhearted and bound in captivity to the past? At the moment you may feel like a weak sapling but, Jesus can turn you into a 'Tree of Righteousness', if you'll allow Him too. Why hang on to the past; let Jesus deal with it now

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you 100%. Please take the hurts and disappointments away and set me free. In Jesus' name. Amen

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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Friday, 16 September 2022

If Jesus hadn't have turned up

"I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living"                                  Psalm 27:13   NKJV  

Many translations do not include the first part of this verse which is written in italics. Words and phrases in italics indicate expressions in the original language which require clarification by additional English words. This practice was done throughout the history of The King James Bible, and is a useful addition in understanding what the author was actually saying, rather like a paraphrase. Here, the actual meaning of the verse is more understandable and gives an insight into what David was feeling when he wrote it.

The Amplified Bible says, 'What would have become of me? This is an excellent place to start this discussion. Where would you have been if Jesus hadn't have turned up at the right time in your life? For myself, I may well have remained with facial paralysis. I had had it so long that the doctors treating me felt it was permanent and could become worse. Jesus, who I didn't know at the time, turned up and healed me. That was 42 years ago. If He hadn't have turned up, I would have lost heart.

What about you? Where would you have been if He hadn't have turned up in your life? What would have become of you? Think back to that time (if there was one) when you desperately needed help. Perhaps you may have called on Him and He helped you; but if you hadn't have called on Him, what would have happened to you? 

Think back to the time when you were at your lowest. You may have lost everything, or it felt that way. You may have been lonely, lost and practically penniless, without a decent friend in the world. And then, the friend to beat all friends - Jesus, turned up. How grateful we need to be to Him, how thankful for what He has done. You may have been ill but, now you're well. You may have been lonely but now, you're secure. You may have had nothing but now, you have everything - Jesus. This is worth a shout of praise; a loud 'Thank you Jesus'.

A man alone and in pain, on a cruel cross, surrounded by taunting people did all of this for you. He died, rose again and sought you out. What would have become of you, if He hadn't?

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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'I've had enough, I'm going out'

"After these things Jesus showed Himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias, and in this way He showed Himself:  2 Simon Pet...