Friday, 3 March 2023

Jesus' love and compassion

"If You are willing, You can make me clean.' Then Jesus moved with compassion, stretched out His hand and touched him, and said to him, 'I am willing; be cleansed.' As soon as He had spoken, immediately the leprosy left him and he was cleansed."  
                                                                                                   Mark 1:40-45

These verses contain Jesus' love and compassion, but they also contain strong directions and a warning, one which the ex leper totally ignored. Jesus answered his plea for healing but warned him not to go around telling everyone about it, but, to go to the priest and fulfil the Law of Moses by being checked out by him. He did the latter but, ignored Jesus' request not to speak about it. Jesus was therefore, unable to go into the city because of the people and had to remain in a deserted place. Those that needed healing came out to Him.
Watch this, the leper took a risk and so did Jesus. The leper was not permitted to go into public because of his condition and Jesus, should not have touched him because of the possibility of being contaminated Himself. Both of these would have caused a great stir with the hierarchy, which wouldn't have helped Him in the popularity stakes. Jesus didn't hug the man but, stretched out His hand and the healing took place. There was something wonderful in the way He answered the leper's request by saying, 'I am willing, be cleansed.' This demonstrated love and compassion. 
It is sad that the leper disobeyed Jesus but, one can see why he did. He had been an outcast for many years and all of a sudden, Jesus has changed his life. Anyone would want to shout about it. I don't feel that he did this deliberately, not at all, he was overwhelmed by the love and compassion and the freedom that he had received. He would have been elated, and possibly so would you, I know I would have been
The thing was, this had caused Jesus a problem as He now had to change His plans. But Jesus always has another plan ready and I don't think for a moment that He would have been angry about it.

There are certain lessons that are flagged up here:

(1)  Risks are part of our ministry  There are always risks to be taken if we want to follow Jesus. We must though, be sure that Jesus is wanting us to take this step.
(2)  Willingness  When we ask Jesus for something, He is always willing to help us. It may not always be the way we asked Him to go, but He knows best. We too, need to be willing to accept His direction and go where He is leading.
(3)  Disobedience  Remember that our disobedience can disrupt God's plans and lead us along the wrong route. Always be ready to obey Him, whatever He asks.
(4)  Listen properly to Him  Always listen properly to His directions and, whether they are favourable or not, remember that He knows best. Not listening to His Word can lead to mayhem at times and, you may be subject to a difficult road ahead for a while.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Thursday, 2 March 2023

Jesus had a Reputation

"Then He healed many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons; and He did not allow the demons to speak, because they knew Him."     
                                                                                    Mark 1:32-34   NKJV

Even the demons knew Jesus, such was His reputation and, they'll know you too if you do great things for Jesus. Whenever, we do things that impress people, they want more of you, and will endeavour to seek you out. Peter's house was besieged with people who needed attention. As it was the Sabbath, they had to uphold the Law that forbade the carrying of any burden through a town on the Sabbath (Jeremiah 17:24). They therefore, waited until after the day's end - after 6pm and when the sun had gone down,  then made a bee-line to Peter's house. 
Rumours spread like wildfire; somehow they had heard of the healings that had taken place that day, especially at Peter's place. So they turned up by the dozen with sick and demon possessed people and demanded that Jesus heal or drive out the demon. As I have said, if people get wind of you doing something out of the ordinary, they will seek you out. Some will want to know you, others will want to just be rude.

Here the people recognised in Jesus, a man who could do things, not only in word but also in action. It's alright talking about stuff, the prove is what they see happen. The sad thing is, they came to get something from Jesus, not to love and worship Him for who He was. To a degree, it is the same today. People will pray for what they need, if they get it, they go off and forget all about it. Jesus is not for the moment but, for life.
Note in these verses that, there is a clear distinction made between the diseased and the demonised. While Satan can cause physical affliction, not all sickness is caused by demonic power. This is important to remember.

So where are you in all of this? Have you a reputation for being a 'Christian', a 'Do-gooder' or 'Religious'? If so, this is good, you are getting noticed in your work or neighbourhood. Praise God for this. Don't ever try to hide away from it, be a 'Secret Christian'. When I was at Uni, I was told that the lecturers ate Christians for breakfast, they don't let you get away with anything. This, I found was true, to a degree. I determined that I would not deny my faith whatever happened. I was accused of lots of things but, I stood my ground, giving them to Jesus. He won every round.

I am proud to have a reputation and I hope you feel the same. If you haven't got one at the moment, let people know about your faith and, believe me, you soon will have. Think about it, what a privilege to be classed as a 'Jesus follower'. But be prepared that your reputation will follow you.
Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Wednesday, 1 March 2023

He will always listen to your problems

"But Simon's wife's mother lay sick with a fever, and they told Him about her at once. . So He came and took her by the hand and lifted her up, and immediately the fever left her. And she served them."                                     Mark 1: 29-31   NKJV 

Jesus had just had a busy time driving out a demon in the local synagogue and, He had also had to contend with the disbelieving and curious people. In His humanity He was no doubt hungry and in need of a rest. However, that was not to be; on entering Peter's house for lunch, he was told that Peter's mothering law was sick with a fever. Jesus went to her at once, lifted her up and she was instantly healed.
He is never too tired to act on our behalf or listen to us carefully. Other people's needs then, and now, take precedence over His own desire to rest. There is a particular difference in Jesus of the Gospels that we find nowhere else. It is His desire to listen to us and show interest. 
William Barclay tells of a conversation with a doctor friend: 

'A patient told me recently, "I admire the patience with which you listen to everything I tell you." 'I told him it is not patience at all, but interest.' Barclay continues: A miracle to Jesus was not a means of increasing His prestige; to help was not a laborious and disagreeable duty; He helped instinctively because He was supremely interested in all who needed His help'.    William Barclay. (1975). The Gospel of Mark

Healing Peter's Mother in Law was a personal thing. There was no astounding shouts. Peter knew without doubt that Jesus could and would, heal her. He was secure in this. He trusted Him enough to give her good health. And we need to do the same. It is normal to fear when we, or a loved one is unwell. Fear tries to kick in but, we, like Peter, should have the assurance that Jesus can do this. He told us to speak to the situation. Jesus was with them in bodily form that day. That is not possible today for us. He is though with us in our hearts. Therefore, we need to speak to the spirit of sickness in Jesus' name, commanding it to come out, giving Jesus the glory. 'I can't do that,' Yes you can and, should do. Don't leave them there sick, pray with authority over them.
It is astounding how the mother in law got up and continued to serve them. In the western world, we tell people, to stay in bed to regain their strength. This shows us, that, to a certain degree, the healing is so instantaneous that there is strength to be able to do this.
But above all, make it a habit to always listen intently to people. This is showing them that you are connected to them and care. When you can do that, people will respond to you in a better way because, they know they can trust you.
Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Deceit, Dishonesty and Disobedience

"And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden."                                              Genesis 3:8-9   NKJV 

Life was bliss in the garden until that fateful day when the serpent tricked Adam and Eve into picking and eating the fruit from the tree. They had both been given clear instructions by the Lord and the only thing they couldn't do, they did. The blame game can take its place in situations such as this but, the fact remains, they knew they shouldn't do it, they were disobeying God. They only had themselves to blame, no one else. God couldn't have been more clearer and, they should have known better, especially Adam who was standing there too and should have put a stop to it immediately.

Straightaway, they knew they were in the wrong. When we commit sin, which this was, a horrible feeling of guilt and shame comes upon us. No matter what we do or say, even asking forgiveness, the feeling is still there and we want to run away. This is what Adam and Eve did. They hid in the bushes. One thing you need to remember, you can't hide from God. He knows where you are and, you will get found out sooner or later.

The question will always be asked, 'Why didn't they say sorry and repent to God?' It is the most obvious thing to do when we have sinned. Confess and receive God's forgiveness. The thing is, they didn't confess this sin, possibly because they were very frightened because of the situation, probably panic had set in. Alternatively, it may have been part of God's plan for them not to. We just don't know and it is pointless to try and get to the bottom of it. It just happened that way.

In verse 9, God asks the question, 'Where are you?' Of course, He knew where they were - He's God but, it is possible He was asking 'Where are you spiritually - have you anything you want to tell me?' This is very possible. God knew that they were being deceitful. He also knew they were being dishonest and full of disobedience. Is it possible that God was hoping above hope that they would come rushing to Him in floods of tears begging His forgiveness? Again, we just don't know, but it raises some strong questions about our walk with Him.

Should God ask you today, 'Where are you?' What would be your answer? Can you relate to Adam and Eve hiding away in guilt and shame? If so, are you going to ask His forgiveness. Do you need to confess something to someone else? Is there deceit, dishonesty and disobedience in your life today. Adam and Eve, knew they were in the wrong, that's why they hid. Are you wanting to hide away because of sin?
Where are you? If you need to speak to God about something or indeed, to anyone else, today is the day to do this. Get the sin out of the way

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Monday, 27 February 2023

With only a Spoken Word

"Then God said, 'Let there be light', and there was light. 4 And God saw the light and it was good."                                                          Genesis 1:3-4   NKJV 

God brought the universe into existence out of nothing: Max Lucardo says: 'By the Word of the LORD the heavens were made, and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth." 
This verse claims that there was nothing initially. That is true in a sense. The earth was dark and void and without any form. But there was the presence of the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit - who incidentally was hovering over the face of the waters. Why was He hovering? Well, watch a bird of prey as it hovers in the sky; it has spotted some tasty morsel and it is waiting for the correct time for action. This is why the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. He was waiting for God and Jesus to give the word, 'Let it be'. The Holy Spirit would bring order out of chaos and beauty and fullness out of emptiness, as He always does to those who are willing. If the earth was formless, dark and without light, where were the Trinity? In heaven of course. They were creating the earth not heaven. Heaven was already there and had been eternally. Now was the time for God to expand His creation.

Then God spoke and the creation came into being - light came. It's interesting to note that the (light came from the Light). The beginning revealed God's creativity, majesty and love. With only a spoken word God created everything around us. Yes, He was God you may say, it was easy for Him to speak and have it happen. Let us not forget that Jesus told us to speak to mountains or giants in our way: 'Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, "Be removed and cast into the sea", and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.'  Mark 11:22-24.

You can't get it any plainer than this. God spoke to the dark, formless earth, 'Let there be light', and there was. He tells us similarly speak to whatever is in the way of your walk with Him, command it to get out of the way, in Jesus' name. It must then go. Don't forget though, you must have faith and you must use the authority of the name of Jesus. God has created us and given us the privilege of life. There is beauty all around. Just take a camera on a walk and capture the landscapes, the birds and the rest of nature. There is much beauty around to thank Him for. But, there is also much evil too, trying to prevent us from doing the work of Jesus. This may be sickness, lack of finance, food and clothing and whatever else. Speak to the spirit of poverty, sickness or whatever may be in the way. Don't let anything prevent you from enjoying God's creation and spreading the Word of God wherever it is needed.
Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me, CLICK HERE

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Sunday, 26 February 2023

He listened, he believed, he obeyed and he received!

"Whether He is a sinner or not I do not know. One thing I know; that though I was blind, now I see" v25              John 9:1-41.  NKJV 

This is an amazing faith-packed miracle, one in which we can learn so much. Familiarise yourself with the whole passage to get the full meaning.
Jesus was walking by when He noticed a blind man begging. He went over to him, rubbed spit and sand on his eyes and told him to go and wash in the Pool of Siloam. He obeyed Jesus and came back to Jesus seeing. A miracle had happened and this man who had been born blind had his sight restored. However, the Pharisees didn't like it one bit. Jesus had healed this man on the Sabbath and even worked forming the spit and the sand. They were fuming at this. They had no thought for the beggar; they were filled with hostility, displaying legalism instead of compassion.
His parents were sent for, who confirmed that he had been born blind but, they were careful what they said because they feared being cast out of the synagogue so, they said no more. We should never be fearful of people where our faith is concerned, and we should never water down the truth because of this. The Pharisees therefore questioned the beggar about Jesus being a sinner.

It was obvious that he had been empowered by Jesus' interaction as he boldly said, 'Whether He is a sinner or not, I do not know. One thing I know; that though I was blind, now I see v25. He then went on to ask if they wanted to become His disciple also v27. He then said to them: 'Why, this is a marvellous thing that you don't know where He is from; yet He has opened my eyes. Now we know that God does not hear sinners; but if anyone is a worshiper of God and does His will, He hears him. Since the world began it has been unheard of that anyone opened the eyes of one who was born blind. If this man were not from God, He could do nothing' v30-33. His boldness was turning him into an evangelist. They didn't like this and cast him out. Jesus heard about it and went and found him and the man became a Christian (v35-38).

Several things come out of this: (1) Jesus energised him and therefore, he was not afraid to make a stand. When you meet Jesus, you'll never be the same. (2) Jesus lived up to His Word - the Shepherd went looking for the man (v1 & v35). If you're lost, your Shepherd will always go looking for you. If you don't want rescuing at the time, He will still watch over you until you are ready. He'll never leave. (3) You will always come up against people who totally refuse to believe in Jesus or in what you say. Don't get into an argument with them but, say what you need to. (4) Don't forget, the beggar would no longer have a way of making money. He was no longer blind so, he was redundant. But he now had evangelism experience and, I'm pretty sure that he would have followed Jesus.

What happened that day? The Blind man: Listened to the Word, Believed it, Obeyed it and received it. And that is what faith is all about!

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me, CLICK HERE

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Saturday, 25 February 2023

More on Faith

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."   Hebrews 11:1   NKJV

We can never have enough teaching on the subject of faith for, this is what our Christian belief is all about and built upon. Without faith, we are lost and just clinging to whatever comes our way hoping that this is the right thing. In fact, Hebrews 11:6 tells us: 'But without faith it is impossible to please Him.' God expects us to live our whole life on faith. True bible faith is confident obedience to God's Word despite
circumstances and consequences. 

Note the word 'Now" in this verse. It is not about the past or the future but now. We live for this present time. This is the faith we need - Now. This verse talks about the substance and the evidence. The substance is the realisation or assurance of things hoped for; this includes the essence or reality of it all. The meaning of 'hoped for', is a biblical hope. The Greek word for hope is elpis, which means not in the sense of an optimistic outlook or wishful thinking without any foundation, but in the sense of confident expectation based on solid certainty. To make it more clearer, we don't use this hope as 'hopefully' which is a wishful type of thinking - perhaps etc. But the hope faith uses is 'hope-fully. We fully believe and fully hope that what we believe will be done. The evidence is the confidence, the proof of what we have believed for. Faith itself proves that what is unseen is real - hence 'For we walk by faith, not by sight'  2 Corinthians 5:7.

Some believers find it difficult to walk by faith, the concept of believing in something that can't be seen is a problem for them. However, we can't see a lot of things that we use daily for example, take electricity, we can't see this but we trust that the light will go on when we flick the switch. You can't see the electricity but if you were foolish enough to stick your fingers in the holes of the socket, you would instantly realise that it is there. When we switch the light on, we have been conditioned to expect that there will be light. Do you get the idea? This is how our faith works. We have to condition ourselves to walk in faith; it doesn't just happen. Oral Roberts used to say, 'Capture this truth: doubt and do without, with faith believe and receive.' Keith Moore says, 'Doubt asks questions, faith makes declarations.'  How do you think David overcame the massive Goliath. It was by faith. He made up his mind, he visualised his victory and he spoke to the situation - Goliath. And God did the rest. Jesus tells us in Mark 11: 22-24 to have faith and speak to the 'mountain'.

We need to exercise our faith, speak it, believe it and receive it. We are in a battle down here. Faith is essential, without it, it's impossible to please God. So get your sword sharpened, read, believe and accept the rule book and flow in your faith.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me, CLICK HERE

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We could so easily have given up

8 We don’t want you to be unaware, brothers and sisters, of our affliction that took place in Asia.  We were completely overwhelmed — beyond...