Wednesday, 31 May 2023

At times, you just don't feel like praising God

"I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth."  
                                                                               Psalm 34:1   NKJV 

Sometimes you just don't feel like praising but, do it anyway. This is not hypocrisy, it is breaking through the barrier that Satan is trying to build around you. If he can get you to stop praising, he knows that you'll soon be in his clutches. So keep on praising. This means you're breaking through a stronghold and making a sacrifice of praise to God.

David wrote this Psalm when he was on the run from King Saul, who was wanting to kill him because he was jealous of his popularity. This forced David to find refuge with the Philistines. However, when they discovered who he was, David had to feign insanity in order to protect himself. 

Did David feel like praising God, probably not but he still did and, even went further by writing this Psalm. You see, we need God, we just can't live without Him. When He lives in our hearts we just can't run away. Jonah tried this but,God still followed him, even into the body of a whale and, Jonah had to give in and pray and praise God: ''I cried to the LORD because of my affliction, and He answered me'  Jonah 2:2 (Read this whole section). 
In a way, God had Jonah snookered, there was no way that he was going to get out of this situation. He may have stunk terribly but he had the sense to call on God, he offered a prayer and praise of sacrifice and God heard and answered him. He had let God down terribly but, God is loving and forgives and chooses to forget when we turn back to Him. Probably, you need to come back to Him. He will accept and bless you if you do.

When you just think about that last paragraph, it's enough to praise Him for but, you have so much more in your life to give thanks for. Just think what you have and praise and thank Him for this. There are people in certain countries where praising God is dangerous, even just being a believer, but, they still praise Him. I read recently about a Christian family in North Korea. A bible was found in their house and the two parents and their two year old boy were sent to a labour camp for the rest of their lives. Just think of that and realise that even though this has happened, they will still paise God.

We have so much to thank and praise God for. Make it a No 1 priority in your life.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Tuesday, 30 May 2023

A :Listening Role

"This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success."  
                                                                                     Joshua 1:8  NKJV 

Yesterday, we looked at the Leading Role, today let's look at the opposite side - The Listening Role. Listening is quite a skill and one in which we have to perfect if, we are going to be something in life. Quite a few people, do not listen properly, they either hear what they want to hear or are distracted by things around them and only hear part of what is being said. Eve was like this in the garden; when in conversation with the serpent, she told him God had said that they must not eat the fruit of the tree and then she added, 'nor shall you touch it' (Genesis 3:3). God had not said the latter bit, Eve added this because she had not listened properly. We must beware of this.

As God told Joshua, we must read and meditate on the word daily. Meditate, means to make utterings to ourselves as we read the text. The Jews around the wall in Jerusalem
do this and also nod their heads, rocking their body. This is called 'Davening.' There is something about reading the word and under our breath, speaking the word out. It seems to fit into our minds much better.

We do have to be aware that whilst we are spending time in the Word, that there will be distractions - telephone ringing, knocks at the door, children demanding attention etc. etc. We therefore do need to discipline ourselves to this. Pick a time that is just yours. 
When we are easily distracted, it may be useful to ensure we are wearing the full armour of God especially, the  helmet of salvation (Ephesians 6:17). In battle, the helmet was a protection for a soldier's brain and therefore it can help protect our mind and our thoughts, thus overcoming distraction and the tendency to drift off. We too need to fill our minds with God and His Word and then, meditate. Remember, when you are born again, you do not have the Armour of God on, you personally have to put this on as Paul says in Ephesians 6:11: 'Put on the whole armour of God that you be be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.' It is your responsibility to ensure that you are wearing it each day of your walk with God. It comes down to discipline and making it a regular habit. 

When God speaks to you, write it down; don't rely on your memory and try to remember it later. You may get it wrong. Write it down straightaway and then meditate on it. Take note that God, told Joshua in the latter part of our text verse: 'For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.'  (Joshua 1:8).
Therefore, it is your responsibility to do the same.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Monday, 29 May 2023

A Leading Role

"Moses, My servant is dead. Now therefore, arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving them - the children of Israel. Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you, as I said to Moses."  
                                                                            Joshua 1:2-3   NKJV 

One of the hardest things to do is, to be a leader - to take on the responsibility of a team or a company. Another hard thing to do, is to take on this role following someone's departure. People are people and many don't like change, and one of the things they dread is the 'New broom syndrome.' This is where leader's come in and make so many changes practically overnight, probably too quickly and, as I say, people don't like change.
Here we see Joshua being given the task of taking over from Moses. What a position to be in - to replace a giant of a leader. This must have given Joshua some fear. We see this as God tells him to be strong and very courageous and not to be afraid or dismayed. I think anyone in Joshua's place would be apprehensive about this task. 
When new leaders come in, whether it be in a church setting or a secular one, people don't know what to expect and may have the attitude that says, 'We've always done things this way, there's no need to change things, it has worked well for ages.' But there comes a time when things need to be changed and this is where the 'New broom syndrome' comes in.

I remember a pastor some years ago, who was sent to a very problematic church. They had eaten so many pastors in the past and were reluctant to change. This pastor called a meeting, asking everyone to be there. He spoke very clearly and with authority saying, 'Right, I am your new pastor and this is what we are going to do. I want all of the elders and deacons to stand down. It's time for a change.' He went on to outline what he was going to do and ended with, 'Now, everyone who does not agree with my plan, I would like you to leave the church, right now' About 75% of the people left and he looked around and said, 'Right, now we can build our church.' And he did, he built it into one of the most powerful churches in the area.
This leader was not afraid to make changes. He new where the problems were coming from and he wisely wormed them out. This is the hallmark of a good leader. He was there to shepherd and so he got rid of the wolves.

When you are faced with new leadership, in the church or at work, give the person a chance, and room to work and you'll find that you will make progress. As for yourself, if you are a leader, respect the people and get alongside of them. As you do this, you will find that many of their fears will diminish and you too, will make great progress. 

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Sunday, 28 May 2023

Call out to Jesus. Part 2

"And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved."   
                                                                                Joel 2:32  NKJV

We saw yesterday that this verse was helpful for directing people to call on the Lord in order to be saved. However, it can be two-fold. When we find ourselves fearful, in trouble or burdened by something, we can call on the Lord and He will help us through any situation that is causing us worry.

This can be a job interview. We may feel that we are ably qualified for this post however, when the day of the interview comes we can, if we're not careful, talk ourselves into all negativity regarding our ability to do the job and whether we will be able to answer the many questions that may arise. I used to try and think what questions may be asked and have the answers stored into my head. Of course, this is taking a chance because you may be asked different ones. But, if you have done your homework on the job requirements, one can always have an idea.

You may be a first-time preacher for this coming Sunday. All I can say here is, do your background checks for the scripture you are using and try and take notes that you don't need to read out from your pad, but have topics that you can be free to talk through. The advice I would give is, God thinks you are capable so, enjoy the experience and be open to the Holy Spirit. Don't be tied down by trying to impress. God is there to help you.

You may be facing a medical appointment where you are scared that it may not go well. All you can do here is, ask the Holy Spirit to help you through this time and be open to whatever is said. This is not the time to be negative no matter how bad it may appear. God is able to change any situation, just rely on Him.

I lost track of the times that I was in court with my job as a social worker. It was a scary time as barristers are not the easiest of people to come up against. However, I used to pray and ask God to go with me into the witness box and then, it was the barrister coming up against me with Jesus Christ at my side. It worked every time.

There are many times that we need Jesus to help in our daily life. I have found that He is only too willing to help us and show us the way as we call on Him. After all, He tells us that without Him we can do nothing (John 15:5). So take Him at his word the next time you come against any pressure and fear

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Saturday, 27 May 2023

Call out to Jesus. Part 1

"And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved."   
                                                                                Joel 2:32  NKJV

We live in turbulent times. Everyday in the news we hear someone has been stabbed, raped or murdered. We hear of riots, strikes, wars and the threat of terrorism anywhere in the world. It's becoming an unsafe place to live and many people live in fear.

We can blame the police, government, the judicial system and the every rising cost of living but are they the real culprits? No, the real culprit behind all of this deprived and dangerous way of living is, the devil. He is no one's friend and all he wants to do is hurt anyone who may get in his way. Reading this, you may think this is all myth but, you're wrong. The devil is alive and active and he is behind death and destruction.

Long ago, Jesus predicted that He would return to this earth for all of His people - the one's who are not yet in heaven with Him. Many people are going to be in shock when Jesus returns to gather His people to Himself; this is called the Rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). All those who don't know Him as Lord and Saviour, will be left behind. Later will be the Tribulation, where the devil and the anti-christ will rule on the earth in terror. This is no place to be when it happens as it will be the worst atrocity the world has ever known. Jesus and the hosts of heaven will come again later into the Tribulation and He will finish the devil and his angels off, for good. As I have said, this will not be a time that anyone wants to go through; things are bad now but, they will get much worse- read a bible and find out. 

If you read Joel 2:28-32, you will get an idea of what will happen, this can then be read in detail in the book of Revelation. It will be a difficult time if you don't know Jesus. The end times are getting close, and will come in a flash - before anyone realises what is happening, it will take place. Those who are left behind will have to go through the Tribulation. But you don't have to. At this moment, you may have never heard about all of this or given it a second thought, but you need to. Gods Word says, 'whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved,' and this includes you; all you need to do is call on Jesus and ask Him to live in your heart. You will then be safe and secure when all of this kicks off. Why not say this prayer:

'Lord Jesus, I call on You right now and ask that You be my friend, my Lord and my Saviour. Please forgive my sins and live in my heart from now on. Fill me also with Your Holy Spirit. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

Now, allow Jesus to change your whole life, making it brand new. When the End Times come, you will be glad you have done this. You may see these days or, you may be in heaven when they happen. What matters is that you will be safe and secure and have everlasting life.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me, CLICK HERE

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Friday, 26 May 2023

Put it into God's hands

'Then he took his staff in his hand and he chose for himself five smooth stones from the brook and put them in his shepherd's bag.."   1 Samuel 17:40   NKJV

Picture the scene that was being displayed this day. This giant of a warrior - Goliath, who stood nine feet, nine inches tall, was marching around the camp on the lookout for anyone who would like to fight him.This was in order to decide who would rule the area. On the other hand, David who was possibly 5 feet shorter than Goliath, was getting ready to go into combat with him. Was he crazy? Yes, he was crazy for God - his life, and he was crazy enough to fight for the justice of the land.

Surely, this was a non-starter for Goliath, he could have blown him over with one puff of his breath. But there is one thing he had failed to realise, this little chap called David was anointed and he was going in the strength and power of the Almighty God. Goliath had enough armour on to fight an army, let alone a youth. But he was going to find out that you can't take God on and win; foolish men have tried and foolish men have died. 

However, David's choice of weapon was questionable - five smooth stones for his sling and of course his staff which he could hit his opponent with, that is if Goliath hadn't snapped it in half by then. Goliath taunted him, but David cried, 'You come to me with a sword, with a spear and a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.'  v45. David trusted whom he served and in this situation, he knew God would be with him. It only took one smooth stone to knock down Goliath, therefore he had four left. Why had he chosen five? Did he consider that it may not work. Never, he knew it would but David, was prepared just as any soldier is. It is good training to be well-prepared.

Whatever we have, even it is not much, placed in God's hand it can prosper. You may be facing a great challenge at this time and may be wondering how can you achieve this. Well, on your own that may be difficult but, placed in Jesus' hand it will be a success. You may feel that you are not qualified for what you believe God is asking you to do. That may be so; however, consider Peter and the disciples. Most of them were fishermen with no qualifications but they turned the world upside down and back again. Never underestimate the power of God. He can do great things and, with His anointing you can too.

Is God doing a work in you today? Or are you struggling with finances or other things. Give it all to God - put it in His hands and trust Him.
What is your battle today and what have you got to fight it with? David had a stone, what have you got to offer God? David was an expert with a sling, what are you good at, that you can place in God's hand? It's worth considering.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me, CLICK HERE

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Thursday, 25 May 2023

More on your new nature Part 2

"If you are a thief, quit stealing. Instead, use your hands for good hard work, and then give generously to others in need. 29 Don't use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them"                                                         Ephesians 4:28-29  NLT 

Paul uses some strong teaching here so that his listeners get the point. Firstly, he wasn't saying that most people are thieves, not at all. Or was he? Let's check this out. You are more than likely not a thief but, what about the times you leave work early and don't book it in? What about the time you take off throughout the day and keep quiet about it? You may say, 'Well, I'm in work early and I don't get paid for that" But, that surely, is your own decision, no one has asked you to do this. 'Yes, but I take work home with me, there's always paperwork and the odd 'phone call to make.' That's ok, if you have an arrangement to have time off in lieu. (TOIL Time owed to you). However, if you haven't this arrangement, do you think you should be doing this? After all, you have a contract with your employer which sets down your working arrangements.
Also, what about stationery you get from your work place - Paper, pens etc. These may only be small items but are you stealing them if you take them home and use them for your own use? It is the same with the self-employed. Are you totally honest with your tax return and expenses? What about your quotations to people, are they honest?
This all seems like splitting hairs, but, as Christians we should be setting a good example; remember, the eyes of the world are on you ready to criticise, make a judgement or accuse you if they can. The devil is not your friend and if he can catch you out, he will do.

What is your language like when you're at work or with unbelievers out and about?. Do you get dragged into their way of thinking and talking or, do you keep the flag flying for Jesus? Paul instructs us here to, encourage people. In the world today, there is so much despondency - prices on most things are increasing but our pay doesn't always meet these increases and people find themselves struggling to make ends meet. This all adds to fear and frustration and the way we hear about this, is through their words. What people say in the negative can have a depressing effect on some people. We may not be able to change a person's predicament but, we can try and encourage people and bless them any way we can. The words of the world can be like a dagger to the heart but, the Word of God is a sword that can cut through any despondency and frustration and lift people up when they need it. 

Do you know anyone you can bless or encourage today?

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me, CLICK HERE

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Remain in Jesus

"As the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you. Remain in My love.'   John 15:9   CSB Remain is quite a strong word. It means t...