Sunday, 18 June 2023

Struggles with sin part 2 - dying to self

"It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."  Galatians 2:20  NLT 

This verse is in conjunction with what we were looking at yesterday and, reminds us that, the whole concept of life with Jesus is to die to self. I read somewhere that Martin Luther had a visitor to his house one night. When he opened the door, the person asked to see Martin Luther. Luther's reply was 'He no longer lives here, he has died. Jesus Christ lives here now.' I have no reference to underpin this statement but, I have heard this repeated so many times that I believe it is the sort of thing Mr Luther would have said.

Dead men don't react. A person can touch a dead body but there is absolutely no reaction at all; they are dead to reaction. Do you get the point here? A body will no longer react no matter how hard you try, and this was Martin Luther's point. He had given his everything to Jesus and He no longer lived. Some may find this quite extreme but as you think about it, he had a good point. Examine this:

(1)  DYING TO SELF  You're dead to reaction. A decision has been made to live for Jesus.
(2)  DEAD TO SELF   You no longer live but Jesus Christ lives through you. You have discovered the art of surrender. There is no more self-centeredness about you at all.

To be able to live in such a way takes discipline. Everything in your old life must be dead. You can't deliberately hang on to certain sins. They must be a thing of the past. This is how Martin Luther could make his statement. However, as we saw from yesterday's study, this is not easy. If the apostle Paul found it difficult to control his flesh, we definitely will struggle. Remember, our flesh is still active and this, is where we struggle with sinful temptations. It is a matter of accepting that we are not perfect - far from it but, we have made a decision to die to self, and live for Jesus.

This is an ongoing struggle, one in which will follow us all the days of our life. But, let us remember that, 'goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life.'  Psalm 23;6. Yes struggles may follow us but, Jesus Christ does too and His power is mightier than any struggle. So die to self and live for Jesus!

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Saturday, 17 June 2023

Struggles with sin

"I want to do what is right, but I can't. 19 I want to do what is good, but I don't, I don't want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway."   Romans 7:18-19   NLT

Sound familiar? Of course it does, but not only for you, but all of us. We are all the same, we all want to do great things for God and we may well achieve it, but then, we go and let ourselves down by getting involved in sin. Why is this? Well, when we came to Jesus, we were born again, baptised in water and possibly baptised in the Holy Spirit. In other words, our nature was renewed, but our flesh wasn't; it is still active. Tony Evans gives an interesting description about this:

"When you come to Christ, your identity changes, but your location stays the same. There is now a distinction between who you are and where you live. You are totally redeemed, totally sanctified, totally brand new in Christ, but you live in a body contaminated by flesh, Thus, when we as Christians sin, we are no longer the one's doing it; it is the sin that lives in us (7:20). In saying this, Paul is not excusing our sin. He is reminding us that our true identity is no longer found in our actions, even if we keep sinning. When I want to do what is good, evil is present with me (7:21). Note that it's me. My 'I' has changed from sinner to saint. Therefore, when sin wants me to define myself by what I've done wrong, I remember that God defines me by who I am in Christ"
                                                           The Tony Evans Bible Commentary

Paul recognises that, mostly we are helpless when it comes to resolving our problems in this area. He recognised it himself and this is why he wrote: 'Who will rescue me from this body of death? (7:24). Some days it was like he was walking through quicksand and the harder he struggled, the more he sank. We are so like this; what we don't want to do, we end up doing and it's almost like we have no control over this. Like Paul, we have to recognise that Jesus Christ can and will, rescue us from this. Paul says, 'thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord (7:25). 

Therefore, we need to pray regularly each day and, ensure that we are clad in the armour of God. If you take a look at Galatians, there is a great prayer we can use:

'My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me'  (Galatians 2:20  NLT.

So remember in your Daily Life with Jesus, you will struggle with sin but, God is there to rescue you.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Friday, 16 June 2023

Stumbling blocks

"So let's stop condemning each other. Decide instead to live in such a way that you will not cause another believer to stumble and fall."   Romans 14:13   NLT 

Stumbling blocks, what are they? They're anything that stops us from living our daily lives with Jesus. They come in many ways, from family squabbles, money issues, troubles with friends or neighbours or church members. There are many ways that we can come to stumble over something.

We may also cause ourselves to stumble by having habits that we hang on to, refusing to give them up. These bad habits, addictions or whatever they are, lead us away from Jesus. The Holy Spirit cannot dwell in an unclean vessel (2 Timothy 2:21). Therefore straightaway, we have a stumbling block and need to clean this up so that the Holy Spirit can re-enter. It's not that He has left but, that He cannot function where there is sin, so He stands aside.

Stumbling blocks may come when we criticise people, believers or unbelievers. We are not called to judge (Matthew 7:1-2) but we do it all the same. We need to be careful here because, when we judge people, we are judged by Jesus. The mouth is a big stumbling block, what comes out of it can make us fall. We can begin to talk negative things to ourselves such as, ‘I'll never be able to do that, I'm useless at anything.' Don't you realise that what you confess, you will receive? 'The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences' Proverbs 18:21.  Dangerous stuff, we must control our mouths and the words that come out of it. The fruit of the mouth spoken in such a way is a stumbling block.

In the same way, we ourselves can be a stumbling block to others. Someone may come up to us with a word they feel they have received from God, and straightaway we can shoot them down by casting negative words upon it. Others may be carrying out God's orders and someone may say, 'You need to be careful here, many have tried something like this and they all failed. Give up the idea.' How would you feel if someone said this to you? The person may have brought you a stumbling block and this has brought with it, confusion. Now listen a minute, the only one who brings confusion is the devil. So, take your plans back to God. Ask Him for confirmation and then, do what He says. You may have it wrong but then again, you may have it right so, it's always best to check it out if you're confused by things.

The conclusion here is, (1) be careful of the stumbling blocks, especially those that are in your own life. Ask God to help you deal with them. (2) Be careful of your own words, watch what you say (3) Don't be a stumbling block to others. Be Holy Spirit focused as you deal with people and be open to what you hear. (4) Listen to others but, check it out with God.

This way, you are sure of the right way to go.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Thursday, 15 June 2023

Shipwrecked. Part 2

"It was three months after the shipwreck that we set sail on another ship that had wintered at the island."   Acts 28:11   NLT

Yesterday, we looked at the general view of being shipwrecked. Today, let us take it further and look at shipwreck from a personal view:

In this economic time, many businesses have had to close, many because of financial pressures that have led them to become bankrupt. Of course, this may not be through business, just the sheer pressures of mismanagement of money or ever-rising debts, may lead a person to have to file for bankruptcy. This can bring about the feeling of failure upon the victim and may carry a certain stigma. In a way, this can be a shipwreck that brings that sinking feeling.
Sadly, many marriages are shipwrecked, ending in painful divorce. Where children are involved, this can have many psychological problems for them. The aftermath of divorce can carry contention for many years and affects the whole family. 
Losing one's job can be devastating. We all have financial commitments and when a person is shipwrecked in this manner, it can bring about many problems. The employment market, is not all that good and finding a replacement job may take ages, especially if it is a specialist, management job. This shipwreck can bring into play, involvement with our first two points here.
This is probably the most difficult shipwreck of all, one in which there are no replacements to be found. Death affects us all but, we rarely think about it until it comes our way. When it does, it can feel like the end of the world has come - there are no answers.

There are many other avenues that can be described as a shipwreck but the above are probably the most common. None of us want this type of shipwreck, they bring hurt and the pain is incredible. Many can't face it and take their own lives. But this is not the answer for the Christian. It's hard to realise it at the time but, God has a plan to keep you afloat. He knows your pain and He has provided a way forward but, only when your are ready. 

Remember, He has provided that ship that will help you sail again. You will not sink unless, you give in but, don't do that. Instead, take Jesus' hand, trust Him and allow Him to lead you step by step through the shipwreck until you are on solid ground.
You will sail again; there is life out there and it is for you.
Today, Jesus is extending His hand to you, take hold of it and allow Him to carry you until you are ready to move on again.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Wednesday, 14 June 2023


"It was three months after the shipwreck that we set sail on another ship that had wintered at the island."   Acts 28:11   NLT. (Read Chapters 27-28)

The apostle Paul had been falsely arrested and, because he was a Roman citizen, he had appealed to Caesar. Therefore, he was taken aboard a ship and they set sail for Rome. On the way, a terrible storm developed and after many days, they ran aground on the rocky coastline of Malta. During the trip, time and time again, Paul had to take control because the men were planning to leave the boat and try to make it to land in a small boat. Paul had shown them that this would be unwise, as they would all drown or be smashed about on the rocks.

Take note of this, during the shipwrecks of our lives, we should always be alert and take control. Panic so easily kicks in with many people, making the situation worse and, this can lead to disaster. Take the lead, whenever you can. This is what Paul did and they made it to the shore. Paul, again took charge by lighting a fire because they were all so cold after their drenching. As Paul threw sticks onto the fire, a snake bit him and hung on to his wrist. But, he was in control and he shook it off. The people expected him to die very quickly from the poison that the snake had injected into him, but he was fine. After this, his popularity grew and after a while they thought him a god and he was able to minister and lay hands on some of the people and the beginnings of a church were sown.

Now this, all happened because Paul remained level-headed. He didn't panic because of the mayhem around him, he just took charge and because of this, lives were changed for the better and new works for God were created. 
God is never caught out, He always has a plan. Note how after three months, they were supplied with another ship and it was equipped with all they would need and it cost them nothing. From the threat of drowning from the shipwreck, to losing everything to the peril of the sea, they were rested on a sunny island and then supplied with all they needed to continue their journey.

Don't ever be tempted to think the worse and that God can't help you now. He can do anything that He chooses to do. Because of Paul's love for God, the whole crew were blessed. And so will you be as you put your trust in Jesus.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Tuesday, 13 June 2023

'We don't know what to do, Lord'

"O our God, won't You stop them? We are powerless against this mighty army that is about to attack us. We do not know what to do, but we are looking to You for help"   
                                                   2 Chronicles 20:12  New Living Translation 

This can be a familiar cry to God, as we struggle with sudden dangers, bad news or any other crisis. We can be caught unawares and therefore, immobilised by the panic of the situation.
This was how Jehoshaphat must have been feeling. Mighty armies were coming against him, more than he could ever cope with and he was very worried. We see this in verse 3: 'Jehoshaphat was terrified by this news and begged the LORD for guidance.' This really is the only way to deal with threats and evil news.

Note that Jehoshaphat called for prayer and fasting and, as he called out to God, a prophet by the name of Jazhaziel came forward with an amazing Word from God (v13-17). There was no need to fight, the battle was already theirs. All they need do was take up their positions and watch. They did this and Jehoshaphat led his army with music, praising the Lord. And they witnessed that God caused mayhem amongst the armies, where they began fighting each other until, there was no one left alive. 

God had it in hand. He had it sorted the moment Jehoshaphat called on Him and, this is how it works for us too. We've all had those times when we were in frightening positions and we thought we may go under. But, as we called on the Lord, He was there and handled the situation. I believe that there are some reading this right now that are worried about a certain thing. They are not only worried but, sick to the heart with fear and this is causing them sleepless nights. Allow me to speak personally to you:

'Can you do anything about this situation? If you can, then do it. If not, give it to Jesus right now and leave it there. Don't take the fear and worry back. Remember what Jehoshaphat did, he caused the army to praise God. Do this, and do it right now. Praise like you have never praised Him before. As you do this, allow Him to lift the burden off you, and then praise Him some more. God will bless you abundantly - read 20:25. They had so much plunder to gather that it took three days to collect it. That is some blessing and God wants this for you"

Don't ever allow fear to control you again. You are victorious people so, live as such. You have the blue print before you - the bible. This is filled with the plans and directions for your future. It is sacred and true, it doesn't make false promises. So, read it, take it to heart and live by it like never before. You will benefit by doing it.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me, CLICK HERE

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Monday, 12 June 2023


"Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. 7 Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8 Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do."  James 1:6-8   New Living Translation 

People who are procrastinators annoy and frustrate people because they find it difficult to make a solid decision. They delay action and put off doing something until another day. In his long poem, Edward Young writes:
'Procrastination is the thief of time'  The Complaint - Night Thoughts (1742) Edward Young
When one considers what he is actually saying, procrastination is a time waster because, it keeps delaying the time for action and it will not make the right decision. Further to this, Don Marquis writes in his novel:
'Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday'  Archy & Mehitabel  Don Marquis
This quotation speaks wonders. Procrastinators never get anywhere, they are still locked into yesterday - they live in the past and find it difficult to approach that new thing.

Let us look deeper at our scripture today. People who waver are faced with the inability to make a decision. They make arrangements for something and at the last moment, change their mind and call off the arrangement. When faced with a decision, they may say to whoever, that they will think about it and get back to them with the answer. Usually, this doesn't happen and they dread meeting up with the person again. Sometimes they are eager to put their names forward for something but, as the time gets nearer they will think of a load of reasons why they can't do this. They want to move forward but, their comfort zone is a safe environment and they are rooted to the spot in fear and therefore go nowhere.

Jesus had commitment to His Father and His mission. Nothing was going to get in the way. His loyalty was to God and it showed in all He did. How is you loyalty? Is your loyalty rock solid or is it open to being divided? Do you say one things and do another? Do you say you will be there to help someone and at the last minute, bow out with an excuse? Jesus wants people who are loyal and unwavering - people He can rely on to do the job. If you can't make a decision or change your mind and delay things, it harms His work.

This is not a fault-finding exercise, not at all. It is a challenging exercise to assess where you are on this subject. It's always good to do this periodically. Therefore, why not do a self-analysis and find your strengths and weaknesses. When you've completed this honest assessment, give it to Jesus and ask Him to help you change in the areas of weakness. He will do this but, you will have to be open to do things you have always put off, in order to succeed. Go on, give it your best, you can do this.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Remain in Jesus

"As the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you. Remain in My love.'   John 15:9   CSB Remain is quite a strong word. It means t...