Friday, 11 August 2023

Things can change in a moment

"Around midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening. 26 Suddenly, there was a massive earthquake, and the prison was shaken to its foundations. All the doors immediately flew open, and the chains of every prisoner fell off."        Acts 16:25-26   NLT

This must have been an amazing event to witness and also, wonderful for the prisoners who had been incarcerated for so long. One moment prisoners, the next free to escape. There is no doubt that this was a miracle. Note how Paul and Silas had been before this happened; they were praying and singing hymns to God and the other prisoners were listening. They weren't moaning, complaining or feeling sorry for themselves; they gave it all to God and He was only too pleased to take action. I wonder how many of the other prisoners were affected by this miracle and became Christians? I bet there were some conversions. 

They had just witnessed how things can change so rapidly. Some changes, like this, are for the better, sadly some are not and we should always be aware of this. You may be in an a very difficult situation wondering how this will all turn out. Let me point out Paul and Silas' behaviour - they prayed and sang hymns - prayer and praise is the answer. Sometimes though, there is no time to do this as a change can be forced upon you without notice: 
(1) This may be a doctor giving you a diagnosis that you were not prepared for. There are no words that can explain this; you may think why has God let this happen? Again, there is no answer and no matter what you do, it has happened. 
(2) Then again, the sudden change may be positive like someone ringing and offering you the chance of a lifetime - it does happen. Like the example above, this too causes stress because you were not prepared for it. However, this is positive stress and when your head has made sense of it, you will cope. 

This is life and this is how it goes and we have to find the ability to work through them. For Paul, Silas and the other prisoners, there would have been an initial shock to what had happened. Paul was was hoping for it, the prisoners were not. The prisoner's reactions  may have been like item (2) above, totally overwhelmed by it all but thrilled that it had happened. Item (1) takes more handling. The shock of it all can make you feel numb and full of panic. This is natural but in the long term, not the way to remain. If you are a Christian, you serve a mighty God who is able to handle this. Many people are healed today; we must accept that many aren't. I can't answer why; but, God is still on the throne. God healed me practically instantly back in 1980 - my testimony. However, back in 2000, I had to undergo major surgery which I survived but, it left me with a disability for life. But what I will say here, is that, Jesus Christ is Lord and I would sooner have the disability and be alive than the alternative. But if I hadn't have survived, I would have taken my place in heaven because of Jesus.

So let me encourage you, whatever major change comes your way, be grateful that Jesus will see you through it no matter what happens.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Thursday, 10 August 2023

He delights in you!

"He led me to a place of safety; He rescued me because He delights in me."  
                                                                         Psalm 18:19   NLT 

This verse is one of great encouragement. Whatever we may find ourselves in now, or the future, God encourages us to delight in Him (Psalm 37:4). When we do this, we'll receive His blessing and the desires of our hearts. Remember, He rescued us from the darkness of sin when we asked Him into our lives and, He will do the same whenever we are in further trouble. In a very similar way, He delights in us too.

The term, 'Place of Safety,' is an interesting one. This is a Statement of Law used by the police and other authorities to take action when someone is at risk or in a totally dangerous position. The police and such have the authority to take someone into a care situation, for instance, a woman at risk could be taken to a Women's Refuge for her own safety, or a child, along with Social Services, into Foster care for the same reasons.

You or someone you know, may need this at some time. People may find themselves in risky situations. At the time, there may be no one around to help. However, God is there with you and you only need to call to Him and your Place of Safety will be put into place. 'But in my distress I cried out to the LORD; yes, I prayed to my God for help. He heard me from His sanctuary; my cry to Him reached His ears' Psalm 18:6. He heard the cry and took action. Why? Because He loves you and cares for you and delights in you.
We read that He heard your cry from His sanctuary or temple. Now that is a busy place no doubt. But, He can still hear you and His door is never closed. 

Look what happened the: The earth quaked and trembled including the mountains and every high structure because of his anger which was caused by the mistreatment of you. Smoke poured from His nostrils and fierce flames from His mouth. 'He opened the heavens and came down; dark storm clouds were beneath His feet' paraphrase v7-8 except v9.
This Psalm relates to the abuse David suffered from King Saul. He created an earthquake and similar to a volcano erupting. He did this for David, but, He will also do this for you when you are mistreated.

Finally, note how God  opened the heavens and came with darkness beneath His feet. This is the way He will treat Satan when he attacks you. Be encouraged, your God is there for you and delights in you. Amen? 

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Wednesday, 9 August 2023

Watch your desire!

"I have made a covenant with my eyes not to look with lust at a young woman"  
                                                                              Job 31:1   NLT 

In this day of equality, this verse relates to both male and female; both are capable of looking at the opposite sex in a flirtatious manner. From one point of view, it could be considered natural as we were born into sin and therefore, are only doing what is in our heart. This is what we have to be wary of; we have a spiritual nature and a sinful one - spirit v flesh and they are in constant battle with each other.

Job realised the importance of this and, this is why he made a covenant - a contract - with his eyes not to allow them to look at a woman in a lustful manner. The sinful nature is at work in us constantly. We can be sitting in a store or pub and catch the eye of someone and allow the eyes to linger just that little bit more than we should. If the other person reciprocates then a form of chemistry is being formed and that is all it takes to walk the first steps into an adulterous relationship, or fantasise about it. Of course, we can't prevent our eyes looking at someone else but, it is the signal that they convey to the other person that can start the fire going.

It is the desire within us: 'Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. 15 These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death'  James 1:14-15 NLT. We constantly have to be on the lookout in order to fulfil our contract. Remember that Peter warned us about the devil prowling around us all the time (1 Peter 5:8-9).

The desire that we feel from our sinful nature, is the same desire that leads us to look longly at things in a shop window or online. Some things are way out of our price range but, the more we look at them, the more we want them, the sinful desire is beginning to work. Then, before we know it, we are in debt because we couldn't control our urge. This is how Eve was caught out in the garden that day (Gen 3). The more she looked, the more she wanted the fruit and that is how disaster struck.

It is so important to take this on board; your mind may say, 'It'll be ok, it won't do any harm.' But don't believe that statement. It is a lie from the pit and we know who reigns there. Just walk in the Spirit and enjoy your life with Jesus.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Tuesday, 8 August 2023

Stop looking back

"When they were safely out of the city, one of the angels ordered, 'Don't look back or stop anywhere in the valley! Escape to the mountains, or you will be swept away."   
                                                                            Genesis 19:17   NLT

Before you came to know Jesus, you may have had a varied past, possibly living an average lifestyle and not really having any bad issues, or living on the wild side of life. 
The past can figure quite strongly in our lives. For some, it's remembering past hurts, disappointments, broken marriages, prison or other things. For other people, it may be sin, which could include sexual immorality, fast life style, drugs, fast cars and alcohol addiction. There may be other things that I've not listed here. We may have regrets over things done in the past. This may have led to suffering guilt for what you were involved in.

Whatever your past, if you have Jesus Christ in your life, then you are a new person. He made you brand new and wiped the slate of all the past, forgiving you totally (Romans 8:1-4). The problem is, we are tempted many times to look back to our past, thinking of some of the so-called good times. We cling on to the past as if we are frightened to let it go. Some of us have made vows that they will never allow anyone to treat them like they were treated. It is pointless to go there, there is no mileage in your past, it is over, or is it? Remember Lots wife. The angel had warned them not to look back or they would be destroyed; and she was, being turned into a pillar of salt. She had been warned and now she was paying the price.

Do you look back on your past life? Do you look back on the sin you may have been involved in? You cannot make progress with God while you're still hanging on to the past, and anyway, God has given you a new life, aren't you living in disobedience when you visit the past. Jesus summed this up quite clearly in Matthew 6:24: 'No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other.' What is unclear about that?

Paul touched on this subject in Philippians 3:13-14: ' I focus on this one thing: forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus is calling us.' Notice that Paul didn't look back, he looked forward v13, He was a forward thinking person and God wants each of us to be the same. 

Looking back over your shoulder is like you have something to hide or are running away from something or someone. Do yourself a favour, isn't it about time you spoke to Jesus about this. He understands and accepted you in the first place so, He can be trusted to help you stop looking back.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Monday, 7 August 2023

A Moment with Jesus

"He lets me rest in green meadows; He leads me beside peaceful streams."   
                                                                           Psalm 23:2   NLT 

Often there is so much going on in our lives that it is difficult to know what to do first. Do you know this feeling? Things crowd us, pressurising us to deliver - NOW! This is when errors are made and when tempers flare because there is a priority on everything  on our list. When it happens like this, there is an urgent need to take control and learn to identify the order of priority. Instead of trying to do all of the things at once - which is impossible - break the things down into small manageable pieces, deciding just what is the most important. Once you have your priority list, it is easier to carry them out.

Trying to do everything all at once, leads to running around like a headless chicken and the stress and heart monitor rise high. This is not how God wants you to live your life. Look at David's words above and allow yourself to capture what it means: 

Picture a warm summer's day in the middle of the countryside with a path winding itself through the flowing grasses. Water can be heard rippling peacefully close by and you stop to take in this beautiful scenery. You find the small stream and sit for a while. The only sound is the rippling water and the birds twittering away in the taller reeds. You live this moment, for a while slowly breathing in the summer air. You notice that Jesus is sitting by you next to the stream. He doesn't say anything, just smiles. Suddenly he holds out His hands and you realise that He is wanting you to give Him all of your burdens and worries. As you do this, He gives you a final smile and suddenly He has gone. You are left with a peace that you have not felt for a very long time. It is the peace that surpasses all understanding, the peace that guards your heart and your mind in Jesus Christ (Philippians 4:7).

This is the way Jesus wants us to live. The hustle and bustle of life is not for us; we have the tranquility and peace that can only come from God. The presence of the Holy Spirit gently caressing our life as we walk with Him. Remember, Jesus used to climb mountains to get away from things quite often. He needed to be alone with His Father. I wonder if it was like something I have described; I feel it must have been something similar.

Don't be like the plate-spinner, you know; that chap who balanced plates on rods and ran along the line of perhaps 12 rods spinnings the plates. That was a picture of stress. Avoid that at all cost and spend some quiet time with Jesus.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Sunday, 6 August 2023

Do you have a hobby?

"So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."   
                                                                  1 Corinthians 10:31   NLT

Should a Christian have a hobby? This is a question that many people struggle with in their walk with God. Some people have had it drilled into them that, having a hobby is like serving two Gods, one of them is going to be neglected and it is more likely to be God. There is logic to this explanation but this can only happen if the person makes the hobby more important than their Christian life.

Paul came up with the right answer as recorded above - 'whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.' Webster's dictionary defines a hobby as, 'a pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in, for relaxation.'  God knows that we need to relax and just have fun and unwind. But of course it needs to be clean, Godly fun, not worldly. Having a hobby is the ability to be able to escape from the pressure of perhaps work or family life, just to name two. Be careful though, having a hobby is not there for an escape from God and our general walk with Him.

There is a thin line here and one must ensure that the most important thing is, to keep our relationship with God uppermost. Going for a run or playing any particular sport is not leaving God out of our lives. We can jog or play a game and still have God on our mind, Some people like to paint pictures or, others like to take pictures with a camera. The people who like to do both can paint a picture from the image taken with the camera. Again, God can be totally involved in this. Notice that Paul used the words, 'whatever you do.' He didn't limit this to any particular thing. He said that whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

God does not frown on us having a particular hobby as long as it doesn't distract us from making Him the most important. Some hobbies can be very in depth so, we must be aware of this. Take for instance being a birdwatcher. This can take the average birder all over the place searching for that rare specimen and this can be very time-consuming. Add to this that the birdwatcher may also be taking photographs and this can double this time. There is noting wrong with this at all as long as, Jesus goes with the birdwatcher/photographer. We all need to relax and get away from the humdrum of life, whether that is to sit and read a book, play sport or go here and there with your hobby. All you need to remember is, Jesus is very interested in what we are doing and He loves to be involved with us.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Saturday, 5 August 2023

David was in the wrong place - are you?

"In the spring of the year, when kings normally go out to war, David sent Joab and the Israelite army to fight the Ammonites."   2 Samuel 11 ff 

David should have gone out to battle, instead he decided to laze about at home, and this was where it all went wrong for him. Strolling around the roof of his palace he noticed a beautiful woman bathing. She caught his attention so much that he asked about her to his servants and, was told that her name was Bathsheba. Hardly able to control himself, he sent for her and when she arrived, he had sex with her. A little later, she sent him word that she was pregnant.

David could have chosen to stop this before it started, but sin when it has taken root within, is hard to stop (James 1:14-15). We become more deeply involved in the mess of it all. David had looked at Bathsheba and he became full of lust. The more he looked at her, the worse he became. Isn't this reminiscent of Eve and the fruit in Genesis 3? The more she looked , the weaker she became and finally she sinned. The results of Eve's sin was devastating for the whole world. The result for David was he was responsible for the murder of Bathsheba's husband, Uriah. He was caught out by a prophecy by Nathan and Bathsheba lost the child. David could have lost his kingdom too but, God showed him grace following his repentance.

This was not just accidental sin, David made a deliberate choice to commit adultery with Bathsheba, he orchestrated the whole thing. He then tried to cover it up by manipulating Uriah and when that failed, having him placed on the front line of the battle. Be warned, your desire will always get the better of you unless you nip it in the bud straightaway. If you harbour unclean thoughts about another person, sooner or later you may be in a place where it could be realised. Don't go there, stay away from a place or person that you may feel drawn to in an immoral way. The consequences will be quite costly if you don't. Families are being torn apart because husbands and wives are not in control of there emotions and allow temptation of a 'bit of fun,' to lure them and when they are found out - which they will be sooner or later, they may lose their home, their family and their self-respect. Don't allow this to happen to you.

Don't be in the wrong place, online or in person. Avoid flirtation, it is dangerous because the devil can create one heck of a mess for you and others. Ask yourself, is it really worth it? Don't think that you can cover it up, someone will have noticed something and God will be one of them. Some people like to live on the wild side and, if that is you, sooner or later, you will be living on the wild side and boy, it can be very wild when you get caught out.
Ensure that you are in the right place, at the right time and, with the right person and avoid temptation at all costs.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Remain in Jesus

"As the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you. Remain in My love.'   John 15:9   CSB Remain is quite a strong word. It means t...