Tuesday, 19 September 2023

Are you ready to run with horses?

"If racing against mere men makes you tired, how will you race against horses? If you stumble and fall on open ground, what will you do in the thickets near the Jordan?"                           
                                                                                Jeremiah 12:5   NLT 

We all know the old saying, 'When the going gets tough, the tough get going.' To a degree this is right, but not always. It is not always possible to contend with everything that is thrown against you, as Jeremiah was telling God that day. Had he remained a priest, he would probably have had an easier life. However, the life of a prophet was full-on and he was finding the way tough. This was when God gave him the answer recorded above. The British Army version to this verse is, 'If you can't take the flak, you shouldn't have joined up.'

At the moment, things may be tough; your Christian witness has made your family and friends notice that you are 'different' and they are trying to make sense of it all. Some don't mind the change but others will repel rather like two magnets. The north and south poles attract each other but, putting a North Pole with another North Pole will cause them to cast the other off. But this is only family; what about the people you see out of the family, such as work mates, neighbours and friends in the community. Some will not be able to accept this change and you may lose them.

At work you may come up against all kinds of discrimination. and criticism. They may accept your faith but you may find yourself standing before your supervisor if, you talk to people about your faith. Religionism exists in work places and where they may accept most of them, the name of Jesus seems to spark a major incident, as if it is a swear word. You may be  ostracised as if your presence is wicked. However, don't forget, 'To other believers we are the fragrance of life, but to unbelievers we are the fragrance of death'  (Paraphrase of 2 Cor 2:16). People can either choose life or death and this unnerves them.

All of this is just the affects of running with men, and this has made you tired. Wait until the heavy stuff comes your way. How are you going to run with horse? You are not a spectator, you are a man or woman of God and you will have to run with endurance, the race that is set before you (Heb 12:1-2). 

If you want an easy, Christian life that is ok, heaven is still your reward. However, God has put a fighter within you and the battle has only just begun. Are you ready to run with horses?

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                 


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Monday, 18 September 2023

With Jesus, you can do this

"For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength."    
                                                                                 Philippians 4:13   NLT 

Here, Paul was talking about his ability to exist on nothing or everything. He knew what it was to have all he needed, and he knew what it was like to scrimp and scrape. However, his trust in Jesus was the foundation which he relied on. Therefore, he was able to write that he could do everything - through Jesus; and that is the difference. When Jesus is right there with us and we are in His will, nothing can stop us. He will ensure that all needs are met and, that all things fall into place.
It is easy to just look at a scripture and take it out of context. We must read around the verse so that we can discover what actually is happening here. However, we must also remember that scripture is living and as the Holy Spirit gives us the Word we can be sure that this is from God. 

With this in mind; what are your needs at this time? What would you like to achieve? Here on this earth, God will supply all we need to be able to live our lives and honour Him (Phil 4:19). He promises this providing us with work, and He will ensure we have the means to receive all we need. He will open doors for us to use our skills which again, will provide our finance. With this, we are able to buy food, clothes and whatever else we need. The things we want are different, God wants to bless us and does often, supplying our desires. However, He will not always provide everything we ask for.

So let's return to our second question what do you want to achieve? This is where our relationship with Him becomes deeper. He knows our hearts and our abilities. He knows what is good for us and what is not. So we need to seek His will and gain His attention. He will always answer us but you need to make sure that you are listening because he may not tell you again. His Word for you is: 'For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope' Jeremiah 29:11. God's thoughts are to bless and make sure you are well provided. 

He is open to your requests because He wants you to succeed. Therefore, if you are seeking Him for a certain something, make sure you are walking in integrity; that you are wanting to please Him, not yourself and that, it will bring glory to Him. And then, ask your Father for what you would like Him to do for you.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                 


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Sunday, 17 September 2023

Keep your sex life pure

"Potiphar's wife soon began to look at him lustfully. 'Come and sleep with me,' she demanded'. 8 But Joseph refused. 'Look', he told her, 'my master trusts me with everything in his entire household. 9 No one here has more authority than I do.... It would be a great sin against God."              Genesis 39:7-9   NLT 

Joseph was a very faithful young man and even though he had been wrongly treated by his brothers, he was serving God in a strange country. Potiphar, the captain of the guard, selected him to serve in his house and, pretty soon, promoted him to the highest position within his home. Joseph was a very handsome man and well-built and it wasn't long before Potiphar's wife was lusting after him. However, Joseph refused every demand and after being turned down several times, she accused him of attempted rape. 

Potiphar, had him thrown into prison. Why didn't he have him executed? It was a chargeable offence against a high ranking officer's wife, especially captain of the guard. He could easily have given him the death sentence. But was Potiphar aware of his wife's promiscuous ways and deep down believed Joseph? It's food for thought. But, like a good husband, he took his wife's side, even though, he had entrusted Joseph with all the tasks in his house and Joseph had shown excellent integrity.

Adultery is one of the main reasons that marriages are crumbling today. Many people believe that it is ok to commit it, believing it to be fun and a way of bringing some excitement into what may have turned into a boring relationship. But what starts out as excitement soon changes a pure flowing river into a sewer or sweetness into poison. It wrecks lives and it demoralises marriage and everything the vows stand for. It is a deceitful practice, often done behind the other partner's back and causes humiliation to them.

When a person is married to someone, that relationship in God's eyes, is sacred, a joining of two people with God in the middle blessing each partner. It is a Godly institution. But when another person enters that sacred relationship in a sexual manner, it brings total desecration into the marriage. One adulterer and one innocent person. God is not pleased. Even if the marriage was between two unbelievers, they still made the same vows in God's eyes and He is unhappy with the outcome.

If this has spoken to you, then do something about it, End the adulterous way that you are living and repent before it is too late. God's a loving God but, He will not fail to punish this adulterous act. You need to put this right with God and your partner before it is too late and the rumour has spread all over the place, and it will.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                 


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Saturday, 16 September 2023

Do it, don't just talk about it

"In all labour there is profit, but idle chatter leads only to poverty."   
                                                                              Proverbs 14:23   NKJV

Some people like to talk about their plans but, they never actually put these plans into practice. They are just pipe dreams. The problem is, in later years this can all lead to regret and one is left with the thought, 'I wish I'd have done it; I was a fool I just felt scared to take the first step.' Just think, if the priests carrying the ark of the covenant, had not stepped into the River Jordan that day, the waters would not have parted and the people would not have been able to cross safely (Joshua 3:15-17.)

Warren W Wiersbe comments: 'Human-kind seems to be divided into three classes:
Dreamers  who have great ideas but never accomplish much.
Talkers  who exercise their jaw-muscles and vocal cords but not their hands and feet.
Doers  who talk little but with God's help turn their dreams into realities.

Which one are you? Are you a dreamer, having good ideas but never getting round to it? Are you a talker, who talks forever about this or that but again, it is only talk. And of course there is the doer. This person knows what they want and go out and get it.
Think about the successful people we have read about or seen on the TV. These people spent hours learning their skills; practicing them and perfecting them and, when the time was right, went out and became famous and no doubt rich.

When God gives you a special gifting or a great idea, don't just sit on it, put it into action. He doesn't give you these things to just sit and look at or think about, He is after action and He has the faith in you to go and get into that action. 'Yes, but what if it goes wrong, I'll look a fool?' Who cares what you look like just do it and let God worry about the rest. 'Yes, it's all right saying that, but it'll take money and I haven't got much.' No, but God has loads of it and if He has asked you to do this, He'll provide what you need'

The thing is, you either believe and trust in God, or you don't. Look at the first part of our text above: 'In all labour there is profit - ' In other words, work brings profit so, step into the water and the waters will part. It's all a matter of faith. Think about it, if God has called you to do something, that is so wonderful - in fact, it's an honour, just trust Him.

What title are you going to take on board today, Dreamer, Talker or Doer? Remember, we walk by faith, not by sight, 2 Cor 5:7. You have to take the first step. It may mean, writing that book, starting that church, moving house or job or starting that business. It may be something else but, remember, God is faithful, He won't let you down.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                 


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Friday, 15 September 2023

Don't limit God

"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen"   Ephesians 4:20-21   NKJV 

We can limit God by only asking for the most basic of things that we need or would like. God is our Father and, like a loving father, He wants to give us things to bless us. He knows what we need and He knows what we would like. We will not get into His bad books for asking Him for a new car, new house or the latest technology that has recently arrived on the market. 
The words 'Exceedingly abundantly,' are interesting ones. The root word 'exceed' is defined as 'to go beyond what is allowed or stipulated.' 'Abundant' is defined as 'existing or available in large quantities; having plenty of.' Therefore, put these explanations into these two verses and, we see how much God wants to bless us.
We can never ask too much from God. He doesn't look on us as being greedy, He loves us. However, He not give us everything that we want or what we ask for but, that doesn't mean that we shouldn't ask. We've all asked our parents in the past for extravagant things and sometimes we may have received them, but not always. But they gave us what they thought was best for us and also, what they could afford. With God, He is the richest of the richest but, that doesn't mean He'll give us mansions, sleek sports cars or a solid gold laptop. 

He knows what we think, and therefore, he is aware of what is on our wish list. This may be the latest MacBook or iMac. Things may be tight for you to go out and buy these items but, that doesn't stop you from yearning for one of them. You can ask God for these and if you believe what this scripture says, 'according to the power that works in us,' you can put your faith into action and leave it in God's hands. He may answer this prayer and supply you with your request; but, if He doesn't, He may show you a way that you can obtain one and possibly much cheaper.

He's your Father; He cares for you and will bless you. You're not being greedy by asking God for extravagant things. So don't limit Him in anything. He is able to give you more than you can ask or think. That in itself is amazing. Don't limit Him in the job He can give you or that special promotion you have been seeking. If He wants you to have it, its yours.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                 


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Thursday, 14 September 2023

Put things right - quickly

"And don't sin by letting anger control you. Don't let the sun go down while you are still angry 27 For anger gives a foothold to the devil."   Ephesians 4:26-27   NLT

We all give way to anger at times. However, if we allow the anger to remain, then we are setting ourselves up to be controlled by the devil. It's quite normal for people to become frustrated with each other, especially married couples. As Christians, our marriages should be dedicated to God and we walk, talk and pray together so that we are in fellowship. When anger comes along, the devil is ready to drive a wedge between us and we find it very difficult to even whisper to each other, let alone pray and walk in harmony. 
It is the same with Christian brothers and sisters. We can often dispute what the other is saying and, this can lead to strong words being uttered, and straightaway, there is division.

Paul encourages a speedy reconciliation; as I've said, we all become angry at times but that is the time that we need to take action. If we blurt words out without first thinking about the consequences, we can cause problems. Venting our anger is always a bad course to take. Alternatively, bottling things up within can be rather like a tin of coke that has been shaken. Leave the top on and it is ok, take it off and it spurts out all over the place. We need to be careful what we say or don't say.

When we have a problem with what someone has said, the best way to handle it is to speak with that person, but in a soft way, not with hostility. Note what Proverbs 15:1 says:
'A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare"

Raging words will only cause the listener to defend themselves and either, retaliate with equally raging words or gentle ones. It is difficult to argue with someone who only chooses to be gentle to your approach. So choose your words very carefully.

Whatever you do, do not let things fester overnight. Wherever it is possible, seek peace as early as possible otherwise, the devil has a habit of whispering things to further stir you up and, he can be very convincing. It is different with someone who doesn't live with you. You can always get away. But when it is your spouse, things can become very difficult if one partner will not give in and is intent to go for the throat. (This doesn't happen in Christian marriages, surely?) Oh yes it does and, because you live under the same roof, things can become like a war zone. 

Therefore, ensure that you settle disputes quickly and refuse the temptation to keep the argument going. Remember, Jesus is watching and listening but, He will not become involved. Is the high blood pressure, sleepless nights and bad language worth it? Put things right - quickly!

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                 


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Wednesday, 13 September 2023

The Dysfunctional Family

"One day when Jacob was cooking some stew, Esau arrived home from the wilderness exhausted and hungry. 30Esau said to Jacob, “I’m starved! Give me some of that red stew!” (This is how Esau got his other name, Edom, which means “red.”)31“All right,” Jacob replied, “but trade me your rights as the firstborn son.” 32“Look, I’m dying of starvation!” said Esau. “What good is my birthright to me now?” 33But Jacob said, “First you must swear that your birthright is mine.” So Esau swore an oath, thereby selling all his rights as the firstborn to his brother, Jacob"   Genesis 25: 29-33   NLT

There was a parenting problem within the household because Issac loved Esau better than Jacob because he brought Issac tasty red meat which they ate together. However, Issac's wife, Rebekah, had Jacob as her favourite. This led to divided loyalties. This was a trait within the family and, Jacob would choose to act in the same way in his own family in future years, with favouring Joseph. This is something that parents should always avoid. Favouritism can lead to jealousy and deceit within the family and causes individuals psychological hang-ups in later life.

As the twins grew up, Esau, the hunter, would be out capturing game which he brought back home. Jacob on the other hand had a quiet temperament and liked to stay at home most of the time. This was the scene one day. Esau was out on a hunt and Jacob was cooking some very tasty red stew. When Esau returned home, the aroma of the food captured him and he asked Jacob if he could have some because he was starving. Jacob, being devious, told him he could have some if, he traded his birthright for the food. Esau replied, 'Look, I'm dying of starvation; what good is my birthright to me now?' Jacob insisted that Esau swear that the birthright was his and He would have the whole of the rights as the first born son. Unbelievably, Esau agreed and for a pot of stew gave Jacob the rights to this inheritance.

Esau had acted on impulse after smelling the stew and wanted instant satisfaction. He never considered the future consequences this would cause, he just acted on impulse. We, like Esau, can fall into a similar trap when we see something and want it no matter what the cost. If we do, it can be very satisfying. However, the satisfaction can turn into regret, guilt, heartache and total devastation when the satisfaction has worn off and we come to our senses.

Be very careful in this area. Things can be very tempting and, when we are hooked, we hardly ever count the cost, until the yearning has worn off and we are faced with 
reality. This could be sexual temptation but, not always. The yearning for something can come in all shapes and sizes, especially when you are led on by someone who is very persuasive. 

A lot of this behaviour, had been forced upon each of them because of inadequate parenting. When kids know the boundaries and parents stick to them, whatever may happen; a harmony is developed and each party know the rules of the home.

Bottom line? Keep you family protected by regular prayer and advice.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                 


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"Lord, what about him?"

"So Peter turned around and saw the disciple Jesus loved following them, the one who had leaned back against Jesus at the supper and as...