Monday, 2 September 2024

My Forever Friend

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow."   Hebrews 13:8  CSB 

This is a most encouraging verse. Even though there was all of the hostility and arguments around in Jesus' time on earth, He never changed, not one bit. And now, 2000 years or so later, He is still the same. He is still the same Jesus that the disciples came to know, and, He is still the same Jesus that you came to know when you were saved.

The well- known Christian singer/song writer Charlie Landsborough wrote the lovely  

"My Forever Friend"

'He's my forever friend, 
my leave-me-never friend, 
From darkest night to rainbows end, 
He's my forever friend.

If you've never heard this song, It will be encouraging for you to seek it out. He has made numerous albums. This sums up, for me, the realisation that Jesus is always there for me and, He never changes. All through the ages He has always been the same. We change but He never does. He is steadfast, loyal and dependable. His constant love and support are ongoing and even in your darkest of moments, He is there, right with you. It's almost like He would give you a hug and say, 'It's going to be all right, I'm here with you and I'll never leave you.' 

There is no love to match what He offers us and, when we allow Him to enter right into our lives, the difference He makes is amazing. Yes, we still have bad days. It's called being normal; the difference is, Jesus is right there with us. There is no small print to read, no buttons to press with someone saying, 'Your call is important to us.' Not at all. We don't have to call Him because He is always with us, unless of course, we have moved away from Him, and we do this quite often.

You may wake up in a bad mood; He doesn't because He doesn't sleep, He is too busy watching over you. You may grumble and moan, rant and rave at other motorists on the road. Jesus sits there beside you and says, 'Be anxious for nothing.' He offers you peace and tranquility; not anxiety. We get ourselves into all types of problems and upsets just because we like to take control. Jesus is there with you. Let Him be your guide and peacemaker.

Friends let you down, He doesn't. Friends can hurt you bitterly, He would never do this. Friends are not always available to help. Jesus is, why:

Because, He is your Forever Friend

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
Lord Jesus, I have sinned   
I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

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Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers

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Sunday, 1 September 2024


14“For if you forgive others their offences, your heavenly Father will forgive you as well. 15But if you don’t forgive others,  your Father will not forgive your offences."
                                                                     Matthew 6:14-15  CSB

God is not pleased when we refuse to forgive other people their sins against us and yet, expect to receive forgiveness from Him. Let us not forget, that He died on a cross for each one of us - to cancel our sins and give us the hope of eternal life. By giving Jesus our lives and receiving Him into our hearts, we are then committed to obeying His will.
Holding un-forgiveness in our hearts is not good for us; it leads to bitterness and the only places that bitterness can dwell is in our hearts and memory. The only power it can have over us, is the power we  give it. Think about that.

We give bitterness and bad memories the power to disable us. Some days, it is all we think about. Other days, we are ok but, the memory is still within us - that root of bitterness and certain things we encounter can be reignited and brought back to life. Ask yourself: 
Is this the best for us? Is this what God wants? Are we in error? Read v15 again: 'But if you don't forgive others, your Father will not forgive your offences.' Now, that is a disturbing thought.

When we fail to forgive someone, we are carrying sin around with us; and this means we are not in fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Sin is blocking the way. This is a bad situation to be in. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 2:10-11: 
10Anyone you forgive, I do too. For what I have forgiven — if I have forgiven anything — it is for your benefit in the presence of Christ, 11so that we may not be taken advantage of by Satan. For we are not ignorant of his schemes. We have to be careful that we don't open the door to Satan. He is only too willing for you to let him into a situation and, refusing to forgive someone, he will have a heyday with. In just a very short time, if you're not careful, he will have caused chaos and division. He has done this with numerous churches and Christian people throughout the world. Don't give him the chance. Whatever it is - Forgive!

Just remember, when we forgive, Jesus forgives us too and that means all of the inner things that no one knows about, that go on in our life.

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
Lord Jesus, I have sinned   
I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me,

Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers

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Saturday, 31 August 2024

Sharpen your skills

7"Therefore, submit to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded".  James 4:7-8   CSB

How should we respond when we realise that we have been living a selfish existence - The 'M' Factor? Well, you'll soon know about this when you don't appear to be getting anywhere with your daily time with Jesus. The 'M' Factor is when you are praying: 'Please let me have this Lord' and 'I want it now Lord, I can't wait a moment longer.’ God's response to this type of prayer is - Zilch, you get nothing. James says, 'You ask and don't receive because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures.' James 4:3

When we have been acting in this way, we must realise that we have been very selfish, just looking after our own desires and requests. Therefore we need to repent. We do it this way:

Submit to God  Remember that God resists the proud but, gives grace to the humble (v6), so this is the place to start. We need to recognise our weaknesses, stop fighting and wanting everything we see like a spoiled child and surrender to Jesus. 
Resist the devil  Don't ever doubt that the devil is much stronger that we are and, smarter too. Let's face it, he has years of practice and he won't stop trying to get you to keep on acting in a selfish manner. The only way he can be stopped, is to quote relevant scriptures to him, like Jesus did when he was in the wilderness. When we proclaim this, he runs away but, know that he will return at some unexpected time so, be on your guard (1 Peter 5:8-9).
Draw near to God  This means to come into His presence with prayer, praise and repentance. This, however, must be a daily occurrence, not just once a week on a Sunday.

Note something that can be easily missed; as we draw near to God, He will draw near to us. He doesn't require talking round by trying to win Him over. He is not like a human being. He is a forgiving and loving God, one in which as we go to Him, He comes to us, perhaps with arms extended and will wrap them around us when we reach Him. He is the Almighty God - El Shaddai and even though He has many followers all over the world, He still has quality time for you.

Isn't it about time that you realise just how much Jesus cares for you? He wants you secure in this fact; strong in this fact and rock solid in this fact. His arms were wide open on the cross and, they are still wide open every time He thinks of you. Savour this thought.. 

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
Lord Jesus, I have sinned   
I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me,

Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers

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Friday, 30 August 2024

Hard Heartedness

"So the heart of Pharaoh was hard; neither would he let the children of Israel go, as the Lord had spoken by Moses."                                                    Exodus 9:35      NKJV

To the Hebrew, the heart was the centre of one's existence, including emotions, wisdom and skill. A person acts and speaks from the heart, so we should guard it carefully. (Matthew 15:18-19. So the heart of Pharaoh was hard, he wouldn't let the children of Israel go as the Lord had spoken through Moses.
Hard-Heartedness, is a symbolic expression for rebellion or a stubborn and unyielding spirit. David Guzik comments:

'Hardening the heart against God is sin; failing to repent when God graciously answers our plea, is to ignore His rich mercy. To ignore His rich mercy, is to sin yet more.'
                                                                                       Copyright 2018 David Guzik

Hardness of heart has its root in many areas. One of these is when a person has been hurt so deeply that they find it difficult to accept it - even to make sense of it. They may have trusted someone deeply and then, had the wind knocked out of their sails by being trodden all over by this particular person. Yes this hurts, but the hard-hearted one is the one who is suffering, not the person who supposedly caused it. Bitterness can begin to settle within the heart and it can cause arguments within families; bad feeling towards church members or whoever else.
One particular cause was addressed by Jesus. He taught about the parable of the Sower and said in Mark 4:16-17:

'These likewise are the ones sown on stony ground who when they hear the word, immediately receive it with gladness.; 17 and they have no root in themselves, and so endure only for a time. Afterward, when tribulations or persecution arises for the word's sake, immediately they stumble.'

Basically, what Jesus was saying is that they have no depth. They have not placed the Word of God deep enough within their heart. Therefore, when trouble, designed to hurt and maim comes their way, instead of handling the situation God's way, they internalise it and become bitter and hard-hearted.
This may be where you are at this time. You may be like a bear with a sore head over things that have happened to you. This doesn't mean that you can lose your salvation - not at all. God is not like that. However, He does want it sorting out and the best way to do it, is to talk to Him and let Him do a little Spiritual surgery on you.
Just think, the only one who is hurting through this, is yourself and the people who are close to you. The one that hurt you, doesn't know about it, unless you have told them. For peace of mind and for your own self-preservation, don't you owe it to yourself to give it to God and be set free? You'll feel a lot better.

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
Lord Jesus, I have sinned   
I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me,

Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers

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Thursday, 29 August 2024

Can you offer encouragement to someone?

"Anxiety in the heart of man, causes depression. But a good word makes it glad."   
                                                                           Proverbs 12:25. NKJV

At some time in our life, we may be prone to depression. The weight and the pressures of life can leave us in despair. Usually for many, it is short lived as something comes along that changes our mood for the better. Some people however, are not built that way and, can plummet to the depths of darkness. This is the world of depression, anxiety and PTSD and at the time, there appears no way out of it. Some people have to go on long term medication and in extreme cases, some have too be hospitalised. puts it this way: 'Jesus warned against anxiety. He said, "Therefore do not be anxious, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear'" (Matthew 6:31). He offered words of encouragement by saying, "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you" (Matthew 6:33). The apostle Paul, too, warned against anxiety and told his readers to pray about everything with thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6). He promised that anxiety would cease and God's peace would guard the heart and mind (Philippians 4:7). Furthermore, the Holy Spirit has come alongside believers to encourage us in our walk with the Lord. Jesus called Him the Helper who would be with us forever (John 14:16). When we are tempted to worry, the Helper brings Scriptures to mind that assure us of God's presence and provision'.

Our text above, encourages us to speak a good or kind word to whoever we know are in a depressed state. A word in season can lift someone out of the darkness and just show them that someone cares for them or, understands what they may be going through. To understand this, one has to get into a person's internal frame of reference, or sit in someone's shoes and know how it feels. This of course is not always possible but, using empathy - by listening to them and feeding back a little of what they have said, can help show the person that you are truly listening to them. We are often tempted to believe that the person who is depressed, is play-acting. This is so wrong to think this. Yes, it can be used for a form of getting attention but, we are not called to judge and, they genuinely may need help.

Who do you know who could do with an encouraging telephone call, or if appropriate, a visit?They may suffer long term mental health problems such as depression but then again, it may be caused by extreme worry and anxiety brought on by a heavy load of problems that are weighing the person down and, blocking the way of freedom. You may be just the tonic that they need. On the other hand, they may tell you that they are ok and block all of your attempts to help them. That is ok; you've at least tried and you have also touched base with them for the future when, they may be more accepting of your help and encouragement. 

A word of warning, don't try too change them, just listen. You are not there to be their counsellor, just someone who wants to offer encouragement and help if they need it. If you can think of someone who could do with encouragement, why not contact them!

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
Lord Jesus, I have sinned   
I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me,

Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers

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Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Another aspect that leads to sin

"She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate'   Genesis 3:6   NKJV 

Adam did not take the responsibility that God had placed on him. Instead of putting an end to this wicked scheme the serpent was tempting Eve with, he went along with it. He could have been interested to see where all of this led to. Then again, he could have been enthralled by it himself and closed a blind eye to it all. Whatever, he allowed sin into our world. He was a responder instead of a leader and from the moment he fell to the temptation himself, it was too late and it went totally wrong from there. 

Sin blinds our minds and takes over our lives if we are not in control. Did Adam pretend he didn't know what Eve was doing? I don't think so. I believe that he was fully aware but, possibly through lack of experience, he allowed himself to be overcome by all of it. How often do you do this? We know right from wrong and yet are quite often caught out by things. What about when we pay cash for something in a shop and the shop assistant gives us more change than she should have done. Do we tell the person, or, do we walk away quite pleased that we were given change for a £20 note instead of a £10 one. This is deceit when you think about it and that shop assistant may have to make up the money themselves at the end of the day.

What about when we sell something, knowing full well that there is something wrong with it, but not disclosing it to the buyer. It could be a car, a house, anything. But when we do things like this again, we are acting in a deceitful way. Then of course there are the times that we borrow something from a friend and never return it. I can think of several times that this has been done to us. But then, I'm reminded about the times when I have done just the same. But it shouldn't be this way.

In life, there are many rules and laws that we need to obey. Breaking the speed limit is one. How many of us go over the limit when we are driving? What about drinking and driving - you know, just that little drink for the road. That may cost you your life or someone else's if you have an accident. When we're in the stationery cupboard in the office, we may build up our supply of paper and pens but how many of us take these home and use them for our own uses? That is being picky; no it's not, it is theft.

Jesus would want us to live our lives in such a way that no-one, can point the finger at us. We are His ambassadors, we represent Him. And this is what Adam should have been doing that day back in the garden. He should have used his authority instead of compromising and it cost everything. Food for thought?

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
Lord Jesus, I have sinned   
I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me,

Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers

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Tuesday, 27 August 2024

Three aspects of sin

"So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate"   Genesis 3:6   NKJV

Even though we may be seasoned Christians and know God's Word well, we can still fall for temptation. Many do, especially Christian leaders. No one is safe from being trapped in the web of sin. From reading these two verses, I believe there are 3 aspects that can so easily trip us up. Let's take a look at each one and note if it applies to you:

Saw that the tree was good for food
The devil began spreading his lies and encouraged Eve to look at the tree. She did and was intrigued. The fruit looked as if it would taste delicious and the more she gazed at it, she wanted it. She then touched it and was hooked. This is the danger that any of us can find ourselves in. We know the truth but, the devil can twist this truth and make it appear as if it will be ok. As we go towards this temptation and make that first touch, there is no way back; we are in sin. 
Pleasant to the eyes
The devil showed Eve that it was very pleasant to look at. The more she looked, the more she wanted what she saw. Let's take for instance adultery. The more we allow ourselves to get into a risky situation, we are in danger of falling to the temptation. Jesus said: 'You have heard that it was said to those of old, "You shall not commit adultery." 28 'But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman (or man) to lust for her (him), has already committed adultery with her (him) in his heart.'  (Matthew 5:27-28 Bracketed additions mine)
Eve found this irresistible and so will you if you allow yourself to get into this position. Like Eve, you will look and keep looking, finding it very pleasant and will easily be flattered by the attention and the risk it poses. In fact, you will be hooked - caught in the net and, for today's man or woman, this could be the internet, where lustful material can easily be found feeding the desire within and then having a realistic offer, may be very difficult to turn down.
Eve just had to take the fruit, she had to have it, no matter what. No one would know anyway. Don't take the risk; you could end up losing everything. Daily in the media we hear about famous people who have fallen to the temptation and lost their lucrative lifestyle because of it, and their family. It is not worth it. No sin is, it comes with a pretty hefty price; one in which you will regret for the rest of your life.
Don't live with the words in your mind, 'If only I hadn't done this'.

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
Lord Jesus, I have sinned   
I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me,

Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers

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Don't be foolish - be prepared!

“At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins  who took their lamps  and went out to meet the groom.   2 but  Five of them we...