Monday, 31 December 2018


31 December 2018

It's not long now before people all over the world will be standing around a clock counting the seconds down to the commencement of a New Year. Some people view this time of year with excitement - it's the beginning of a new era, we have a new start. All over the place, people will be making New Year's Resolutions about this and that. At the time, I believe that we really mean them, sadly though, many come to nothing and the humdrum of the world re-commences with the alarm clock ringing, alerting us to the fact that it is time to get up and get back to work or school, wherever.
With the winter time dark nights and mornings it is so easy for many people to become depressed. Doctor's put this down to Seasonal Depression and many people are affected. Many times we have put our hopes and dreams into something only to be let down when we don't receive what we have been waiting for. Some of us are lonely and never really seem to get the breaks in life that others do. At times like this, it's so easy to feel like giving up. But that comes down to choice. Choice of whether to throw the towel in and give up totally, or to readdress our thoughts and make the decision that there is life out there and all we have to do is reach out to it.
You may be thinking, 'Oh yea, it's ok for him to say this. He doesn't know how hard it is. I have nothing.' Believe me, I have been at rock bottom in my life, with no where to turn and I realise how difficult things can be. However, I found that there is someone who loves me unconditionally. Someone who puts up with my mistakes and bad habits, my moaning and groaning, judging and pointing the finger at others. His name is Jesus. I'm far from perfect but He's perfect for me. He gives me the reason to face each day.
As the countdown for the New Year begins, why not do something different this year. Why not ask Jesus to be your friend. It may be the best decision you've ever made. In Revelation 3:20, Jesus says, 'Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him and he with Me.' 
Basically, this is Jesus knocking on the door of your heart. He won't force His way in - He's a gentleman. He just waits for your invitation. Listen-- He's knocking now!

Lord Jesus, please be my friend
Come into my heart and forgive my sins,
I've messed up Lord but trust that You can help me
Please fill me with Your Spirit
And be my way forward


Sunday, 30 December 2018

A Dreamer

30 December 2018

A Dreamer

If we read the book of Genesis, we come across a young man called Joseph. (Chapters 37 - 50).
Joseph as a young man, was sold by his brothers to travellers who sold him on in Egypt. Joseph had become a pain to them because he was his father, Jacob's favourite and could do nothing wrong. He was also telling them of the dreams he was having, with him having power over them. He had to go.

Joseph eventually started work in Egypt, working in Potiphar's house, who was an officer of Pharaoh.
Joseph was a faithful worker and very soon found favour in Potiphar's eyes. However, through false accusation of attempted rape by Potiphar's wife, he was placed in prison.
Again, through faithfulness and diligence, Joseph found favour in the the eyes of the head jailer and he was given charge of the place.

After a time, two other prisoner's, the chief baker and the chief butler, who had recently offended Pharaoh and found themselves in prison, came to Joseph with their dreams, asking if he could interpret them. He did and showed them the meaning of their dreams. The chief butler would be restored to his position. However, the chief baker would be executed. Just before their release, Joseph asked the chief butler to make mention of him to Pharaoh and say how Joseph had looked after him and treated him well and try to get him released. However, he forgot and it was a further two years before he remembered Joseph.

Pharaoh had had a dream and no one could interpret this. All of a sudden the memory of Joseph returned to the chief butler and Joseph was sent for. He interpreted the dream and very soon found himself the Prime Minister of Egypt.

What I want you to see here is that Joseph had been waiting all this time for the chief butler to make mention of him to Pharaoh. It had been over two years but Joseph didn't give up. He didn't give up his dream of being released from prison. You see, when you give up your dream, you die.

Saturday, 29 December 2018

A Brand New Start

29 December 2018

A Brand New Start
I have  heard these words spoken many times over the years, sometimes by myself. It seems to be a built in thing for us humans, that when we fail or are losing at something, rather like sport, we want to start again. Sometimes that is possible. Great inventors over the years have failed many times in their endeavours to bring something new into the world and on their last attempt, before they give up entirely, they have been successful.
However, many times people may be going through situations where things have  gone so wrong that there is no way that it can be resolved. This may be a broken marriage where one partner has cheated upon the other one. The clock cannot be turned back. We've all regretted doing or saying things that cannot be reversed. Once we've said it, it is too late.

Jesus is the only one that can give us a brand new start. He will forgive our wrongdoings, yet He doesn't come along and wave His hand over us and all is well. He expects us to face up to our responsibilities, but will, if we allow Him, find the way through for us.

In John 8:1 - 11, we read about a lady who had been caught in the act of adultery. The Mosaic Law commanded she should be stoned and Jesus, who was faced with this problem, was tested about it by the scribes and Pharisees. They expected Him to agree with this. Otherwise they could accuse Him of breaking this law.
Jesus knew what He was up against and spoke the ideal answer to them. "He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first."
This cleared the place and Jesus was left alone with the lady. Jesus told her that no one had condemned her and neither did He. He said to her, "Go and sin no more."

This lady was elated. She would have heard about Jesus and all He was doing. And now this day she had been set free and given a brand new start. Yes, she would remember what she had done, but Jesus wouldn't. He had said to sin no more and that was her lifeline. That was what He expected.

There are so many things we wish we could change and often, we may try to do this with New Year's Resolutions, but to only fail, hours later. Jesus changes lives. He can change yours and give you that brand new start you are seeking. Why not start the New Year with Him!

"Lord Jesus, come into my life and forgive my sins.
I offer my life to You.
Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit
And be my Lord, Saviour and friend.

If you do this, please let me know bu giving some feedback below. Bless you.

Friday, 28 December 2018

Keep right on to the end of the road

28 December 2018

Keep Right on to the end of the road

Every road through life is a long, long road,
Filled with joys and sorrows too,
As you journey on how your heart will yearn
For the things most dear to you.
With wealth and love 'tis so,
But onward we must go.

Keep right on to the end of the road,
Keep right on to the end,
If the way be long, let your heart be strong,
Keep right on round the bend.
If you're tired and weary still journey on,
Till you come to your happy abode,
Where all you love that you're dreaming of
Will be there at the end of the road.

As the New Year approaches, I'm reminded of this old song that in my family,  always used to be sung around New Year's Eve. It was a song recorded by the infamous Scot, Sir Harry Lauder in 1926. I remember it so well as a child.
The words of the song could be taken as Christian. However I'm not sure they were intended to be. They remind of words the Apostle Paul used in Philippians Chapter 3:12 - 16.

'Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended ; but one thing I do, forgetting these things which are behind, and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.' v 13 - 14

Sometimes when things push us to the brink and there does not appear to be a way forward, it would be so easy to throw the towel in, give up and walk away. But come on we are Children of the King of Kings. If He says we can do this, then we can do this. We've come too far to pack it all in. Your goal may be just around the corner. You haven't struggled this long to falter.
Dust your bible down, get a coffee and spend some time with Jesus. Press on.

Thursday, 27 December 2018

The Winning Formula

27 December 2018

In this world today, there are many formulas that people use to work out various ways of doing things. Many of them are very effective. However, I feel that God had a better formula, in fact - the best.
Let's take a look in Luke at a good example of the formula that God has given us;

In Luke 1:26 - 38 we read about the angel Gabriel's visitation to the virgin, Mary where he greeted her with the words:

'Rejoice' highly favoured one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women.'

When she saw and heard the angel, she was troubled and a little scared - wouldn't you be? The angel went on to tell her that she had found favour with God. He then went on to explain that she would give birth to a child who would be great and would be called Son of the Highest and he would reign over the house of Jacob forever and there would be no end to His Kingdom.
Pretty powerful stuff.
Mary was perplexed and wanted to know how this could happen because she had not known a man. Gabriel explained that the Power of the Holy Spirit would come upon her by way of incarnation and she would have the child - the Holy One.
Gabriel told her that with God, nothing is impossible. Mary replied with:

'Let it be to me according to your word.' v38

The formula had taken place.
Firstly in verse 34 Mary had asked, 'How can this happen. ?' Therefore, she was enquiring how on earth could this happen? We may well have asked God similar things ourselves on numerous occasions.
Secondly, in verse 37, the angel Gabriel answered her that it would happen by faith - God's faith, not her's.
Thirdly, in verse 38, there was agreement. Mary said, 'Let it be to me according to your word.'

How? Asking God for help, assistance and guidance can often leave us with this question. It is seeking and He loves us to do that.
Faith  Many many times, faith has to be in the equation somewhere. In this case it was God, Mary had none. However, God will give us the faith we need to carry His plan forward, which was what happened to Mary.
Agreement When we've asked God for something or He has promised us a certain thing, we need faith to bring it about. God gave enough faith to Mary to help her to say, 'Ok, let it be'.
And that is how God's winning formula begins.

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Monday, 24 December 2018

You need to rest

24 December 2018

Mark 11:31

'And He (Jesus) said to them, "Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.: For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.'

Life was busy for Jesus and His disciples. People were desperate to see Him; be healed by Him and generally witness the miracles He was performing. The disciples had been out and about telling people of Jesus and working among the five thousand that had been miraculously fed. They were shattered. Jesus could see this and encouraged them to take some respite.
Hurrying all over the place and doing this, that and the other wears us out, causes us stress and can cause anger as we try to meet all the goals and expectations of ourselves and others. It's not good for us and we need to take time out, even if it's just stopping for a coffee or chat. You may say that you have no time for this, especially at this time of year but you really need to find time. Wearing yourself out can lead to long term illness, arguments and strains on family and friends that really shouldn't be there.
This Christmas, enjoy yourself but make sure that you rest too. You know it makes sense! If Jesus said to rest, you need to heed His Word.

Sunday, 23 December 2018

Submission and Living a carefree life

23 December 2018

'Therefore humble yourself under the mighty hand of God that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him for He cares for you.'        1 Peter 5:6 - 7 NKJV

The Message version says this:
'So be content with or you are and don't put on airs. God's stronghold is on you; He'll promote you at the right time. Live carefree before God; He is most careful with you.'

God wants us to submit to Him, dying to self and living for Him. Living a content and worry-free life is how we should be, especially in the stress filled life that many of us have. Budgets and targets to meet. Dashing from here to there to get the results that we are expected to get. And if we don't perform well, we're out. You only have to look at the world of football managers. One minute they're the bees knees, the next after a string of bad matches, they're sacked. Stress and more stress.
Sometimes we want God to give us all we have asked Him for, NOW! We find it difficult to wait - to be tolerant. God intends us to live carefree lives, free from all the cares of the world. This is why He asks us to cast all of our care upon Him, because He can handle it and knows the answer to many of the things we are fretting about on a daily basis.
Why are you worrying abut something you cannot change? Why are you fretting and driving yourself and others in your family, round the bend? Worry is a killer. It can bring on illness, possibly heart attacks. Jesus says, 'submit and give it all to Me.' He can change it - you can't, or you would have done it by now. Don't you agree?

Saturday, 22 December 2018

The true meaning of Christmas

22 December 2018

In Matthew Chapter 1 & 2 we read the account of Jesus' birth, something that has changed the world. Reading through the two chapters we notice, not only the shock that Mary and Joseph must have felt about the birth, after all, they had not had a sexual relationship, this was the work of God - the Virgin Birth. And also trying to find accommodation and eventually having to settle for a stable. This must have been a cold, smelly place with mice, rats and spiders all over the place. Put this together with wise men visiting the child and shepherds from all over the place too. All in all, it must have been a real testing time for them both. Overwhelming.
However, this was the way God had planned it. God in human form - as a child, who would grow into a man and spread the love of God wherever He went. Healings would take place and other misty miracles, all from this child who lay in a manager, in the stable in Bethlehem. Jesus the Son of God was among us.

Today, many of us celebrate Christmas as the birth of Christ - His birthday to many people. He is still changing lives today. Sometimes we have to wait for Him to move in our lives and it can be frustrating. However, don't forget that Jesus had to wait 30 years before He began His ministry. Until that time, He was a carpenter.

Probably you're waiting for Him to move in a particular part of your life. Don't give up, it will happen. If God says it will, then it will. But Christmas isn't just about gifts and lots of food, even though this is nice. It is about Jesus and what He wants to do in your life, if you'll let Him. If you don't know Jesus as Your Lord, you can ask Him to come into your heart and receive the greatest gift you've ever had.
All you have to say is, 'Jesus, please come into my life. Forgive my sins, fill me with Your Spirit and be my Lord and Saviour.' If you say this, He will respond to you.

For others, maybe things have not gone well this year. But He can change all of that. just ask Him now to help. He's waiting for you. He wants you to have the best Christmas ever. Don't you?

Friday, 21 December 2018

Call on Jesus

21 December 2018

In Mark 6:45 - 52, we read the account of Jesus walking on the water. Jesus had sent his disciples on a boat trip to Bethsaida, on the other side of the Sea of Galilee. During their trip, the wind and the waves had become extremely dangerous and they were at risk of capsizing.
Shortly after His prayer time, Jesus looked out and saw them struggling. Therefore, He walked out to meet them.
In verse 48 the text tells us that Jesus was going to walk past them. When the disciples saw this happening, they shouted out to Him earnestly. They were scared as they thought He was a ghost. Let's face it, it's not often we see someone walking on water. However, they were so scared that they called out to Him. Immediately, Jesus was beside them and calmed the see, 'Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.'
Why did Jesus pretend to walk past them? I believe that He wanted to get a response from them. He wanted them to call out to Him. Why? Because:

"For whoever calls on the Name of the Lord shall be saved."  Romans 10:13

That is the requirement. Perhaps you may be going through difficult times. Whether or not you know Jesus as your Saviour or not, He is there, waiting for you to call to Him. Remember my testimony the other day. He asked me to call upon Him, 'Say a prayer and I'll heal you.' When I did, He did.

If you don't know Jesus, He's waiting to introduce Himself to you. All you have to do is call on Him and ask Him into your life. He'll do the rest and it'll be the best decision you've ever made. If you are a believer and you're going through problems, this is not the time to throw the towel in and walk away. Call on Him- 'JESUS," and He'll be there for you.

Thursday, 20 December 2018

Believe and be Expectant

'Then Peter said, "silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have, I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk". And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.'   Acts 3 6 - 7 NKJV

This man had been lame from birth and daily he had to be carried to the temple gate where he would beg. I want you to see two things here:

(1)  In verse 4 - 5 Peter told the man who was trying to beg from them, to, "Look at us." Therefore the lame man gave Peter and John his full attention expecting to receive something from them.
This is the way Jesus wants us to be with Him. Expectant, believing we will receive something from Him. If we don't believe this, we'll receive very little.

(2)  The lame man received far more than he could ever had expected - mobility. After all the years lame, he could now walk and get around without having to depend on others. He received dignity too. He was special and he felt it. This is why he went leaping and praising God. Jesus of Nazareth had done for him, far more than anyone else had.

And He can for you too. Perhaps you may not be lame. However, you may be crushed and feel so alone and hurt. Life may have treated you pretty badly. Jesus can change that. All you have to do is believe and be expectant. Believe that Jesus can make you leap up and shout out with joy.

Whether you're a Christian or not, why not say this prayer with me:

'Lord Jesus, I come to You and ask you to live in my life,
Please forgive my sins and fill me with Your Holy Spirit.
I turn to You now. Amen'.

Now find a bible and join a church where you will be loved and looked after.

Wednesday, 19 December 2018

My testimony


My name is Grahame and I live in Dorset in the UK. I've been a Christian now for 38 years and my testimony was one of healing.
Back in 1980 I was a successful Regional Sales Manager for a national country when all of a sudden, the company was sold to our American competitors. They offered some of us jobs but not at management level. As I had worked hard to gain the promotions I had, I decided to take redundancy, which really was a joke because they only paid me a month's salary.

I felt that I would soon find alternative employment as I was well qualified. However, 3 months later I was still without a job and to add to this misery, I became ill.I thought I had had a stroke at first because my mouth was slanted to one side; my eye remained open, unable to close and I couldn't speak properly without slurring my word.
After a trip to see my GP, I was informed that I had Bell's Palsy, paralysis to the face. I had to have electrolysis daily on my face at the local hospital and see a physiotherapist. I was also placed on a heavy dose of steroids. All of this failed and after a further 3 months, my GP felt that there was nothing else they could do to improve the problem.

I was still sick and there seemed no solution to this. I couldn't even go for any interviews as I looked quite scary and couldn't string words together properly. I couldn't drink without it spilling all down my front and to eat was a nightmare as only one side of my mouth worked properly.

I became depressed and couldn't see the point in anything. I had a lovely, supportive wife and three children but I couldn't really provide them with a good income anymore.

Shortly after this, I heard a voice in my head - not audible. The voice told me to, 'Say a prayer and I'll heal you.' I hadn't a clue who it was. I thought that it could be God but I'd never really bothered with Him, only throwing up prayers when I was in trouble. I was at a loss.

The voice kept telling me over and over to 'Say a prayer and I'll heal you.' When I went to bed that night, I whispered to whoever it may be, 'Ok, if you're there, heal me.' I then went to sleep.

The next day I woke up and I felt different - almost joyful. I could also whistle. When I went into the bathroom and saw myself in the mirror, I was shocked to see that my face was returning to its normal shape. When I turned up at the hospital later that morning, I was told that I need not come again as somehow my face had become normal. My GP asked me what had happened. I just said to him that it must have been some kind of miracle. I hadn't the nerve at this stage to tell him that I'd been hearing voices in case he sectioned me.

Over the course of the next few days, I learned about Jesus from a Christian in the village where we lived and was convinced it was Jesus who had healed me. I asked Him into my heart as my Lord and Saviour and I've never looked back.

The road as not been easy at times. I've made mistakes; been messed up by so called Christian people but I've survived, thanks to the Lord.

My aim in writing this blog is to offer teaching from the wealth of experience that He has taught me. I hope you'll stick with me and offer your prayers and support

Grahame Howard
Retired Elim Pentecostal Pastor
Social worker and Bereavement Counselor

The Appearance of the Son of Man

"Like the appearance of a rainbow in a cloud on a rainy day, so  was  the appearance of the brightness all around it. This  was  the ap...