Thursday, 26 March 2020

Remember your past victories

"But David strengthened himself in the LORD his God."  verse 6
                                                                                         1 Samuel 30.  NKJV

At times we need encouragement and support; an arm around our shoulder with the words, 'Don't worry, it'll be ok.' However, this is not always possible, especially if you're on your own or the people you're with are not sensitive to your concerns.
These are the times that we need to seek that encouragement and strength from Our Father.

David's men were about to stone him. They were so grieved and bitter that while they were away from home, the Amalekites had attacked and taken their wives and children and burned down their village. 

David had no one to turn to. He too was grieving because his family had also been taken, but as always happens, if you're the leader, you always get the blame; and this was no different. His very life was at stake.

But David was a warrior; he was a mature and wise man and he knew what to do. He remembered the times that he had been in problems before and how God had been there to carry him through to victory. Therefore, he did what many of us forget to do - he called on God, and God gave them the victory, delivering their families back to them. (Read 1 Samuel 30)

David followed a pattern; he didn't panic even though he was distressed himself.

HE REMEMBERED how God had been good and faithful to him in the past and became encouraged in this. He knew that God could be relied on and would never let him down. He won't you either.
HE PRAYED and enquired of God, asking Him how to go about the predicament that he found himself in. Remember, all those who call on the Name of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10:13).
HE PURSUED what God had told him to and received the victory. It is when we seek God's advice and obey His commands, that we receive the answer to the problem.

If you are facing a dilemma today, put this pattern into action. Do as David did and you will receive the victory.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

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