Monday, 30 March 2020

The devil doesn't like you

"The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy."
                                                                          John 10:10a.  NKJV

The devil is the source of destruction in our world today. He steals, he kills and he destroys. Open your eyes and see what is happening in the world today, sickness and death like we haven't had since WW2. Who is to blame? God? Never; the true culprit behind all of the Coronavirus is satan himself. He is the author of all of this death and misery and the world needs to recognise this quickly and put a stop to it, in the Name of Jesus!

The devil comes to:
He steals our wealth, with businesses folding, bankruptcies and loss of jobs. He steals our health, not counting this current virus, look at the many cancers, cystic fibrosis, MS, ME, Polio, depression and many, many more terrible illness. He will steal our marriages with people committing adultery and abuse. Then there is our happiness and our joy, homes shattered by death, separation, eviction etc. etc. He is a thief.
He is out to kill us. He hates us, especially if you belong to Jesus; and he'll do whatever it takes to disable you in your walk with God and if he can bring sickness or a fatal accident on you or your family, he will relish in it.
In fact, he is the destroyer. He will destroy your life, your reputation and your walk with God if you let him. How can you stop him? IN THE NAME OF JESUS! Get your bible out; quote relevant scripture, pray, pray and pray more. Put on the armour of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). Learn Psalm 91 and personalise it for you and your family. Stand up and fight. You're a winner in Jesus.

The devil knows how to push the buttons that will hurt or wind you up. Be alert. You're in a battle. Perhaps the biggest battle you have been through in your life. People are dying all around you. Firstly heed the guidelines that the government are giving you and then put this alongside the words of Jesus' government - Heaven. 

As a Christian, you can make such a difference in this world at the moment. Spread some love and encouragement about. Ring someone, FaceTime, Message or Skype them. Let someone know that you care. We have to look after ourselves, yes. But it is not a time to be selfish. Think of others too.

Be Jesus to them and realise, that we will win this battle - together. People need to know Jesus. They need Him like never before. If you don't tell them, they may be lost!

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

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