Saturday, 27 June 2020

Don't make assumptions

"Don't be in a hurry to go to court. For what will you do in the end if your neighbour deals you a shameful defeat."

                                                                                                          Proverbs 25:8.  NLT

It is so easy to make assumptions about something or someone. We can believe that we are certain about something even though we have no proof whatsoever. When we go down this road, we are heading for big problems, a lot of pain, embarrassment and loss of integrity.

In the above example, Solomon speaks about the folly of someone taking another person to court about something; spending a fortune on legal fees and then losing the case. He points out that if you lose, you may be put to shame. However, whatever happens, it will be costly - financially and socially. This can be linked to believing something that isn't true. It may appear so and the devil may pour seeds of doubt and suspicion on it all. But if you're wrong, you will end up with egg on your face and with hostility from the people or person involved that you made assumptions about. You will then end up the loser.

Assumption can be akin to suspicion. It can be anything but becomes something as we focus on it more and more. In fact, it can totally take over our lives leaving us unable to focus or concentrate on anything else. This is the time we need to stop and analyse the suspicion. We can be so suspicious that with every breath we take, we begin assuming that what we are suspicious of, is the truth. If we don't take action at this stage it may lead to disaster. 

Without proof, there really is nothing we can do to address the situation sensibly. We must cease from following the lies of the devil because all he will do is make matters worse. That's what he's like. Instead, what we need to do is:

'Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you'.  1 Peter 5:7   NLT
'Give your burdens to the Lord, and He will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall'   Psalm 55:22.  NLT

It's always sensible to start with God, because He can be relied on and knows all things. He can save many a heartache.

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