Saturday, 27 June 2020


“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed."

                                                                                                          Psalm 34:18.  NLT

Broken hearts are usually created by the loss of a loved one, either by death or a broken relationship. Of course, there are other areas that can cause this, such as, being ripped off by a trusted friend and losing a large sum of finance, or perhaps, finding out that someone you thought was a close friend, turned out not to be. Whatever caused the pain and hurt, can lead to a deep darkness that is hard to negotiate. It can feel like the bottom of your world has been removed and you are sinking into oblivion. However, don't avoid God at such times as this. It wasn't Him that did this to you. 

At times like this, a person can feel down and useless to everyone, especially God. But God knows that this is a time when you really need Him the most and He wants to hold you tightly and bring you comfort. He is always there to offer strength to the person who seeks Him. Though you may feel defeated at this time, He is closer than you realise. He is always with you and longs to heal your heart.
Take a look at some tips that may help to heal your broken heart:

Face up to the situation
You have to grieve to be able to move on, therefore, face it. If you deny the hurt and the pain and everything that goes with it, it will catch you up later on. So don't deny it - face it.
Let go of the hurt
Let go because there is life out there and it is calling you. It may seem like life has stopped for you at the moment, but outside, it is still moving on, so join it. To do this you need to detach yourself from the hurt. I must stress that this detachment is from the pain, not the person. If someone has died, the last thing you want to do is to forget them. It is the hurt that does the damage - not eating or sleeping properly and neglecting your self. Let go of that.
Testing time - check out your strengths
As you're searching for a way through the pain, try out new things. There could be hobby that you have thought about doing but not got round to it yet. It could also mean, visiting new places - a new adventure or chapter in your life.
Internalising the situation
Acceptance is the only way forward. There is nothing you can do to change the situation. Searching for reasons why this had to happen will lead to nowhere. It has and there is really only one way to go, and that is forward.
There will always be regret and the feeling that you wish you had done things differently. However, freedom from pain and regret is what you need and I know a man that can give you just that - His name is Jesus!


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