Sunday, 28 June 2020

Walking by sight or faith?

"For we walk by faith, not by sight."                                         2 Corinthians 5:7.  NKJV

A basic example of walking by faith is, getting up out of your chair and walking to a light switch to flick the light on. Two things happen here, (1) Your mind leads you to want to see more clearly as it is getting dark in the room. To do this, you have to get up and walk. (2) You flick the switch on and you have light. You may feel that is natural but really it is taking for granted that you can walk and that you can see more clearly when you put the light on. Yes, I agree it's taking things for granted that when we do this, it will happen, but it happens because you've accepted it. Imagine living like this all the time as Paul suggests here, 'For we walk by faith, not by sight'. If we would only do this, mighty and wonderful things would be possible in our lives. Expectancy is the key!

Many people walk by sight because they want to see what happens first. It's rather like the chap who told God that he was going to live by faith from now on. However, could God give him a lot of money, just in case things went wrong. You may laugh, but that is not faith. If the priests had not stood in the River Jordan as God had directed, the water would not have separated. They would have stood there forever. (Joshua 3:13).

Jacob walked by sight. He made a vow to God: 

'If God will be with me and keep me in the way that I am going, and give me bread to eat and clothing to put on, (21) so that I come back to my father's house in peace, then the LORD shall be my God.'  Genesis 28:20-21)

If Jacob could walk by sight, at times, then we will also. It's an in-built thing in our lives. We tend to want to see the future before we take a risk. It's rather like not buying a house because you're scared that if you lose your job you will lose the house also, because you won't be able to afford the mortgage.

We need to lose the fear-mentality and trust God more. Remember, if He said it, He will do it. He doesn't lie, and He won't let you down either. As scary as it can be, this is how God wants us to live. When you think of it, it's putting God in the driving seat. He wants you to trust Him.
Are you ready to do it?

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